September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Tuberculosis

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Albania
Delegate Name: Eva Gavin

Committee: world Health Organization
Topic: Tuberculosis
Country: Kingdom of Albania
Delegate: Eva Gavin, Forest Hills Northern High School

As it is around the world, tuberculosis is still a serious public health concern in Albania. Tuberculosis affects people nationwide despite efforts to manage the illness, especially in underdeveloped areas and populations with little access to medical care. Albania understands the importance of tackling tuberculosis in an integrated approach, with an emphasis on prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and research. The country is dedicated to improving public health outcomes in the most effective way possible.
The persistence of TB in Albania can be attributed to various factors, including insufficient funding for TB control initiatives, socioeconomic inequality, and poor medical infrastructure. Drug-resistant TB strains are posing an increasing threat to public health, despite advancements in lowering prevalence and fatality rates. Also, the COVID-19 epidemic has put additional strain on healthcare systems, which has an effect on attempts to prevent, diagnose, and treat tuberculosis. Albania recognizes that in order to effectively address these issues and make progress toward the control and eradication of tuberculosis, ongoing action must be taken.
To combat TB inside the country’s borders, Albania has put in place a variety of strategies, such as expanding TB surveillance systems, increasing access to diagnostic and treatment facilities, and raising awareness of TB prevention and control measures. Working in partnership with foreign partners, civil society organizations, and healthcare professionals, the National TB Program aims to improve treatment adherence, boost the delivery of tuberculosis care, and address the social factors of health that contribute to tuberculosis spread.
Albania is in favor of initiatives aimed at enhancing the ability to diagnose tuberculosis by implementing new technology and building out laboratory facilities. Albania seeks to improve early diagnosis and rapid treatment initiation for tuberculosis cases through investments in molecular diagnostic techniques and quick testing for disease. In order to promote treatment adherence and reduce treatment interruptions, Albania advocates for the provision of comprehensive support services, such as patient counseling and nutritional help. Albania emphasizes the need of tackling poverty, unemployment, and housing insecurity in TB control efforts, acknowledging the influence of socioeconomic factors on TB incidence and results. Albania is in favor of programs that seek to lessen the negative associations attached to tuberculosis, provide access to work and education, and improve living conditions. Albania emphasizes how important it is to keep funding TB research and innovation in order to create new vaccines, treatment plans, and diagnostic tools. Albania encourages partnership with pharmaceutical corporations and international research organizations to reduce drug resistant TB strains. Albania is dedicated to working with the international community to further TB control and elimination initiatives. The nation wants to lower the prevalence of tuberculosis and enhance health outcomes for all of its residents by putting evidence-based interventions into practice, strengthening healthcare systems, and confronting underlying social and economic factors. By working together, we can eliminate tuberculosis and guarantee upcoming generations have a healthy future.

Works Cited:
“MAF-TB.”, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.
World Health Organization. “Global Tuberculosis Report 2020.”, 2020,

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