September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Improvised Explosive Devices

Country: Central African Republic
Delegate Name: Vincent Holden

Country: Central African Republic
Delegate Name: Vincent Holden
Committee: Disarmament and International Security
Topic: Improvised Explosive Devices

In CAR, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) are a real issue, causing deaths. IEDs are usually homemade bombs, and can be made out of many things. IEDs are generally used in terrorist attacks, and can be very harmful and fatal. These are used commonly nowadays in multiple scenarios and situations.
Unfortunately IEDs are a problem for both soldiers and citizens with a quote from the (USAID), “Humanitarian access challenges—including the presence of armed groups, ongoing military operations, insecurity, and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) or mines—in CAR continue to impede the delivery of life-saving assistance to crisis-affected populations”. With this being said IEDs blocking valuable resources to people who are in desperate need of it in an already torn country is hurting us faster than we can recover.
A news report reporting on the real life account of a Danish Refugee council Aid is as follows “Earlier this month, a convoy driving across CAR’s volatile north-west struck an explosive device, killing an aid worker from the Danish Refugee Council. Even in one of the world’s most dangerous countries for aid workers, who routinely face violence and intimidation, the tragic incident stood out – highlighting a growing and unprecedented threat after years of civil war.” (BBC). This leads us to fear all help withdrawing from CAR as many places will not risk the lives of aid workers and we need that man power to help get resources to our people as the government only has control on the capital.
The Central African Republic believes that this situation needs to be handled better, and the goal is to restrict the amount of IEDs and have a faster crackdown ending the spread of IEDs being made (to the extent they can). To make things better and easier, it would be best for countries to focus on explosives in the field, it’s best for soldiers to learn how to counter IEDs, which can help train soldiers about terrorist threats and how to protect themselves and citizens. CAR is open to discussion about topics, and about finding other solutions to IEDs to cause peace.
Works Cited

“Use of Improvised Explosive Devices Increasing as Conflict Becomes More Urbanized, Secretary-General Tells Security Council’s Open Debate on Mine Action – World.” ReliefWeb, 8 Apr. 2021,

Losh, By Jack. “Central African Republic War: No-Go Zones and Russian Meddling.” BBC News, 23 Sept. 2021,