September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Climate Change and Infectious Disease

Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: Delaney Parkin

Country: United Kingdom
Committee: ECOSOC
Topic: Climate Change and Infectious Disease
Delegate: Delaney Parkin
School: Williamston High School

Climate change and infectious disease are two of the World’s most widespread, and critical crises. These are topics that have affected the world for hundreds of years, and yet they remain some of the world’s most debated topics. Climate Change is defined as the effect of humankind over the years on the climate, causing the atmosphere to change due to human activity. In the past few decades, Climate Change has greatly increased, and the global temperature is the warmest it has been since 1850. Climate Change can be correlated to the spread of infectious disease, For example the natural disasters caused by climate change tend to move people into crowded areas, where disease is more likely to spread. Especially in situations like natural disasters, hygiene becomes less important to those involved. Disease is prone to spread in locations like help centers, where workers/volunteers will neglect their personal hygiene, leading to breakouts in diseases.
Climate change and infectious disease have a very negative effect on the world. Flooding from the change in climate contaminates the water with bacteria that should not be consumed. The amount of mosquitoes has sharply risen due to climate change, which contributes to infectious disease. As the temperature in the north increases, the mosquitoes will move North, and the diseases they carry spread further across the globe. Climate change is constantly creating more natural disasters, warming the world temperature, and worsening the air quality. Infectious disease spreads rapidly all over the world, and has caused over 17 million deaths per year, and sickness for billions of people.
The United Kingdom has signed the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. The UK has pledged to penetrate emissions 68% by 2030. For about the past 10 years, the UK carbon footprint has decreased rapidly. The UK has also developed the COP26 climate talks, and the flagship international climate conference to complement the Paris Agreement. Countries have to bring pre-made plans to address climate change, and the conference also makes sure wealthy countries give funding to poorer countries. The UK is the host country this year, which means the government has to set a good example for other countries to follow. The UK has also created a legally binding national commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions, along with creating a climate change committee to create government budgets relating to the topic. As for infectious disease, the UK has been a “force for good” in global health for a long time. The UK has supported the World Health Organization, and the Contingency Fund for Emergencies through generous funding.
The UK is taking many actions to improve its status on climate change and infectious disease. With the COP26 climate talks, the UK makes sure that the included wealthy countries are providing funding for poorer countries. The UK government has committed to reducing state funding of fossil fuel projects abroad, and has intended to meet its goal of getting rid of all coal usage by 2024. As for infectious disease, the UK has created a better response protocol for pandemics, along with being better prepared for future pandemics. The Prime Minister has created a Five-Point Plan for pandemics, and pledged to work with health partners around the globe to implement his Five-Point Plan globally. The UK is prioritizing ending the COVID-19 pandemic, supporting vaccine roll-outs, and strengthening global health security. For this conference, the UK will most likely work with France, and New Zealand.