September 16, 2019
 In 2022-Access to Education for Women and Girls

Country: Philippines
Delegate Name: Annabelle Dyck

The inequality of education between genders has been an issue for centuries. Women have been seen as the inferior gender, but changing times have brought attention to this issue. Women tend to attain less education and hold lower career statuses when compared to men. The United Nations has taken action to stop this from happening. Dating back to 1840, UN Women started the revolution to equal women and men.
Before the Philippines was colonized by the Spaniards, women held a high position in the region. Men and women were educated and had equal rights. When Spanish missionaries entered, women were disrespected and lost their freedoms. The education system started to treat girls differently than boys, and a minimal amount of education was given to them. Later, American colonizers took over and more changes came to the education system. Women were given practical education to allow them to provide for their families. Although this was a step in the right direction there was still discrimination between genders. Women learned how to sew, cook, and clean while men studied math, science, labor, etc. As time went on, organizations were created to educate women. The improvements started to implement positive results. In the 1990s women began to show greater levels of education than men in the Philippines.
The Philippines would like to continue to support women’s education as they have already. They think their organizations and participation have created good results. They have abolished sex discrimination in the workplace and in educational settings. There is always room for improvement, but the Philippines is a great place to live as a woman. They would like to work together with other Eastern Asian countries because of their close proximity to each other. The Philippines would also look highly upon an alliance with the United States of America and the United Kingdom.