September 16, 2019
 In Articles

The trade of illicit arms has been a worldwide menace for years. The United Nations has done its part to prevent this threat, such as creating the Disarmament and International Security Committee and issuing the ATT (Arms Trade Treaty). Despite these efforts, the illicit arms trade has been on the rise all over the world. Countries that have felt the most catastrophic effects of this issue include those with a terrorist groups such as West Africa and the Sahel; however, weapons distributed through this trade are feeding terrorist movements on a global scale. It is evident that the effects of this affair have been felt on a worldwide scale, thus presenting the illicit arms trade as a prominent topic to be discussed by the united nations.


The Arms Trade Treaty is a multilateral treaty of which goal is to reduce and regulate the international trade of weapons who’s damage comes from kinetic, incendiary or explosive energy. Armament used in crime, conflict and war is categorized as these conventional weapons. This treaty was created to promote international and regional peace, reduce human suffering, transparency, co-operation and responsible action; however, it has not been entirely successful. The illicit trade of arms is an ongoing conflict regardless of the efforts of this treaty due to the fact that it does not place restrictions on the types or quantities of arms bought, sold, or possessed by states, nor does it impact domestic gun control laws or firearm ownership policies. This issue is difficult to address without stripping the owners of arms of their rights, as there are so many factors to be considered in this controversial topic.


In Peru, most of the illicit trade of arms occurs due to criminals stealing weapons from private owners and security forces. This highlights a major regional phenomenon that is often facilitated by corrupt officials. Many weapons are also acquired through the black market or were stolen from legitimate owners. Authorities reported that 1,767 firearms were declared lost or stolen in 2013 alone. According to author Mimi Yagoub, “Former Interior Minister Remigio Hernani told the newspaper the majority of the weapons stolen by criminals had been legally imported, sold and licensed, and that common targets for theft were private owners, gun shops and caches maintained by the National Police (PNP) and army.” Peru looks forward to seeing significantly stricter regulations on arms and a greater impact on not only the country itself, but in the world’s arms policies in a resolution. Peru plans on working with other countries to move toward more safe and transparent gun laws to protect its citizens.

Works Cited

Kimball, Daryl G. “Fact Sheets & Briefs.” The Arms Trade Treaty At a Glance | Arms Control Association, Aug. 2017,

“UNLIREC and Peru Intensify Collaboration in Arms Control through Stockpile Management Training – UNODA.” United Nations, United Nations,

“UNLIREC and Peru Intensify Collaboration in Arms Control through Stockpile Management Training – UNODA.” United Nations, United Nations,

“The World Factbook: Peru.” Central Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, 1 Feb. 2018,

  • Madeline Tietema