September 16, 2019
 In 2023-Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention

Country: China
Delegate Name: Liz Schafer

Liz Schafer
Williamston High School
People’s Republic of China
Economic and Social Council: World Health Organization
Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention

COVID-19 has devastated the entire world since the first identified case in December of 2019, leaving millions of people dead, disabled, and severely disadvantaged. It is fortunate that a vaccine was quickly developed and distributed, however the fact remains that many did not have access to the vaccine or effective healthcare and suffered extensively as a result (Poole). Countries that have had over thirty million cases of COVID-19 include the United States of America, India, France, Germany, Brazil, Republic of Korea, and Japan. Countries that have had over two-hundred thousand deaths due to COVID-19 include the United States of America, Brazil, India, Russian Federation Mexico, the United Kingdom, and Peru (Countries Where COVID-19 Has Spread). COVID-19, however, is not the only pandemic the world has battled. The world has had an outbreak of monkeypox, chickenpox, avian influenza, measles, bubonic plague, swine flu, and much more. By observing the effectiveness and efficiency of past preventive measures, there is a lot to improve.
Within the first 50 days of known COVID-19 cases, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were aware of the increasing amount of cases that were quickly evolving into a pandemic. The known origin of COVID-19, Wuhan’s Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, was identified and swiftly closed to prevent further cases. By January 1st, 2020, China’s neighbors were notified of the outbreak and strongly advised to screen any individuals traveling from China for flu-like symptoms. Unfortunately, people who had visited Wuhan and its seafood market traveled within China and internationally. During this time, China introduced the “dynamic clearing” method of which has three main aspects: the swift detection of the sources of infection, quickly intervening by restricting public gatherings, and effective treatment. However, this method does not come without risks and may severely effect the economic growth of a country (Wang, Quansheng, Huang).
China plans to further improve the dynamic clearing method and urge other countries to practice this method as well. Furthermore, China strongly urges quicker communication of information relating to genomic sequencing data and pathogens, an “One Health” line of attack, and efficient and equitable access to preventive care and treatment (Cullinan, Fletcher). Countries that China would like to help include the United States of America, Thailand, and Japan.
Works Cited
Allam, Zaheer. “The First 50 Days of Covid-19: A Detailed Chronological Timeline and Extensive Review of Literature Documenting the Pandemic.” Surveying the Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Implications, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 24 July 2020,
“China.” Central Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, Accessed 14 Nov. 2023.
“China: WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard With Vaccination Data.” World Health Organization, World Health Organization, Accessed 14 Nov. 2023.
“Countries Where COVID-19 Has Spread.” Worldometer, Accessed 14 Nov. 2023.
Cullinan, Kerry, and Elaine Ruth Fletcher. “China Nixes Proposal to Grant Who Rapid Access to Outbreak Sites in Critical Talks about Pandemic Response .” Health Policy Watch, 11 Jan. 2022,
Poole, Gregory. “Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention.” GLICA.Org,, 7 Oct. 2023,
Wang, Quansheng, and Lansong Huang. “China’s ‘Dynamic Clearing’ Epidemic Prevention Policy: Achievements, Challenges, and Prospects.” Frontiers in Public Health, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 14 Sept. 2022,,have%20been%20promptly%20and%20effectively.