September 16, 2019
 In mud2


SUBMITTED TO: Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee 

FROM: Republic of Rwanda

SUBJECT: Human Trafficking


Human trafficking is a significant issue faced by the continent of Africa. According to the Africa Center for Strategic Studies, traffickers primarily target vulnerable people rather than those with favorable physical attributes, such as economic migrants and forcibly displaced persons. With armed conflict occurring is 12 African countries, more than 25 million people have been displaced, making human trafficking an easier task. In Rwanda alone, according to Rwanda Investigation Bureau Secretary General Col. Jeannot Ruhunga, “‘for the last five years, over 189 cases of Human Trafficking and people smuggling involving 378 victims were recorded,’” (180 Rwandans Trafficked In 5 Years – KT Press)

With armed conflict being an issue that causes more human trafficking, is there a way to inadvertently tackle the problem of human trafficking through finding solutions relating to the armed conflicts in Africa? This doesn’t mean ending these conflicts, as that is not the place of the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee. Nevertheless, keeping the causes of human trafficking in mind when finding preventions will be important in making an effective resolution. What other unconventional causes to human trafficking can be utilized in the mission of prevention?

Rwanda has begun to address this issue more than ever before. On September 24, 2018, Rwanda passed its first ever law criminalizing human trafficking, in which focuses on, “‘prevention, suppression and punishment of trafficking in persons and exploitation of others’”  (IOM Commends Rwanda for its First-ever Law Criminalizing Trafficking in Persons – Medium). With progress being made, there is hope that there will be an end to human trafficking, and that victims will be reassured and criminals served justice.


A resolution that focuses on the causes of human trafficking as well as the effects will be essential. Human trafficking will be so much more than merely the act. To defeat human trafficking, we as a committee must acknowledge recovery of victims, bringing criminals to justice, addressing the sources, and many more factors and effects. Our resolution must treat human trafficking as the complex issue that it is, not just instigate legislation that outlaw the act. By recognizing that problem does not have one set solution, we can ensure that the committee will move forward to end human trafficking.

  • Zoe Rosario