September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Situation in Burkina Faso

Topic: 2024-Situation in Burkina Faso
Country: Gabon
Delegate Name: Adrian Vasicek

Submitted to: United Nations Security Council
From: The Gabonese Republic
Subject: The Situation in Burkina Faso

The Gabonese Republic does not support the Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration (PMSR) that currently controls Burkina Faso’s government. This change of government in Burkina Faso brings the relationship between them and Gabon into question. Gabon encourages the United Nations to help the displaced citizens in Burkina Faso. The people in blockade camps are faced with limited access to healthcare, extreme hunger, and contaminated water. Hundreds of citizens have been attacked and killed due to an increase in terrorism under the PMSR government.
Currently, there is no way of knowing if the funding sent to Burkina Faso is received by its people or where the money is going. Placing sanctions on Burkina Faso or having incentives would be a way to control what is going in and out of the country, as well as be sure of what money is going where. Getting to the areas of the country that are under blockades requires working with the PMSR to avoid further violence, however, it may not be the best solution as it could give the PMSR more power and control than they currently have.
In order to restate a democratic system in Burkina Faso something must be done about the conflict between the armed Islamist group and the military. The PMSR has to be convinced to hold fair and unaltered elections. Ending internal conflicts in Burkina Faso is something that is imperative for the success of the country. United Nations military intervention would be a wise decision. In the past when the UN had not intervened, thousands of people ended up dead or stranded. Burkina Faso is moving towards this issue; without UN military intervention more violence is bound to reveal itself.
For Gabon, seeing a fellow African nation struggling that was once a close ally to France, it is in the United Nations’ best interest to help Burkina Faso. Restoring Burkina Faso to a place where it can be allied with France and other United Nations states, as well as a safe place for its people, is what it needs. Together, the Security Council can strive to help Burkina Faso and limit the conflicts that are experienced there.