September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Israel-Palestine

Country: China
Delegate Name: Jenny Qi

United Nations General Assembly Special Political Committee
Republic of China
Jenny Qi, Forest Hills Northern High School

The Israel-Palestine conflict is one that has lasted for more than a century, stemming back to 1917 when it was stated that the British colony of Palestine needed a Jewish homeland. The UN Resolution 181 later split the Palestine into the and Muslim state of Palestine making up the West Bank and Gaza strip, and the Jewish state of Israel causing conflict and many Palestinian refugees. Despite many attempts to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict, the issue has gone through many waves of reescalation. The conflict in its more recent stages can be characterized as violent acts of protest and guerrilla warfare. Palestinians have protested against occupation of territory through two intifadas and more recently attacks from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a militant group opposing the Israel-Palestine peace process, in May of 2021 resulting a 250 Palestinian deaths and 13 Israeli deaths; casualties were largely Palestinians. Though fighting has lessened through a UN resolution proposal, tensions are still high and a solution to this issue is needed. Historically, peace efforts have shifted from a two-state approach to a single state approach, both of which still pose many challenges.
Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, China has originally supported the struggle of Palestinians through aid of financial and arms supplies. The Republic of China has since recognized the state of Israel in 1992, and through bilateral ties developed a strong relationship with Israel on the basis of arms and technology transfer. Though the Republic of China still supports Palestine, China’s material and political support for Palestine has been gradually reduced. The Republic of China in recent years has been making an effort to cultivate cordial relationships with both Israel and Palestine. Thus, China’s stance on the issue has shifted to a more cooperative stance that would likely consider both states in a comprehensive solution.
As a result of the urgency of the increasingly severe Israel-Palestine situation causing a large number of casualties, China advocates for a two state solution. During the conflict in May of 2021, China proposed a four-point solution regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict. First, China emphasized the need for the cessation of violence, condemning acts against civilians. Second, China urges that Israel lifts the Gaza blockade and guarantee the rights and safety of civilians in the Palestine territory by providing humanitarian assistance, with the UN playing a coordinating role. Third, the Republic of China states that the United Nations Security Council must take action on the conflict. Finally, China emphasized the need for a two-state solution through peace talks on both sides. This solution would constitute the fully sovereign Independent state of Palestine with the Capital of East Jerusalem based on the 1967 border, realizing the harmonious coexistence of the Arab and Jew nations.
The Republic of China recognizes that a two-state solution poses certain challenges, but believes that Palestine and Israel are two distinctly different countries, and that it is necessary in preventing future violence. China looks forward to working with other nations to resolving this issue.

Works Cited
Alhamdan, Nooran, et al. “China, Jerusalem and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” Middle East Institute, 25 Oct. 2021,
Aluf, Dale. “How China Views the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” Asia Times, 23 May 2021,
“China Puts Forward Four-Point Proposal Regarding Palestine-Israel Conflict.” Xinhua,
Figueroa, William. “Can China’s Israel-Palestine Peace Plan Work?” – The Diplomat, For The Diplomat, 1 June 2021,
Sağır, Abdurrahim. “China’s Mediation Role between Israel and Palestine: Opinion.” Daily Sabah, Daily Sabah, 8 June 2021,