September 16, 2019
 In mud2

Country: Qatar

Committee: SOCHUM

Topic: Human Trafficking 

Delegate: David Cornier-Bridgeforth

School: The Roeper School


My fellow delegates and honorable chair,

Human traffickers make billions of dollars every year, by ensnaring millions of people in nightmarish situations around the world. These human traffickers use violence, threats, deception, debt bondage, and other manipulative tactics to force people to engage in prostitution or forced labor. The International Labor Organization estimates that there are 40.3 million victims of human trafficking globally, 81% of them are trapped in forced labor, 25% of them are children, and 75% are women and girls. It is estimated that forced labor and human trafficking is a $150 billion industry worldwide. 


In the 2007 UN Report of the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, it was reported that Qatar has improved its legal response to human trafficking and has improved the care for the victims involved.  Qatar supports human rights and has been working to uphold these innate rights inside its borders.  Under the Qatar National Vision 2030, the rule of law is at the core of the social contract between the State and individuals under its jurisdiction. Qatar believes that all individuals, institutions and entities, including the State itself, are accountable under the legislation in force, which is applicable to all without distinction and subject to an independent judiciary.


To solve this pressing issue, this council should emphasize three things: prevention, combating current human trafficking, and treatment for victims involved in human trafficking. As a means for prevention, Qatar has already spread awareness for its people, to protect themselves and avoid certain situations, to prevent their risk of being human trafficked. By creating commercials and displaying them by all means of media, Qatar has lowered its human trafficking incidents considerably.


To combat existing organizations that human traffic, it is imperative that a nation’s police and legal system are up to the task. This committee needs to support developing nation’s legal systems for them to effectively combat this issue.


The experience of being human trafficked is extremely demeaning and traumatic. Because of this Qatar has created clinics for victims of human trafficking to help them heal physically, emotionally and mentally. While combating human trafficking, the victims cannot be forgotten.


At the international level, Qatar believes that international law and the rule of international law are a source of stability, security and safety for the international community; no world Power or organization can achieve peace and security without adhering to the provisions and principles of international law and the rule of law.



  • David Cornier-Bridgeforth