September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Women's Economic Empowerment

Country: Viet Nam
Delegate Name: Abby Grocki

Women’s economic empowerment is one step towards achieving gender equality. Women face severe discriminations around the world, many being in the workplace. As of 2017, women are more likely to be unemployed, while 104 economies have laws which prevent women from working in certain occupations. Women make up half the world’s workforce, yet still face unpaid labor and a global wage gap. Studies show that for every $1.00 a male makes, a female will make $0.77. Women are also less likely to receive a higher education, thus decreasing work opportunities with better salaries. Additionally, women are often subject to unpaid labor due to societal expectations of women’s role as a caregiver. Women also find themselves having trouble with control of finance such as credit cards, loans, and ownerships. Data shows that in 148 countries women are less likely to have a formal bank account and also less likely to formally request to borrow money. Finally, another large way in which women face discrimination is though sexual harassment. Sexual harassment diminishes womens’ respect in the workplace and should not be tolerated along with any form of discrimination towards women.
Vietnam does not struggle with excessive discriminating work issues, but still does face certain issues. Men in Vietnam have a higher employment rate by about 10% compared to the average global difference of 20%. There has been a Convention on the Elimination of Women Discrimination in the past that was signed on July 29, 1980, then ratified in Vietnam on February 17, 1982. However, in Vietnam the workforces with higher paying salaries are occupied by men. The choice of work that women choose to go into is not the reason why there is a pay gap. The issue is the limitation of choice. In addition, Vietnam was ranked 87th on the Global Gender Gap Index with a gap of 70.1 percent which is above the average rate of 68.6 percent. This does not create a gender equality economy, and needs to be improved as soon as possible.
Vietnam would be willing to work with the United Nations to create a code for a better working environment for women worldwide. Such a code would provide for the improved security in the workplace, better education, eliminating salary gaps between men and women, and available work of choice for women. Keeping in mind the limitations of funding, security and eliminating pay gaps should be government enforced laws that will provide security businesses that will then provide security. In conclusion, Vietnam does not wish to interfere with the national sovereignty of any other nations and will expect to find allies in Japan, Australia, and the United States.

Works Cited

“Facts and Figures: Economic Empowerment.” UN Women,
“Gender and Development.” OECD,
“The Labour Rights of Women in Vietnam –” Vietnam , Japan Labour Issues ,
VIR, Vietnam Investment Review -. “Closing the Gender Wage Gap.” VIR, 1 July 2021,