September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Central African Republic

Country: China
Delegate Name: Jenny Qi

United Nations General Assembly Special Political Committee
Central African Republic
Republic of China
Jenny Qi, Forest Hills Northern High School

Undoubtedly, there has been civil unrest in the Central African Republic over the past 18 years, stemming from the ousting of President Dacko 2003. With only three percent of the population able to access running water, civilians are directly affected by the conflict in the Central African Republic. The CAR Civil War, started in 2012, is expressed by the conflict between militias, namely the ex-Seleka with Muslim roots and the anti-Balaka with Christian roots. In 2014, the CAR was partitioned into two regions controlled by the two militias, and peacekeepers have been active under a UN peacekeeping mission called the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in order to ensure the protection of CAR civilians. With over 11,000 peacekeepers from the UN and troops from France, Rwanda, and Russia to date, conditions for civilians and both foreign and local troops remain dangerous due to the popular use of guerrilla tactics. As a result of increased Russian support in recent years, the CAR government has expanded their regional power favoring the usage of landmines, something that the peacekeepers have made efforts to eliminate.
Despite The Republic of China’s absination from signing legislation directly related to the Central African Republic Civil War, China has played a supporting role in the Central African Republic’s fight for peace and civilian safety. Though the Republic of China abstained from voting for the mandate renewal for MUNISCA in 2021, it was later clarified that the Republic of China supports the renewal of the peacekeeping mission, and regrets the inadequate consideration of the CAR conflict. In recent years, the Republic of China has openly supported the CAR’s mission through donated military vehicles and sending medical teams to the military. In 2018, the Republic ofChina dispatched police to conduct training to help build capacity of presidential guards. The Republic of China also commends the efforts taken by the international community in improving the security and wellbeing of the CAR, and wishes for the lifting of the arms embargo at an early date. In addition, the Republic of China vigorously supports MINUSCA as it has provided security to many Chinese nationals trapped in the conflict.
The Republic of China believes that the first steps to establishing peace and civilian wellbeing in the Central African Republic is for the international community to provide aid through providing supplies and aid to troops such as military vehicles, medical support, and military training to further increase safety of citizens. The Republic of China additionally wishes for the lifting of the arms embargo against the CAR in hopes for creating more favorable conditions in improving security conditions whilst promoting economic growth.
The Republic of China acknowledges that the Central African Republic conflict requires a solution that is largely supported by the international community in order to aid military efforts in the CAR. The Republic of China looks forward to collaborating with other countries in order to resolve this conflict.
