September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Situation in Afghanistan

Topic: 2024-Situation in Afghanistan
Country: France (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Jack Novak

Country: The French Republic
Committee: UNSC
Topic: Situation in Afghanistan

The French Republic is gravely concerned with the current state of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. A key principle of the United Nations is and has been protecting and ensuring Human Rights to all people around the globe. Direct Human Rights violations have been seen and reported in Afghanistan, notably the rights of women and girls, freedom of expression, press, and the rights of ethnic and religious minorities. France acknowledges many of the Taliban’s actions are based on their interpretations of the Sunni branch of Islam, however, this is no excuse for the current living situation of Afghan people. Following the Taliban’s takeover in August 2021, women lost their freedom to work, seek education, and participate in public life. Journalists and the press have been silenced and censored by the Taliban and public executions have been reported. The Taliban have targeted and attempted to eradicate several ethnic and religious minorities within Afghanistan including the Hazaras, Tajiks, Uzbeks, and Sikhs. Most Afghan people are facing displacement, food insecurity, and little access to basic necessities. According to the UNHCR, as of October 24, 2023, Afghan refugees rank number 2 in terms of most numerous with around 6.1 million people. This simply can not continue. Human rights are fundamental and we can’t excuse any violations of these rights. Afghanistan has faced decades of crisis going back all the way to the Soviet invasion in 1979. The Afghan people need to finally be able to live in peace and prosperity.
France has been involved in aiding the Afghan people since the September 11th attacks in 2001 on the United States. France joined the international coalition that was formed to counteract terrorism in the region and help with the Taliban takedown in 2001 by contributing to the military campaign, as well as contributing to development and reconstruction projects to build Afghanistan as a nation. Humanitarian aid and diplomacy have been key in France’s effort to relieve Afghanistan as well. One of our most recent exchanges with Afghanistan was the release of a compatriot reporter who was held captive for 284 days on October 20th, 2023. Since then we’ve continued in the routine aid for Afghanistan but no major actions have been made. However, we’ve gradually been withdrawing many troops from Afghanistan as security responsibilities have been transitioning into the Afghan government’s hands even with the Taliban in control of the country.
While routine aid has been critical in maintaining the declining condition of Afghanistan, more action is needed. Many countries like us, have withdrawn troops from the region as the Afghan government themselves, while gratefully accepting aid, do wish for more autonomy and self-control. While we as a nation understand and respect this appeal, as a first-world nation and founding UN member, we have a duty to help not only ourselves and our allies, but the entire world as a whole. The Taliban have threatened, corrupted, and damaged many nations. France is in support and would like to see more militarization within the area, especially within war torn countries like Syria, Jordan, Iraq and the subject of discussion, Afghanistan. While the US was present in Afghanistan, major developments were made in areas like governance, education, and women’s rights. Immediately upon their withdrawal the Taliban took over and removed almost all progress that had been made. It is clear Afghanistan will never be at peace if we sit back and act as bystanders. Action is the only way to peace and the French Republic greatly looks forward to working with the rest of UNSC.

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