September 16, 2019
 In The Role of Nuclear Energy in Reducing Fossil Fuel Reliance

Country: Russian Federation
Delegate Name: Shangyang Xia

Shangyang Xia
Russian Federation
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
The Role of Nuclear Energy in Reducing Fossil Fuel Reliance
Greenhills School

As the delegate of the Russian Federation, it is our position that nuclear energy should play a significant role in the world’s future energy portfolios. Russia has a long history of using nuclear energy and currently has one of the largest installed capacities in the world. We believe that nuclear energy can help us meet the growing energy demand while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. Nuclear energy is a low-carbon source of electricity and can be generated on a consistent basis. This consistency is critical in ensuring a stable supply of energy to meet the demands of the energy grid, especially during peak hours when the demand for energy is highest. Nuclear energy also has the potential to be generated on a flexible basis, which would make it even more valuable in the transition to low-carbon energy generation.

Russia is committed to the development and deployment of advanced nuclear technologies and we believe that these technologies will play a significant role in the future energy mix. The development of new nuclear technologies, such as small modular reactors, will reduce the cost and time required to build new nuclear power plants. This will help make nuclear energy more accessible and affordable for countries that are looking to expand their energy portfolios and reduce their dependence on fossil fuels.

While the upfront costs of building a nuclear power plant are significant, the costs of operation and maintenance are relatively low once the plant is operational. Nuclear energy is also a reliable source of energy, with some power plants operating for over 60 years without any major safety incidents. This reliability is critical in ensuring that the energy grid is stable and that energy is consistently available to meet the needs of the population. The Russian Federation believes that nuclear energy has a crucial role to play in meeting the world’s growing energy demand while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. We are committed to working with the international community to promote the development and deployment of advanced nuclear technologies that will help us achieve this goal.