September 16, 2019
 In 2022-Access to Education for Women and Girls

Country: Germany
Delegate Name: Delaney Parkin

Women for a very long time have been behind in terms of education, due to the slow development of women’s rights. While the world is definitely improving in terms of education, there is still a long way to go. Currently, there are 129 million girls in the world that are not in school. 129 girls around the school are not able to receive an education to pursue careers or make a stance in society. To go along with this, only 24% of countries in the world have achieved gender parity in upper-secondary education. The lack of women in education is due to stereotypes around women, gender based violence, and poverty, as well as other problems. While education is improving in many first-world countries, most women in low-income countries are hit the hardest with improper education. Many women in low income countries either don’t have access to quality education, or don’t have the ability to pay for quality education. There are many positive effects of increasing women’s education, such as a decrease in child marriages, an increase in earnings, and an increase in national growth rates. Access to education for women and girls is included in the UN 2015 Sustainable Development Goal. The UN Women SDG 4 Targets by 2030 include Ensuring all genders complete free, equitable, and quality primary and secondary education, eliminate gender disparities in education, and ensure everyone is literate, as well as many other goals relating to the subject.

Germany is known to have a very excellent education system, one of the top systems in the world. 99% of females, as well as the German population, are literate. Germany has instituted laws surrounding education, including the Basic Law, which states the government’s role in the education system, as well as enforcing compulsory education. This means that all German citizens/children are required to attend primary and secondary education. In Germany, the public education for primary and secondary education are both free, making education accessible to all. The female school life expectancy in Germany is 16 years, and the countries over school life expectancy for all genders is 17 years. To go with this, a large percentage of German women have the same, or higher education and qualifications as men. The country also passed a law of January 1, 2016 that required at least 30% of supervisor board positions to be filled by women in around 100 large companies. This gives schools and women an incentive to receive quality education for women, so they can fill and excel in the board positions.

In the future, Germany plans to continue the path it is on, as its education for all genders is very good, as well as continue to improve their education system, and access to and equity in education for women and girls. Germany also plans to provide information and guidance to other countries, especially those in need, to help improve education for women and girls around the world. Education is very important to Germany, and they believe it is important to women around the world to be properly educated. Germany will also continue to enforce the current laws it has on education, and continue to create new laws that help to improve the quality of education for all genders, especially women and girls in Germany. Germany will also most likely work with other countries that have good education systems, and equitable education for women and girls, such as Norway, Switzerland, the United States, France, Canada and Denmark.