September 16, 2019
 In MONUSCO - Peacekeeping Efforts in the DRC

Country: Gabon
Delegate Name: Taha Ibrahim

United Nations Security Council
MONUSCO – Peacekeeping efforts in the DRC
Gabonese Republic
Taha Ibrahim, Forest Hills Northern HS

The current conflict that has grasped the Democratic Republic of the Congo since the early 2000s still rages on. Stemming from the aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide, Militias have been formed in its eastern regions, each being supported by nations such as Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi, who each use these militias as proxies to support their respective nation’s interests. Conflict still continued even after the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) was authorized in early 2000. The Rwandan Backed leader, Laurent-Désiré Kaliba who headed The Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo, was assassinated and replaced by his son Joseph. Joseph would use his newfound power and jail his political opponents. Conflict still occurs in the Ituri and both North and South Kivu Provinces. In 2010, the mission was renamed to the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) and given greater authority in peace-keeping efforts. Over time, UN-authorized Forces are being reduced.

The Gabonese Republic wishes to see an end to this prolonged conflict in the DRC. The long-term instability of such conflicts endangers all nations in the Central Africa Region. Gabon wishes to see a solution reached through sustained dialogue. Gabon wishes to once again become a mediator in the region we have historically been for decades. As well, Gabon wishes to see the expulsion of Terrorist organizations like the ADF (Allied Democratic Forces) and the Islamic State (IS). Gabon also wants to assist the 3.3 million people who’ve become displaced as a result of these conflicts. It’s clear to see that MONUSCO is failing at its peacekeeping efforts. Because of this, we believe there is a need for greater cooperation between MONUSCO and the Congolese government. We also urge the Congolese government to take responsibility for protecting its citizens as well as being fully engaged in the peacekeeping process.

Furthermore, we believe The United Nations Security Council should consider expanding the MONUSCO mandate to include the protection of civilians and ensure that human rights violations are investigated and perpetrators are held accountable. In addition, Gabon calls for the DRC government to cooperate with MONUSCO in the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of armed groups. We acknowledge the need for a long-term and extensive solution to this conflict. This requires addressing the root causes of the conflict, which include governance, security, economic challenges, and disputes over resources. Gabon believes that the UN, The African Union, and regional organizations should collaborate to support the DRC in addressing these challenges, including through the provision of technical and financial challenges.

To conclude, the ongoing conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is a serious threat to the stability and safety of the region, requiring a comprehensive approach to address the numerous root causes. We believe that a negotiated settlement, based on the principles of dialogue and diplomacy is the most viable approach. We call on the international community to provide greater support to MONUSCO and the DRC in their efforts to maintain peace and security, protect citizens, and promote greater respect for human rights. Gabon is ready to work with any nation willing to see an end to senseless violence to achieve lasting and sustainable peace in not only the DRC but the entire region.