September 16, 2019
 In 2023-Definition of Genocide

Country: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Delegate Name: David Liu

Legal Committee
Definition Of Genocide
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
David Liu, Forest Hills Northern High School

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) emphasizes the critical necessity for the United Nations to evaluate and reinterpret the notion of genocide, taking into consideration its historical context and implications for international justice. Following World War II, the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide sought to define genocidal acts. However, the DPRK emphasizes the importance of addressing the constraints inherent in the current definition.

Firstly, the historical backdrop of the Korean Peninsula is marred by conflicts, most notably the tragic Korean War (1950-1953). The war triggered a major humanitarian crisis, resulting in enormous human suffering and loss. The Korean Peninsula was devastated by the conflict, with cities and villages reduced to ruins and infrastructure decimated. The Korean War took a heavy death toll, with approximately 2.5 million killed, including civilians and combatants, and over 10 million displaced or rendered homeless, having a profound impact on families and communities across the peninsula. The war caused enormous hardships, separating families and leaving a lasting impact on North Korea’s socioeconomic fabric. The devastating consequences of this conflict are still felt today, emphasizing the importance of having an accurate and comprehensive understanding of historical events in order to avoid misinterpretations and misattributions, and to ensure that geopolitical tensions are not misinterpreted as genocidal actions. Misinterpretation of such events increases the likelihood of attributing conflicts to genocide, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive and well-defined concept of genocide.

North Korea, having been subjected to external interventions and conflict, highlights the importance of a revised definition of genocide. The difficulty in determining “intent” behind genocidal acts, as specified in the 1948 convention, provides challenges in bringing offenders to justice and holding them accountable. As proven by global historical examples, such as the Rwandan genocide of 1994, this intricacy impedes atrocity prevention and timely response.

Furthermore, North Korea recognizes the importance of safeguarding against external narratives that may misrepresent historical events, emphasizing the importance of objective assessment of these situations. The DPRK is committed to ensuring accurate historical representations in order to avoid erroneous characterizations of conflicts as genocidal. Maintaining accurate historical narratives is critical for preventing conflict misattribution and ensuring that geopolitical tensions are not misinterpreted as genocidal actions.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea reiterates its commitment to creating an environment that fosters accurate historical analyses and interpretations. The DPRK hopes to promote an objective understanding of historical events surrounding conflicts such as the Korean War by encouraging scholarly research and open discourse. It aims to prevent manipulative narratives that sensationalize or misrepresent events, thereby protecting against incorrectly attributing genocide to geopolitical conflicts.

In conclusion, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea affirms its dedication to collaborative efforts towards improving the existing definition of genocide. North Korea urges fellow member states to confront difficult historical legacies and strives for a definition that ensures justice for victims, addresses root causes, and avoids historical misrepresentations that could lead to wrongful genocide attributions.