September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Situation in Burkina Faso

Topic: 2024-Situation in Burkina Faso
Country: France (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Jack Novak

Country: The French Republic
Committee: UNSC
Topic: Situation in Burkina Faso

The French Republic expresses concern for the Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration (PMSR), who seized power from the People’s Movement for Progress (MPP), after a military coup in 2022. While the MPP was in power, Burkina Faso witnessed major developments in both social and economic fields, as well as new government and judicial policies that addressed issues of poverty, education, and healthcare. Following the coup that overthrew the MPP’s power, the PMSR took over. This has brought about mixed reactions from the public in the country itself. In some eyes, the PMSR has greatly improved the country’s overall stability and strengthened the country’s overall security. Others are hyper-fixated on human rights concerns regarding the silencing of the press, reduced rights to assembly, and freedom of expression being undermined. There are also concerns about the democratic system the PMSR has in place and whether it is really democratic at all. Elections have been said to be unfair and there are inquiries being drawn to whether there is ample amounts of citizen participation in creating governmental processes. Furthermore, there have been concerns over if the PMSR is doing enough regarding the increased number of terrorism in the Sahel region which has witnessed many extremist groups such as Ansarul Islam and Jama’at Nusrat al’Islam wal Muslimeen who have been growing rapidly in power. They’ve launched attacks on citizens, troops, and police which has resulted in over 16 thousand deaths and over 2 million people being displaced, making it one of the worst crises in Africa currently. France is gravely concerned for the nation’s citizens and is drawing questions to the PMSR and whether they’re the best governance for Burkina Faso.
Previously known as the French Upper Volta, Burkina Faso was once one of our nation’s own colonies until gaining its independence in 1960. France as a nation has made sure to keep a close tie to Burkina Faso, supplying financial aid to boost the development of education, healthcare and security. France has also offered training programs to allow institutions to grow in knowledge and skill. Arguably the most important form of aid we’ve offered has been Operation Barkhane, which is a French military operation launched in 2014, that was created to combat terrorism in the Sahel region of Africa. This operation has been working in tandem with the G5 Sahel countries of Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger. This relationship has faced some tension as we have suspended development and budgetary aid to Burkina Faso since August 6th, 2023. This comes as a result of both Burkina Faso and Malis threats of possible military intervention against ECOWAS who gave the new rulers of Niger an ultimatum. A military coup overthrew the nation’s president Mohamed Bazoum which gravely upset ECOWAS who threatened their own military intervention if Bazoum–who was democratically elected–was not put back into power. France firmly backs ECOWAS, which has tainted our relationship with Burkina Faso for the time being.
France is concerned for the current state of Burkina Faso. We wish to see the democracy the PMSR promotes to actually come to fruition and be maintained accordingly. France wishes to continue our support for Burkina Faso, but, we will not lift our suspension of aid unless Burkina Faso agrees to cooperate and support Bazoum’s reinduction as president of Niger. The work our nations have done together as Operation Barkhane and the G5 Sahel to narrow and counteract terrorism in the region is something we mustn’t lose. France is more than willing to discuss differences with not only Burkina Faso, but Mali, and any other nations wary of Mohamed Bazoums leadership in Niger. The French republic looks forward to hearing other nations’ perspectives as well and hopes the UNSC may come to an agreement.