September 16, 2019
 In Situation in Myanmar

Country: Gabon
Delegate Name: Taha Ibrahim

United Nations Security Council
Situation in Myanmar
Gabonese Republic
Taha Ibrahim, Forest Hills Northern HS

The conflict in Myanmar is one that is complex and multifaceted, involving a range of underlying factors such as political, economic, social, and ethnic factors, which have all coalesced into a deep-rooted sense of animosity amongst the civilian government, military, and ethnic groups. The issue begins with the 1962 Burmese Coup d’etat which marked the beginning of one-party rule and political dominance of the Burmese military. Ne Win, the military commander in charge, would consolidate power, declaring a socialist state and silencing any sort of protest against the current system. This was until the 8888 uprisings, which led to the resignation of Ne Win and the first election in 1990. However, the results of the election (which had the National League for Democracy winning with 81% of the seats in the house) weren’t recognized by the current junta. They would place prominent leaders of the NLD under house arrest and military rule would continue until 2010. The 2020 elections led to the second military coup d’etat in 2021.

Contributing to the ongoing conflict are the tensions between different ethnic and religious groups. Major conflicts amongst these groups deal with the exclusion of minority groups from positions of power as well as the incident regarding the military’s crackdown on the Rohingya Muslims, which the United Nations describes as a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing”. To address the situation in Myanmar, it is essential to address the underlying political and structural issues that have exacerbated the issue.

Gabon believes that a situation based on the principles of democracy, human rights, and the principle of law is essential to resolving this crisis. It’s crucial to recognize the importance of dialogue between the military and the civilian government. As such, Gabon calls upon the United Nations and the international community to support diplomatic efforts aimed at promoting political dialogue and reconciliation in Myanmar. In addition to these political situations, it is essential to address the issue of displacement in Myanmar. An estimated 1.4 million individuals in Myanmar are displaced as a result of this conflict. This is something that should require urgent attention and comprehensive approaches to address this issue. Efforts to provide humanitarian assistance, protection, and support are a must.

Furthermore, Gabon insists that there is a need for international efforts aimed at addressing the underlying causes of displacement. This includes addressing the political and structural issues that have contributed to this crisis. Gabon calls for the international community to support efforts aimed at promoting the rights of minority groups and addressing the issues of people who’ve been disenfranchised.

To conclude, The Gabonese Republic is committed to working with the United Nations and the international community to help find a solution to the crisis in Myanmar through diplomatic means based on the principles of democracy, humanitarianism, and the rule of law. We also believe that a widespread approach is required to address the root issues behind the displacement of countless citizens with provisions of food, water, shelter, and medical care to provide humanitarian assistance, protection, and support for those affected.