September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Cybercrime

Country: Viet Nam
Delegate Name: Lanell Gardiner

Country: Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Committee: SOCHUM
Topic: Cybercrime
Delegate: Lanell Gardiner
School: Williamston High School

Cybercrime relies on the usage of the internet, meaning it is a fairly new subject that requires innovative ideas and solutions. Beginning in the 1980s, it has only gotten worse because of the advancements made in technology fields. The global community that has developed on the internet connects and provides information on government interactions, individual’s personal data, commerce, and multiple forms of entertainment and communication. Transnational crimes become more prevalent with this extent of connection, as those wishing to do harm not only have access to an array of private information, but have the cover of anonymity. The specific crimes under the umbrella of “cybercrime” can range from illegal denial of service attacks, to theft of personal online property, online fraud, child pornography, and money laundering, to name a few. The call to implement cybersecurity internationally is all the more important as the world becomes more connected, and protected information remains crucial to the privacy and safety of individuals, governments, and corporations.

Treaties and regulations on the topic of cybercrime and -security are few and forthcoming because of the recent development of the issue. Vietnam is one of the hardest hit countries when it comes to targeted cyber attacks. While the country and government combat the issue, it still remains heavily prevalent. However, Vietnam has and is fully supporting United Nations efforts to fight the problem; by originally supporting the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, the Optional Protocol to the same Convention in 2001, the Palermo Convention (UNTOC) of 2000, and the recent Resolution 74/247, adopted in 2019. Vietnam has also implemented a Law on Cyber Security (LCS), beginning the enactment of it in 2019. The law aims to protect national security and maintain social order and wellbeing on the internet. More specifically, the law concerns data localization, censorship of government-deemed dangerous content, and the establishment of local offices in Vietnam.

Crackdowns on internet usage and false information are seen as key solutions preventing scams, frauds, and other forms of cybercrime, according to the government. Vietnam is fully committed to cooperating with international organizations and their set standards and assistance; Vietnam recognizes and respects global law, however infringement on a country’s ability to govern it’s people is not acceptable. Vietnam would be willing to work with any country intent on fighting cybercrime within their own jurisdiction but to the full extent capable.