September 16, 2019
 In mud2

Submitted to: Social Humanitarian & Cultural Committee

Topic: Human Trafficking

Country: Republic of Estonia

Delegate: Rebecca Dooley

School: Forest Hills Central High School


The Republic of Estonia does not find itself faced with major concerns regarding human trafficking in any of its forms, but this has not stopped us from taking action against the crime. Laws like the Victim Support Act make it easier for victims of human trafficking to get aid and access services without first having to participate in criminal proceedings. Laws like this offer aid to every victim of human trafficking while still incentivizing cooperation with law enforcement. Every victim is eligible to receive aid for up to sixty days, while those who continue on with criminal proceedings are eligible for those services indefinitely. Additionally, foreign victims are granted temporary residence permits and access to education and housing, making it easier for them to receive the counsel they need. Estonia also encourages the active participation of non-governmental organizations in providing aid by setting up hotlines and providing information on the rights of the victims of human trafficking.


Estonia recognizes that the most effective way to combat crimes related to human trafficking is to offer extensive protections to at-risk groups and to make it easier to prosecute the perpetrators of those crimes. This means investigators and prosecutors specially trained in applying penal codes related to human trafficking and making it easier for victims to testify while remaining anonymous. In regards to forced labor, minimizing the risk of trafficking means increasing protections for non-resident workers, minorities, and people who have jobs in sectors such as agriculture. Regarding sexual slavery and sex trafficking, the solution must mean increased protection for women, children, and most importantly, sex workers. Globally, there must be an increased level of cooperation between nations when it comes to dismantling intricate, international trafficking rings. This cooperation includes a willingness to share evidence and a commitment to protecting all groups of people. Vital to any solution to the problem of human trafficking will be a willingness to analyze the underlying causes of it and a willingness to eliminate them.


  • Rebecca Dooley