September 16, 2019
 In MONUSCO - Peacekeeping Efforts in the DRC

Country: Malta
Delegate Name: Ethan Ellis

Following the signing of the Lusaka Ceasefire Agreement in July 1999 between the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and five regional States in July 1999, the Security Council established the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) by its resolution 1279 of 30 November 1999, initially to plan for the observation of the ceasefire and disengagement of forces and maintain liaison with all parties to the Ceasefire Agreement. Later in a series of resolutions, the Council expanded the mandate of MONUC to the supervision of the implementation of the Ceasefire Agreement and assigned multiple related additional tasks. In accordance with Security Council resolution 1925 of 28 May 2010, MONUC was renamed as of 1 July the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) to reflect the new phase reached in the country. The new mission has been authorized to use all necessary means to carry out its mandate relating, among other things, to the protection of civilians, humanitarian personnel and human rights defenders under imminent threat of physical violence and to support the Government of the DRC in its stabilization and peace consolidation efforts. Many people of the DRC are forced to flee their homes because of fighting between the Congolese army and the M23 armed group around North Kivu. Humanitarian workers have given water and healthcare to displaced people Nyiragongo territory. Food was distributed to 50,000 people. MONUSCO continues to protect civilians and to work alongside the Congolese army to deter the M23 movement. The UN Spokesperson said that to maximize civilian protection, peacekeepers are “maintaining multiple positions, where possible, in the zone of hostilities. Following consultations with national partners, the Mission withdrew peacekeepers from its base in Rumangabo, in North Kivu, an area where the Congolese army is no longer present, he added.
The members of the Security Council strongly condemned the attack against a helicopter of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) that occurred on 5 February in North Kivu. The members of the Security Council reaffirmed their strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They reiterated their full support to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Bintou Keita, and for the stabilizing action of MONUSCO, in line with the basic principles of peacekeeping, including consent of the parties, and its mandate as reflected in Security Council resolution 2666 (2022), and expressed their deep appreciation to MONUSCO’s troop- and police-contributing countries. Malteser International has helped DRC by providing health care, access to healthy nutrition, clean water, and hygiene. Malta is in support of independence for DRC.
Malta will continue to supply support through the means of supplies to the displaced people of DRC. Malta can also give peacekeeping troops to help MONUSCO in getting rid of hostile armed forces in the area. Malta’s allies could be anyone in the UN and EU that wants freedom and peace in DRC.