September 16, 2019
 In Nuclear Reactors in Conflict Zones

Country: Switzerland
Delegate Name: Akshat Jain

Committee: United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency
Topic: Nuclear Reactors in Conflict Zones
Country: Switzerland
Name: Akshat Jain
School: Forest Hills Northern High School

Using nuclear reactors in conflict zones can have serious implications for global security and safety. In addition to the risk of nuclear accidents, nuclear reactors can become targets for military strikes, which, in turn, could lead to catastrophic consequences. Therefore, it is important to consider the potential risks and benefits associated with the use of nuclear reactors in conflict zones. Switzerland believes that the use of nuclear reactors in conflict zones should be avoided as much as possible. In cases where it is deemed necessary to use nuclear reactors in conflict zones, strict safeguards must be in place to prevent nuclear accidents and the misuse of nuclear technology.

Nuclear reactors should not be used in areas with ongoing conflicts: Switzerland strongly believes that the use of nuclear reactors in areas of conflict is a significant risk to both security and safety. Such use increases the likelihood of nuclear accidents, which can lead to long-term environmental damage and human casualties. In addition to not using nuclear reactors in areas with ongoing conflicts, Switzerland believes that if the use of nuclear reactors in conflict zones is necessary, nuclear reactors must be heavily safeguarded. This includes strict measures to prevent unauthorized access as well as measures to ensure the safe disposal of nuclear waste. Switzerland also supports the use of nuclear reactors for peaceful purposes only such as energy production and medical applications. Finally, Switzerland believes that international cooperation and monitoring are crucial to ensuring nuclear energy’s safe and friendly use.

Switzerland recognizes the importance of nuclear energy, but also acknowledges the potential risks associated with the use of nuclear reactors in conflict zones. Therefore, Switzerland believes that the use of nuclear reactors in conflict zones should be avoided as much as possible. In cases where their use is deemed necessary, strict safeguards must be in place to prevent nuclear accidents and the misuse of nuclear technology. International cooperation and monitoring are also essential to ensure nuclear energy’s safe and peaceful use.

Switzerland advocates for the use of nuclear reactors for peaceful purposes only. In terms of the use of nuclear reactors in conflict zones, Switzerland believes there needs to be a safeguard in place to ensure the protection of these reactors. Switzerland also recognizes that these reactors must avoid being close to conflict zones at all costs, as even slight alters in the makeup of the nuclear reactor can lead to catastrophic effects. Switzerland looks forward to creating more regulations for nuclear reactors to help strengthen their safety of in conflict zones.