Gregory Poole 12/03/2024 21:17:21

Topic: 2024-Indigenous Languages Country: Canada Delegate Name: Ava Nguyen Indigenous languages are a crucial element of Canada’s cultural identity as it strives to keep the culture and history [...]

FHEDelegates 11/27/2024 23:57:11

Topic: 2024-Indigenous Languages Country: Algeria Delegate Name: Kyra Valeros Berber, also known as Tamazight, is Algeria’s first and original language, dating back to 2000 BCE, and it has [...]

FHN Delegates 11/27/2024 23:23:35

Topic: 2024-Indigenous Languages Country: United Arab Emirates Delegate Name: Allison Edwards Indigenous languages are essential to maintaining cultural identity and tradition. The United Nations [...]

FHN Delegates 11/27/2024 23:37:14

Topic: 2024-Indigenous Languages Country: Russian Federation Delegate Name: Simon Rothstein The Russian Federation recognizes the important role language plays in preserving cultural identity. [...]

PortageCentralDelegates 11/26/2024 17:42:50

Topic: 2024-Indigenous Languages Country: Jordan Delegate Name: Sana Jindal Languages play a crucial role in all of our daily lives. Language is more than a tool to just communicate, exchange [...]

FHEDelegates 11/27/2024 23:17:01

Topic: 2024-Indigenous Languages Country: South Africa Delegate Name: Homayon Khalili The decimation of Indigenous languages has been a prevalent issue on the world stage for a while, and it is [...]

Trevor Riley 11/27/2024 23:04:35

Topic: 2024-Indigenous Languages Country: Greece Delegate Name: Dia Sriram Dia Sriram Greece Indigenous Languages Social, Humanitarian, & Cultural Committee Forest Hills Central High School [...]

PortageCentralDelegates 11/27/2024 22:29:09

Topic: 2024-Indigenous Languages Country: Brazil Delegate Name: Ethan Wadsworth The Federative Republic of Brazil recognizes the falling use rates of Indigenous languages and advocates for the [...]

Jeanne Barr 11/27/2024 22:05:17

Topic: 2024-Indigenous Languages Country: United States of America Delegate Name: Soraya Parke The history of indigenous languages in the United States has many different sides to it. Despite the [...]

MattawanDelegates 11/27/2024 21:59:33

Topic: 2024-Indigenous Languages Country: Sweden Delegate Name: Jenna Zaidan Jenna Zaidan Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee Indigenous Languages Sweden Mattawan High School Language is [...]