September 16, 2019
 In 2023-De-escalation of Sectarian Conflict

Country: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Delegate Name: Akshat Jain

De-escalation of Sectarian Conflict
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Akshat Jain
Forest Hills Northern High School

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) recognizes the imperative need to
address the challenge of sectarian conflicts around the world. Sectarian conflicts pose
significant threats to regional stability and global peace. North Korea is committed to engaging
in diplomatic efforts to contribute to de-escalating and resolving such conflicts.
North Korea acknowledges that sectarian conflicts often stem from historical, cultural, religious,
or political differences. These conflicts can lead to devastating consequences, including loss of
lives, displacement of populations, and hindrance to socio-economic development. North Korea
emphasizes the importance of addressing the root causes of sectarian conflicts to achieve
lasting and sustainable solutions.
North Korea advocates for diplomatic solutions as the primary means to de-escalate sectarian
conflicts. The government encourages dialogue and negotiations between conflicting parties to
foster mutual understanding, build trust, and reach peaceful resolutions. North Korea is ready to
participate in diplomatic initiatives within the framework of international organizations and
through bilateral channels to facilitate dialogue and mediation efforts.
North Korea underscores the principle of respect for national sovereignty and non-interference
in the internal affairs of states. While supporting international efforts to mediate sectarian
conflicts, North Korea believes that external interventions should respect the autonomy of
nations and avoid exacerbating tensions. The government urges the international community to
work collaboratively, respecting the diversity of cultures and traditions, to promote understanding
and tolerance.
North Korea recognizes the importance of addressing the humanitarian aspects of sectarian
conflicts. The government supports the provision of humanitarian assistance to affected
populations, including refugees and internally displaced persons, and emphasizes the need for
unhindered access to humanitarian organizations. Additionally, North Korea encourages the
international community to contribute to post-conflict reconstruction efforts to rebuild
communities and promote sustainable development.
North Korea believes in the power of education and cultural exchange to foster long-term
stability and prevent sectarian conflicts. The government supports initiatives that promote
intercultural dialogue, religious tolerance, and understanding among diverse communities.
Educational programs and cultural exchanges can contribute to breaking down stereotypes and
building bridges between different religious and ethnic groups.
In conclusion, North Korea is committed to actively engaging in diplomatic efforts to de-escalate
sectarian conflicts. By promoting dialogue, respecting sovereignty, providing humanitarian

assistance, and supporting education and cultural exchange, North Korea aims to create a more
peaceful and harmonious world. The government encourages the international community to
work collaboratively to address the root causes of sectarian conflicts and build a foundation for
sustainable peace and development.