September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Cybercrime

Country: Greece
Delegate Name: Julia Kruger

Country: Greece
Committee: SOCHUM
Topic: Cybercrime
Delegate: Julia Kruger
School: Williamston High School

Technologies and the internet are the future. As our world becomes more consumed with tech, it seeks to become as advanced as possible. There has also been an increase in corruption. Cybercrime can be anything from hacking and terrorism to trafficking and blackmail, plus a lot more! According to the Federal Trade Commission, there were 4.8 million reports of identity theft and fraud in 2020. Cybercrime is especially threatening to businesses and big corporations. From the Insurance Information Institute, “High-profile data breaches continue to threaten businesses with losses and consumers with exposure of their personal data. In 2021 more than 280 million Microsoft customer records were left unprotected on the web in January.” Cybercrime is a very real and an increasingly worrisome issue as these statistics continue to increase. With the average cost of a ransomware attack being $133,000, businesses are fearing for the future and the attacks likely to come. It is not just the “big guys” that have to worry about it; every day, individual people fall victim to hackers and cybercriminals. Legal Jobs states, “1 in 36 mobile devices had high-risk apps installed.” The United Nations must find a way to not just indemnify the victims of cybercrime, but protect the people from it.

Greece, like many other countries, has fallen to cybercrime. According to the Greek Criminal Code (GCC), there are laws and regulations against cybercrime. Any activity that adversely affects or threatens the security, confidentiality, integrity, or availability of any IT system, communication network, device or data is considered a crime. Although these laws are in place, Greece is still facing cybercrime. Greece ranks very high in reported metrics related to cybercrime infrastructure support. The Greek Cybercrime Center is part of an emerging coordinated European effort that has the capacity to significantly improve education and research in the growing area of cybercrime. On a national level, GCC directly benefits the local law enforcement agencies to fight cybercrime. Greece is very focused on preventing cybercrime within its own borders but also around the world.

Since Greece has its eyes on solving cybercrime worldwide, it would like to join any causes fighting against cybercrime. Greece proposes that countries band together to form specialized organizations to fight and train against cybercrime, as well as help support and protect its victims. Greece would also like to strengthen and continue to enforce the laws against cybercrime that are already established in Greece. Greece believes that the UN does have the right to intervene, since this is a nationwide problem. Also, cybercriminals can potentially target more than one country at a time and these issues with the USA, Canada, France, Malaysia, and the United Kingdom.