September 16, 2019
 In 2023-Impact of Conflict Minerals

Country: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Delegate Name: Akshat Jain

Impact of Conflict Minerals
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Akshat Jain
Forest Hills Northern High School

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) recognizes the importance of
addressing the impact of conflict minerals on regional stability and global peace. As a sovereign
nation committed to international cooperation, North Korea acknowledges the significance of
responsibly managing the extraction and trade of minerals to promote sustainable development
and prevent the negative consequences associated with conflict minerals.
North Korea is aware of the fact that conflict minerals, including but not limited to tin, tantalum,
tungsten, and gold, have been linked to human rights abuses, environmental degradation, and
the financing of armed groups. The situation is complex, and North Korea understands the
necessity of collaborative efforts to address the root causes and consequences of conflict
mineral trade.
North Korea is committed to improving its internal regulations and oversight mechanisms related
to mineral extraction and trade. The government is taking steps to ensure that the mining
industry adheres to international standards, respects human rights, and avoids contributing to
conflicts. North Korea is open to sharing best practices and experiences with other nations to
foster a cooperative approach to the challenge of conflict minerals.
North Korea emphasizes the importance of international cooperation in addressing the impact of
conflict minerals. The government supports the implementation and adherence to international
frameworks and guidelines, such as the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply
Chains, to ensure responsible business practices and promote transparency in the mineral
supply chain.
North Korea acknowledges that responsible mineral extraction and trade contribute to economic
development and poverty reduction. The government is committed to ensuring that the benefits
of mineral resources are distributed equitably among the population. Social responsibility
programs will be promoted to mitigate the negative impacts of mining activities on local
In conclusion, North Korea is dedicated to addressing the impact of conflict minerals through a
comprehensive and cooperative approach. The government recognizes the need for internal
reforms, regional collaboration, and international cooperation to promote responsible mineral
extraction and trade. By working together, the international community can contribute to the
resolution of this complex issue and create a more sustainable and just global mineral supply