September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Famine in Conflict Zones

Topic: 2024-Famine in Conflict Zones
Country: Germany
Delegate Name: Colin Zaremski

Committee: FAO
Topic: Famine in Conflict Zones
Country: Germany
Delegate: Colin Zaremski
School: Williamston High School

Famine in areas of conflict is one of the most common side effects of war and 65% of the world’s hungriest are in conflict zones. Most of these conflict zones have been cut off from the outside world or are in very remote areas so it’s hard for volunteers to get to the places where people need food the most. One of the best ways to help fight famine in these combat areas is to help fund efforts to work with the governments controlling those areas and fund efforts to get the necessary resources into the hard hit areas. The people in these areas also can’t grow their own food to help combat famine because of the constant violence and fighting preventing farming and preventing any little food that is grown to be taken and given to the people who are fighting in the conflict so this means that the populations are reliant on food being imported and taken to where they are because they can’t leave their location due to that being unsafe. Organizations like the World Food Program work to get food to those locations where people can’t leave and get them the food they need. Recently though there has been a large dip in funding which has made efforts to get food to the conflict zones harder.
Germany has supported large amounts of funding for various acts and organizations to help get food to the necessary areas. Germany has provided over 500 million euros in funding to various organizations to help get food into hard hit regions or out of hard regions such as the case of Ukrainian grain needing to be shipped out of the Black Sea to help other famine stricken places of the world. Germany has also led various efforts to help set up various summits and initiatives to help stop famine across the conflict zones of the world.
Germany’s plan going forward is to continue the high amounts of funding towards important organizations and will continue to lead efforts to help get food to those in conflict zones who are under threat of famine. Germany will expand their assistance of Ukraine to help grow that important grain and get it shipped out to the world so help their efforts in curbing famine in conflict zones. Germany has also been a big proponent of requiring the need to have food as a human right and fighting for that in the UN. Germany encourages other able countries to help provide funding to various efforts that work to stop famine in conflict zones and to assist the various organizations help get food necessary to those regions into those regions and help get food needed to the world out of conflict zones.