Country: Finland
Delegate Name: Aanya Dogra
Human Trafficking
Aanya Dogra, Forest Hills Northern HS
Human Trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. We can go way back and see this through the transatlantic slave trade, however, the principles are still the same. It involves the illegal forced movement of people for the purpose of exploitation. In the present day, we see a danger in online media. The ability to communicate with all people, brought on by the internet, has repercussions that have promoted human trafficking.
The Republic of Finland is both a transit and destination country for human trafficking. While our numbers in trafficking are low, they are increasing. In 2022 the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) investigated 121 cases, whereas in 2023 they investigated a notable increase of 152 cases. According to The Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA), about half of the victims were trafficked for the purpose of labor exploitation, 25% for sexual exploitation, and 21% for forced marriage. There is also a significant rise in cases involving the exploitation of vulnerable migrants and refugees, especially as Finland has become a more popular destination for asylum seekers. However, trafficking is not confined by borders. Sweden and Russia are neighboring countries to Finland and must all work together to combat trafficking. Policies that Finland believes need implementation include further policing of borders, more education on the topic, and helping the victims of trafficking.
Finland has taken steps towards bettering this issue. New and different kinds of trafficking have emerged including forced marriage and exploitation of people in criminal activities. We have especially increased our action starting in 2000 with the adoption of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime’s Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children. In addition, the European Union (EU) adopted a framework against trafficking in 2002 and has since updated it. Punishments have been added to the Criminal Code of Finland for trafficking. Imprisonment can last from 4 months up to 10 years depending on the severity of the conflict. In addition to criminal penalties, Finland has also increased its efforts in improving international cooperation with law enforcement agencies across Europe, particularly in border regions, to prevent trafficking. Lately, the Finnish Government has implemented a plan called “Finland Fights Human Trafficking” in which we strive to establish victim identification and assistance, train frontline workers on victim response and support, ensure access to residence and residence permits, create a centralized database with victim demographics, and conduct platforms for public awareness. Victims of human trafficking are also typically supported with a 30-60 day recovery period.
Human trafficking must be approached with preventative and reactive measures enacted by both the United Nations and individual countries. Finland looks forward to implementing policy regarding stronger policing of the issue, widespread awareness, and rehabilitation for those affected by human trafficking within all nations. This issue is not selective by borders and therefore requires a holistic solution. Finland strongly believes that all countries must come together to support those affected by human trafficking. Finland looks forward to collaborating with delegates on this issue.