FHEDelegates 11/27/2024 23:45:04

Topic: 2024-Spread of Animal Viruses Country: South Africa Delegate Name: Jasmine Mand Zootonic viruses spread rapidly throughout the world causing many deaths. About 60% of human infections have [...]

PortageCentralDelegates 11/24/2024 22:08:54

Topic: 2024-Spread of Animal Viruses Country: Brazil Delegate Name: Andrew Curvelo Humans only make up about 2.5% of the total animal life on earth, thus diseases spreading from the larger animal [...]

MattawanDelegates 11/27/2024 22:15:53

Topic: 2024-Spread of Animal Viruses Country: Niger Delegate Name: Avery Messamore Committee: ECOSOC (WHO) Topic: The Spread of Animal Viruses Country: Niger School: Mattawan High School [...]

Celia Kaechele 11/27/2024 22:15:00

Topic: 2024-Spread of Animal Viruses Country: Guyana Delegate Name: Eli Ligon The delegation of Guyana is largely concerned with the increasing threat posed by animal viruses, especially the [...]

Trevor Riley 11/27/2024 21:41:10

Topic: 2024-Spread of Animal Viruses Country: Greece Delegate Name: Rafay Dar World Health Organization Topic: 2024 Spread of Animal Viruses Country:Greece Delegate name:Rafay Dar School: Forest [...]

FHEDelegates 11/27/2024 19:39:03

Topic: 2024-Spread of Animal Viruses Country: Canada Delegate Name: Shyla Chadda World Health Organization The Spread of Animal Viruses Dominion of Canada Shyla Chadda Forest Hills Eastern High [...]

FishersDelegates 11/27/2024 18:00:52

Topic: 2024-Spread of Animal Viruses Country: Australia Delegate Name: Maizie Van Ausdall GLIMUN 2024 ECOSOC: World Health Organization Country: Australia Delegate: Maizie Van Ausdall Fishers [...]

GRCityDelegates 11/27/2024 16:57:27

Topic: 2024-Spread of Animal Viruses Country: India Delegate Name: Evalea Brown India recognizes that animal spread diseases also known as zoonotic diseases pose a serious threat to public [...]

GRCityDelegates 11/27/2024 16:24:10

Topic: 2024-Spread of Animal Viruses Country: Israel Delegate Name: Sofija Dainelis City High School The spread of zoonotic disease can be incredibly concerning if not dealt with. As of 1996 15 [...]

MattawanDelegates 11/27/2024 16:11:34

Topic: 2024-Spread of Animal Viruses Country: Bangladesh Delegate Name: Sophie Roberts Sophie Roberts World Health Organization The Spread of Animal Viruses Bangladesh Mattawan High School [...]