September 16, 2019
 In 2023-The Principle of Universal Jurisdiction

Country: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Delegate Name: David Liu

Legal Committee
The Principle Of Universal Jurisdiction
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
David Liu, Forest Hills Northern High School.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) recognizes the discussions surrounding the principle of universal jurisdiction within international law. While acknowledging its role in prosecuting serious crimes irrespective of the location, the DPRK stands firmly in emphasizing the critical importance of state sovereignty in the application of such principles.

North Korea, like many nations, has experienced the ramifications of external intervention and perceived encroachments on its sovereignty. The DPRK’s historical backdrop includes instances where external entities have sought to dictate legal proceedings or have imposed sanctions, undermining the nation’s sovereignty. This history shapes the DPRK’s cautious approach toward international legal mechanisms, such as universal jurisdiction.

Within the context of the Korean Peninsula, North Korea has faced criticisms and accusations from external bodies alleging human rights violations. Such allegations, often based on satellite imagery and defector testimonies, are subject to extensive scrutiny, with North Korea vehemently rejecting many claims as politically motivated or fabricated by hostile entities. The DPRK firmly asserts that legal matters concerning alleged crimes committed within its sovereign borders should be addressed internally, respecting the nation’s legal frameworks and institutions.

Universal jurisdiction, although intended to serve justice globally, poses challenges when applied without due consideration for state sovereignty. The DPRK acknowledges the need for justice for victims of heinous crimes but asserts that legal proceedings involving its citizens or within its territory should primarily fall under its jurisdiction. The utilization of universal jurisdiction without respecting sovereign boundaries could result in political manipulation or the imposition of external agendas on sovereign states.

Moreover, the DPRK stresses the importance of balanced definitions within international law to prevent the misuse or politicization of legal mechanisms. Vague or ambiguous definitions may lead to misinterpretations or conflicts between states, hindering diplomatic relations and potentially escalating tensions.

In conclusion, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea advocates for a cautious approach towards the application of universal jurisdiction. The DPRK prioritizes state sovereignty while recognizing the significance of seeking justice for international crimes. Any developments in defining universal jurisdiction must consider the delicate balance between justice for victims and respect for sovereign boundaries.