Topic: 2024-Gender Equality in Rural Areas
Country: Germany
Delegate Name: Hunter Sturm
Country: Germany
Committee: UN Women
Topic: Gender Equality in Rural Areas
Delegate: Hunter Sturm
School: Williamston High School
In many rural areas around the world, women are facing a problem. Despite different reasons in different areas, the outcome is often the same: a perpetuated system of gender inequality. Women in rural areas are often at a significant disadvantage compared to men, lacking sufficient access to technological, economic, and social resources. This causes issues with access to and the quality of many different things, like agriculture, education, and healthcare. Women’s reproductive care is especially important, yet is often overlooked, leaving women in rural areas without little to no access to critical healthcare services.
The biggest issue German women face in rural areas is economic inequality. Over 50% of Germany’s land is used for agricultural purposes, a whopping 350,000 square kilometers. Yet despite all of this modernized economic use in these areas, only 11% of farm holdings are held by women, which puts Germany at the bottom of the rankings in terms of European Union countries. This statistic is even more alarming as women are responsible for almost half of the global food production. Germany has attempted some measures to address these inequalities broadly in the country, but still falls short of reaching true equality.
In the future, Germany would love to see something closer to true gender equality in rural areas. For the German people, this would be achieved through economic based legislation. Germany is open to many possible solutions, but would like to consider their viability both economically and socially. While some ideas may sound good on paper, Germany wants to make sure any possible solutions won’t overstep social and cultural norms, and won’t have negative economic impacts.