September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Right to Peaceful Protest

Country: Brazil
Delegate Name: Gabriel Howald

Peaceful protests carry the immense power of allowing the people to have a voice in government and make results happen. Notable examples range from Martin Luther’s “95 Theses” to Martin Luther King Jr.’s March on Washington. When citizens dislike an aspect of their country, they tend to protest in a democratic and peaceful fashion. The right to peaceful assembly is already an internationally protected right. While the right to assembly and protest differ, the sentiments remain similar. The current international legislation is already the perfect mix of establishing a human right and respecting national sovereignty.

Citizens of Brazil do not only have the right to peacefully assemble, but also the freedom of expression. While most countries might criticize Brazil for its lack of an explicit right to peaceful protest, those rights would be superfluous due to the nature of current rights to peacefully assemble. Under Brazil’s right to peacefully assemble, citizens are able to demonstrate and protest without restriction. Moreover, Brazil maintains strict rules against police violence, by only authorizing violence in cases of resistance or self-defense.

The Federative Republic of Brazil recognizes that each country has a unique situation. Although we might not reach an all-encompassing resolution, as long as we further progress on this topic, Brazil will consider it a successful committee.