September 16, 2019
 In Nuclear Reactors in Conflict Zones

Country: India
Delegate Name: Neha Narayanan

Nuclear reactors are used to generate electricity in nuclear power plants. The basic safety functions in nuclear reactors are to control reactivity, cool fuel, and contain radioactive substances. Radioactive materials from nuclear reactors can contaminate humans. Additionally, radiation can cause long-term problems such as cancer. Nuclear energy plays a key role in India’s future of safety and sustainable development. India currently has 22 nuclear reactors with 11 in construction. All of these have been placed under IAEA safeguards in 2014. This measure was taken to prove to other countries and nations that India’s usage of nuclear power was for peaceful reasons. India is committed to showing the effectiveness and safety of all nuclear power plants.

The safety of nuclear plants and nuclear reactors in India is a very crucial topic and is important to understand. Nuclear power plants in India are safe and regulated with proper radiological protection of workers, operating and maintenance procedures which are approved, undoubtedly good waste management, disaster management plants, along with many other protective rules in place. The World Nuclear Association states that in India, “Radioactive wastes from the nuclear reactors and reprocessing plants are treated and stored at each site.” India has taken inspiration from Fukushima safety measures to design control centers responsible for nuclear safety.

In relation to the current situation in Ukraine, India has sought to diffuse the Zaporizhzhia Nuke Plant crisis. The Economic Times state that India has “requested to press the Russians on the issue regarding the safety of Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant when the countries increased their fighting near the nuclear facility.” Additionally, “the external affairs minister said that he doesn’t see countries that would disregard India’s position and people would view it from their point of immediate interest, their historical experiences, and their insecurities.”
India believes that nuclear safety is a priority, and is interested in seeing efforts taken by other nations to implement this. The country urges others to follow the IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety, which focuses on 12 different areas to guarantee safe nuclear plants. Additionally, moving nuclear power plants away from war zones and areas of conflict is in the interest of the republic of India. India has signed nuclear cooperation agreements with countries such as the US, Russia, France, Canada, and the UK.