September 16, 2019
 In Articles

Racism and Xenophobia are two disturbing issues that can be seen in different facets of society all over the world. Xenophobia, being the prejudice against foreign people and ideas, often goes hand in hand with racism. All throughout history these forms of discrimination can be seen in heirarchical systems, where people are put into different classes or ranks. These issues are not new, but now they are possibly more prevalent than they have ever been. The “Refugee Crisis” of 2015, the debate that considers a wall being built in the U.S., and the “Travel Ban” that has been focused on countries that are mainly muslim, are all examples of racially motivated discrimination that exist today. These ideas are purely reflective of a hierarchical social system, which often leads to violence and has led to mass genocide in the past..


Kuwait bases its constitution and many moral standings on Sharia law, which presents the ideals of the Islamic teachings of the Quran. In the Kuwaiti constitution, it is stated that, “All people are equal in human dignity and in public rights and duties before the law, without distinction as to race, origin, language or religion” (Article 29). Kuwait does not stand for racism or xenophobia, and has recently been working to eliminate these extremely harmful and discriminatory acts from the country. More specifically, Kuwait was a very early supporter of Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Kuwait is a country of peace, who’s ultimate goal is reaching global peace and equality. Since Kuwait is oil-rich, it has a lot of potential for government funding, to help work towards these ultimate goals. Considering Kuwait’s demand for equality, and it’s potential for large funds, a big solution is plausible for the future.


There are many solutions to be proposed for the topic of combating racism and xenophobia. First, the systematic issues that undoubtedly represent a hierarchical system, must be addressed. At the root of these problems is an ancient system with quickly aging ideas. People will not treat others with more respect, or equality, unless the system they stand on is altered. Government also plays a very large role in these issues, so creating laws that require all people being treated equally, despite being a different race, or coming from a different country. If more countries are open to accepting refugees, with no intent of changing the ways of those people, there wouldn’t be as many refugees looking for homes as they are now, all over the world. It may take time but with recognizing the problem, and addressing the issue, solutions can be set in place to conquer racism and xenophobia.

  • Layah Fedrizzi