Country: Russian Federation
Delegate Name: Simon Rothstein
The Russian Federation realizes that this is grave crime that needs to be addressed. Human trafficking violates human rights and drastically hurts social and economic development of many countries. Human trafficking is a global problem that demands a cooperative response. Russia strongly advocates a sound legal framework, acting together with other states, and efforts directed at prevention and rehabilitation.
Millions of people are victims of various forms of abuse: forced labor, sexual trafficking, and other forms of slavery. In the case of Russia, the prevalence of the issue has urged the Russian Federation to devise multiple plans of action in response. Russia has amended its Criminal Code by making substantial changes and formed various law enforcement units for addressing human trafficking. Awareness campaigns on trafficking, especially to vulnerable groups, have also been created. Russia has also designed educational programs and public service announcements to inform these groups and protect them from trafficking. What’s more, Russia established a comprehensive support system for victims of trafficking that includes shelters, medical care, psychological support, and legal assistance.
The Russian Federation firmly stands for the development of effective international cooperation in combating human trafficking. Russia has joined several international documents, including the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocols on Trafficking in Persons. In the context of fighting this type of crime, Russia collaborates with other countries and international organizations on information exchange, performing joint operations, and strengthening border security.
The Russian Federation would like to recommend, in addition to what has been said to support the efforts of the world against human trafficking: working together internationally, improving laws, and helping human trafficking victims. To improve cooperation with other countries, Russia wants to share ways to prevent human trafficking, help develop and grow training programs for law enforcement, and carry out joint operations across borders. It also calls for countries to clarify their laws against human trafficking and to have ready legal actions for effectively prosecuting traffickers while protecting the rights of victims. The next thing Russia wants to focus more on is helping and rehabilitating victims. International funding and resources should contribute to such programs and be used to care for the victims of this crime. Lastly, the Russian Federation will begin international awareness campaigns to inform the public of human trafficking that will reach both potential victims and the general public.
The Russian Federation emphatically reiterates its commitment in combating human trafficking. We believe that, together with the international community, strengthening legal measures, and comprehensive support for victims, it will be possible to take a big step toward the elimination of this grave violation of human rights. The Russian Federation is looking forward with great interest to working in close cooperation with other UN delegates to develop efficient and sustainable solutions to combat human trafficking.