Country: Ghana
Delegate Name: Frinz Fisher
Committee: ECOSOC
Topic: Informal Settlements
Country: Ghana
Delegate: Frinz Fisher
School: Williamston High School
“The absolute number of people living in slums or informal settlements grew to over 1 billion, with 80 percent attributed to three regions: Eastern and South-Eastern Asia (370 million), Sub-Saharan Africa (238 million), and Central and Southern Asia (227 million).” Unfortunately with the over circulation of narcotics, disease, and other heinous crimes it has become too overwhelming for the regulation of special forces. The UN has taken initiative to form the Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) to act as a communicator through governments as the UN attempts to facilitate activities and other events to combat these poverty rates. However, even so as the DSPD and DESA attempt to support these governments to find safe haven for those in poverty, there continues to be plentiful concerns regarding the human rights that these previously homeless inhabitants seek for, including but not limited to; job security, hunger, homelessness, medical security, and even drug abuse.
The country of Ghana has battled these informal slums/settlements through outside organizations such as the Ghana Federation of the Urban Poor to especially fund the necessities to stave off eviction of those living in Old Fadama. An urban slum of nearly 80,000 inhabitants that was established through traders, merchants, and migrants of surrounding West African countries. The country of Ghana also recognized organizations established within slums to establish the security of human rights such as the Fadama Legal Assistance Program which provides resolutions to disputes and access to information and assistance when needed. However, the Ghanaian government continues to seek help as we continue to battle those that seek to conserve the “sustainability” of these urban slums; the community that they procure to be and even the sustainability of labor that these slums tend to seek for.
The country of Ghana has previously agreed upon with these outside and internal organizations to combat the unsustainable aspects of urban slums and we seek help from larger democratic and independent countries to seek refuge for those living in these unsanitary environments which limit their human rights. Those such as, but not limited to; The United Kingdom, the United States of America, and France. Seeking for aid and assistance to fund potential areas and development.