September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Israel-Palestine

Country: Japan
Delegate Name: Joey Bennett

The history of the Palestine-Israel conflict stems back to the mid 20th century. Shortly after World War Two, in 1947, the United Nations passed Resolution 181 which divided the British Mandate of Palestine into an Arab and Jewish state. On May 14th, 1948, the State of Israel was created, sparking the first Arab-Israeli War, which ended in 1949 with Israel victorious. This led to the displacement of over 750,000 Palestinians and the territory being divided into three parts: the State of Israel, The West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. There have been numerous conflicts between Israel and their Arab neighbors. The most recent conflict in May 2021, ended with hundreds dead and thousands more injured. Japan stresses the importance of achieving peace in the Middle East as soon as possible.
Japan supports a two-state solution where Israel and a future independent Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security. We hope to achieve this by: Creating mutually agreed upon borders through negotiations, based on the 1967 lines, and land swaps mutually agreed upon by both parties, creating secure and recognized borders by both Israel and Palestine. In addition, this body must ensure Jerusalem as the future capital of both Israel and the Palestinian state. Japan stresses that it will not recognize any attempt which may hinder the final status of Jerusalem, including the Israeli annexation of East Jerusalem. Along with efforts to ensure the safety and security of any refugees displaced by shifting borders. Japan is also concerned that the Gaza Strip has remained under severe humanitarian conditions. Japan believes that resolution of the issue of the Gaza Strip will lead to the revival of negotiations to achieve peace in the Middle East. In order to end the reoccurrence of armed conflict including Hamas and Israel, it is essential to achieve effective governance by the Palestinian Authority in Gaza, and achieve a strong cease-fire between all parties involved. Japan also stresses the importance of assuring the prevention of the inflow of arms into the Gaza Strip by improving the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip by further easing the blockade. Japan believes these measures will ensure a safe and prosperous Middle East.