Country: Belgium
Delegate Name: Izabella Smeak
Human Trafficking is a worldwide issue with women and children often being the main targets. This modern equivalent of slavery results in exploitation, often labor, sexual exploitation, or organ trafficking. Previously, the UN has implemented the Protocol to Prevent (commonly known as the Palermo Protocol). This protocol focuses on the prevention of human trafficking, the prosecution of offenders, and the protection of victims. Despite this and other protocols and plans, human trafficking is still on the rise. With the expansion of technology, the internet, and the dark web, traffickers have found more ways to lure and trap victims. Social media has taken off and used to trap victims with false promises. Another big factor in explaining the rise in human trafficking is migration. Refugees and undocumented migrants will be more at risk and will often receive less assistance.
In Belgium, human trafficking is a persistent issue, especially as it is located in the middle of Europe. Although strict laws and policies have been put into place, human trafficking is still a big issue. Belgium already works closely with the European Union and the United Nations to initiate better communication and collaboration. Belgium has criminalized human trafficking in all forms and has taken a multidisciplinary approach with the use of police, prosecutors, immigration services, and victim shelters. Belgium uses Myria, their national rapporteur, to deal with trafficking. With all the information put together and transparency on the state of things, the effectiveness of anti-trafficking increases. Belgium offers victim care and shelters as well as psychological support and reintegration. In 2019, Belgium became a signatory to the UN’s Blue Heart Campaign which focuses on raising awareness and highlighting the issues of human trafficking.
The Palermo Protocol’s framework has been a beneficial step in preventing human trafficking but other countries, especially those that share borders with Belgium, would be great allies in fighting human trafficking. Partnerships will help to bring traffickers to justice on a global scale. Enforcing and adding to protocols and campaigns that have already been implemented would assist in the fight for anti-trafficking. Since online exploitation has been such a big issue, especially in recent years, addressing it is a crucial step in protecting past and potential victims.