September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Situation in Burkina Faso

Topic: 2024-Situation in Burkina Faso
Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: Andre Stoll

United Nations Security Council
Situation In Burkina Faso
The United Kingdom
Andre Stoll
Forest Hills Eastern

Burkina Faso has had an extensive and tragic history of instability and coups. Since the country gained independence in the 1960s, it has experienced at least eight coups, with two coming in the past year alone. This has led to a continuity of political instability throughout the existence of the nation, culminating in 2015 with the spillover of an ongoing Jihadist insurgency into Burkina Faso. Since then, the situation in the country has deteriorated drastically, with mass civilian casualties and human rights violations. Over two million people have been displaced, and over a quarter of the country faces food insecurity. Despite the attempted assistance of foreign nations and forces, the government has been extraordinarily unsuccessful in combating the Jihadist groups, with over half the nation still outside of government control. It was in response to this perceived ineptitude that both coups were executed, as the overthrown governments were viewed as ineffective in fighting insurgents. The government has also faced criticisms for alleged human rights violations, civilian genocide, and unlawful detainments and executions. Throughout this crisis, Burkina Faso has experienced sustained democratic backsliding and economic troubles and has shifted away from Western powers and towards Russian allegiance, as demonstrated by the alleged presence of the Wagner Group in 2023.

The United Kingdom (U.K.) fiercely opposes all terrorist groups, regardless of geographic location, and as such is sympathetic to Burkina Faso’s Jihadist plight. The U.K. is also gravely concerned by the ever-increasing number of refugees displaced by this conflict and is willing to work with the Burkina Faso government to help reduce the number of displaced people. However, the U.K. is extremely displeased by the government’s handling of relations with Western powers recently, especially the hastily forced withdrawal of France from Burkina Faso. Fighting European powers attempting to aid with the fight against the Jihadists will do nothing to alleviate the people of Burkina Faso’s suffering. Additionally, the alleged human rights violations, many specifically targeting women, have alarmed the U.K., and these violations need to be reduced as quickly as reasonably possible. Finally, the U.K. believes that Burkina Faso should strive to begin a path toward a civilian government with free and fair democratic elections, something that has been disrupted by the recent series of coups.

The situation in Burkina Faso is not unique: the ongoing Jihadist insurgency affects all of the Sahel region. This is a problem that needs increased attention and investment from the global community before these terrorist groups can expand the scale and location of their attacks. If the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda groups active in the region are allowed to continue developing, they could soon pose a global terrorist threat. United Nations (U.N) members, especially strong and stable countries with large military surpluses, need to begin providing more aid to countries in this region fighting the insurgency. However, countries doing this must ensure not to attempt to use this position of leverage to exploit this region for economic or political gain. Additionally, Burkina Faso needs increased supplies for humanitarian aid, which can be provided through non-governmental organizations such as the Collective against Impunity and Stigmatisation of Communities. Burkina Faso may also need U.N. oversight for its military, to ensure it is not committing the crimes alleged. Burkina Faso also needs domestic improvement and should be incentivized to Complete the implementation of the National Strategy for the Prevention and Elimination of Child Marriage.