Country: Turkey
Delegate Name: Keira heathcock
We need to start expanding medical resources so less fortunate people can get the care they need. People who can’t get a lot of medical care usually just let the pain go or try healing on their own but that can lead to worse infections, illnesses, breaks, and much more that often lead to very painful surgeries/ treatment and in some cases death. If we open clinics around the country that you can go to for help free of charge this will stop from people being nervous about going and getting treatment because they know it’s affordable.
Turkey has undergone significant healthcare changes since 2003 to create easily accessible, superior, and effective healthcare services for the population. This study’s objective was to determine whether the public preferred the current health system to one that was available a decade ago by gathering the opinions of Turkish citizens on the process of reforming the country’s healthcare system.
Ever since 2003, Turkey’s government-led Health Transformation Program has improved customer satisfaction, financial protection, and health outcomes while also increasing fairness in funding distribution. We need to continue doing this so people can live longer, healthier, happier lives.