September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Tuberculosis

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Denmark
Delegate Name: Lucy VanHaerents

Submitted To : World Health Organization
From : Denmark
Subject : Tuberculosis
Denmark finds addressing the growing concern regarding the tuberculosis epidemic within Denmark and globally crucial. While not yet affected directly by this issue, Denmark recognizes the severity of the disease and the effects it is having within other countries. Implementing vaccination and medical record registration technology like Denmark has, and creating global funds for humanitarian organizations that have been leading the charge in fighting the tuberculosis epidemic are crucial to aiding these struggling nations. Denmark emphasizes the needed collaboration between nations to end this epidemic.
Tuberculosis is one of the most deadly diseases of current times, and millions are infected annually, despite it being a preventable and treatable bacterial infection. Diagnosing tuberculosis early on is a struggle for individuals who live in middle-low income economies, where disease is more rampant and effective treatment is hard to come by. Risk factors that increase one’s chances of contracting tuberculosis are malnutrition, HIV, and tobacco use, and high risk communities need to be prioritized when providing aid.
In Denmark, less than 400 cases of tuberculosis are reported annually, and it is not a pressing concern. Denmark’s health care and medical system is ranked one of the best globally. But while immigration continues to increase from Eastern European countries, increasing screening for tuberculosis is advised. Statistically, immigrants from Eastern European countries are more likely to be carrying HIV, and therefore more likely to contract tuberculosis. Many immigrants are fleeing conflict zones and are commonly malnourished and haven’t received medical care. As Denmark’s healthcare system extends healthcare coverage to all seeking asylum, increasing screening to contain the spread of tuberculosis is encouraged.
After decades of fighting tuberculosis, many TB strains are resistant to specific drugs. People in lower income countries with limited medical facilities can not determine individual strains and the disease is often mistreated, pushing more people into worse conditions due to the cost of the ineffective treatment. Paired with the fact that poor sanitary conditions and cramped living spaces are increased risk factors for contracting tuberculosis, it is imperative that the WHO moves to improve treatment availability and facilities.
Currently, the already existing Technical Advisory Group on Tuberculosis Diagnostics and Laboratory Strengthening works with organizations like Global Fund and END TB to advise on providing vaccines and treatments globally, and these humanitarian groups contribute 76% of all international funds fighting tuberculosis. Denmark encourages the World Health Organization to work closer with these groups and to set up a fund to provide aid for these organizations, as the continuing spread of tuberculosis is a threat to us all.
As for world governments, Denmark has already enacted programs to reduce tobacco use domestically, and it would be beneficial for countries struggling with tuberculosis outbreaks to do the same, as tobacco use is an increased risk factor. The program, referred to as S’SMOKE, created bans on the way tobacco is sold and packaged, as well as removed flavoring from nicotine products and raised prices. Denmark recommends the increase of regulations in tobacco products to reduce tuberculosis risk factors, as economic disparities should not be prioritized over human life.
In 2015, Denmark created the Danish Vaccination Registry, a specialized system for its citizens that has revolutionized the vaccination process. This complex system replaced vaccination cards and was able to be accessed by all citizens and medical practitioners, making access to the information easy, saving time and resources. It has been a factor attributed to Denmark’s high vaccination rates across the board. Implementing a system with this technology could make vaccination of tuberculosis easier and more controlled.
Overall the increase in tuberculosis cases worldwide is worrying to Denmark and it is imperative for the World Health Organization to take action towards containing and treating tuberculosis if ending the worldwide tuberculosis epidemic by 2030 is going to be a plausible goal. Denmark stands with the idea of the WHO taking greater action in ending this epidemic.

Bibliography: Denmark Can Benefit from Increased Screening for Tuberculosis. 2 Feb. 2024, Accessed 13 Feb. 2024.
“Tuberculosis.” The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Accessed 13 Feb. 2024.
“HIV and TB: A Fact Sheet for HIV Care Providers in Minnesota.” MN Dept. of Health,,tuberculosis. Accessed 13 Feb. 2024.
World Health Organization: WHO. “Tuberculosis.” World Health Organization: WHO, 7 Nov. 2023, Accessed 13 Feb. 2024.