September 16, 2019
 In mud2

Committee: SOCHUM

Country: Colombia

Topic: Human Trafficking

Delegate: Krish Saxena

School: Troy Athens High School

The extreme importance of human trafficking is currently at an all-time high, with cases

of forced prostitution and forced labor plaguing nations across the globe. Human trafficking is

defined as the practice of illegally transporting people from one country or area to another,

typically for the purposes of forced labor or sexual exploitation. In modern days, human

trafficking is dealt with differently across the globe, but one notion remains constant: human

trafficking must be stopped, and it must be stopped soon. Human traffickers worldwide are

utilizing people for commercial prostitution, illegal labor, and countless other derogatory

purposes. Human trafficking is simply modernized slavery, and if slavery was abolished

centuries ago, it should be abolished today as well.

Colombia, in particular, struggles with a high rate of female and child prostitution. Being

a popular destination and transit country, Colombia often sees women and children transported to

other areas for the use of prostitution in “sex tourism destinations.” In densely populated cities

such as Cartagena and Barranquilla, Colombian women and children are sent to essentially play

the role of a sex slave. Men are also trafficked for the purpose of forced labor, but less often.

Nonetheless, forced labor is still a pressing issue. Both of these victims are often of poor

socioeconomic status and live in rural areas. The Colombian government, however, has begun to

take an alarmed stance upon the issue of human trafficking in all forms. In recent years,

Colombia has opened discussion regarding human trafficking with many surrounding countries,

such as the United States, Argentina, Mexico, Nicaragua among others. This communication was

for the purpose of locating traffickers who may be moving from state to state. The number of

traffickers convicted and/or located has increased by more than 50% (250 in 2018 compared to

150 in 2008). The imprisonment rate is anywhere from 7 to 27 years in jail, depending on the

severity of the crime.

When in debate, the delegate of Colombia would love to see action being taken upon the

alarmingly high rate of forced prostitution in Latin American countries and would be in full

support of eliminating all sources of human trafficking and educating all citizens about how to be

safe around potential predators (hopefully across the globe). Additionally, the delegate would

prefer to discuss exactly how countries that lack funding can get assistance. The delegate hopes

to see a positive outcome after debating solutions, eventually leading to a healthy and safe planet.

  • Krish Saxena