September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Venezuela
Delegate Name: Diego Picazo Erb-Downward

The country of Venezuela is committed to creating collaborative solutions for the problem that is presented by the lack of healthcare workers. Venezuela is committed to the sustainable development plan of the UN, and our nation recognizes that a shortage of healthcare workers impedes progress towards our sustainable development goals. The lack of healthcare is predicted to exceed 10 million worldwide by 2023. This will obstruct preventative health care and drastically increase the chances of disease outbreaks similar to Covid 19. Meeting our goals without an increase in healthcare workers is expected to be a nearly impossible challenge.
We urgently need more healthcare professionals in developing countries, however, the task of training healthcare workers is a slow task that requires intensive training. To counterbalance that, Venezuela proposes a five year plan to increase the number of healthcare workers. The first step is to increase the availability of healthcare training programs worldwide, with a focus on developing nations. Increasing the amount of training programs will drastically help increase the amount of healthcare workers in the long run, however, in the short term the amount of healthcare workers still needs to increase drastically. Venezuela proposes that the WHO allow for and increase the number of programs that allow healthcare professionals to be sent to developing countries where their assistance is needed most. To facilitate distribution, Venezuela recommends that we create a centralized program run by WHO that can coordinate worldwide with other nonprofit organizations that already do similar things, such as doctors without borders. Venezuela believes that when coordinated globally, the various organizations will be far more effective with the healthcare they provide.
The last problem is how to increase the living conditions for healthcare workers in developing countries. Venezuela believes that to solve this problem requires a long term solution to improve the conditions in the countries themselves. The WHO has already outlined a plan to do this under their sustainable development goals. Venezuela believes that there isn’t much more that we can do except encourage additional emphasis on sustainable development goal 3: Good health and Wellbeing.

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