September 16, 2019
 In 2022-Nuclear Disarmament and Emerging Nuclear States

Country: Romania
Delegate Name: Braydon Hoeksema

Disarmament and International Security Committee
Nuclear Disarmament and Emerging Nuclear States
Braydon Hoeksema
Forest Hills Northern High School

In recent years, newly emerging nuclear states have been a heated topic amongst the UN, with the resurgence of threats concerning nuclear weapons, following the ongoing conflicts within Europe and Asia, these weapons are of serious implication for many nations. As of now, there are five nuclear-weapon states (NWS), which are China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and The United States of America. There are a total of nine countries with access to nuclear weapons. Many actions proposed by the UN have been in effect to limit the access or ban access to nuclear weapons such as the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), which states nuclear weapons development, testing, production, possession, stockpiling, use, and the threat of use, as well as the stationing or deployment of another country’s nuclear weapons on a state party’s national territory, is prohibited under international law.

The country of Romania has consistently voted against the TPNW and supports the potential use of nuclear weapons for protection and security purposes. As of now, there are approximately 13,080 nuclear warheads, which proposes possible threats and displays the importance of maintaining protection from these forces. Advancement towards nuclear disarmament is a difficult task with the large amount of current nuclear weapons existing. While Romania has the ability to produce these nuclear weapons and has the capability of emerging as a nuclear state, Romania is against the use of nuclear weapons strictly for power, war, and threats. The TPNW suggests a complete prohibition of nuclear weapons, Romania is not completely opposed to TPNW but rather refrains from joining in the vote and maintaining Romania’s goal of challenging the disarmament and the emergence of nuclear states and to find ways to limit, but not diminish the use of international security. Romania is open to ideas suggesting ways to combat possible threats or wars that have resulted from nuclear development.