September 16, 2019

Situation in Haiti

Specialized: United Nations Security Council

Topic: Situation in Haiti

Haiti’s unique geography and political history have contributed to recurring natural disasters and bouts of social unrest. Haiti occupies the western third of the Caribbean island of Hispaniola and is prone to earthquakes and tropical storms. In 1804, after a 12-year battle against France, formerly enslaved people founded Haiti, the only state ever established by a successful slave revolt. In 1825, however, France forced Haiti to pay it the equivalent of tens of billions of today’s U.S. dollars. Haiti finished paying off the debt in 1947 but continued to suffer its negative effects for many decades thereafter. Hobbled by debt, foreign intervention, and natural disasters, Haiti entered the 21st century with extensive problems with poverty, corruption, and infrastructure.

After President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was ousted in a coup d’état in 2004, political violence spread across Haiti and, in response, the United Nations Security Council established the United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). The Security Council expanded MINUSTAH in the wake of a devastating, 7.0 magnitude earthquake that hit Haiti in January 2010. The earthquake killed an estimated 220,000 people and left even more homeless. MINUSTAH peacekeepers caused a cholera epidemic later in 2010, worsening the humanitarian crisis and relations with the local population. The Security Council replaced MINUSTAH with a smaller peacekeeping mission (MINUJUSTH) from 2017 to 2019 followed by the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), a special political mission to advise state institutions.

As United Nations peacekeeping forces left Haiti in 2019, the country experienced severe economic challenges, including hyperinflation, fuel shortages, and rising poverty rates. In addition, President Jovenel Moïse faced allegations of corruption and protests demanding his resignation. In July 2021, President Moïse was assassinated at his residence, further destabilizing the country. As of September 2023, Haiti has not yet held elections for president or its legislature. Acting President Ariel Henry serves without a mandate, and the last legislators departed office in January 2023. In the absence of elected leadership, Haiti is on the brink of state failure. Armed gangs control vast swaths of the country, including an estimated 80 percent of the capital Port-au-Prince. The gangs are in a violent conflict with each other and what remains of government forces. Civilians are frequently caught in the crossfire, subjected to sexual violence, and ransomed to fund gang activities. The United Nations estimates gangs have killed at least 2,000 people and kidnapped more than 1,000 in the first half of 2023. Nearly five million people lack regular access to food, and the cholera epidemic has reemerged.

The surge in gang violence has compounded Haiti’s numerous existing challenges and driven many humanitarian workers out of the country. Centuries of damaging foreign intervention in Haiti looms over international proposals to address the violence and political instability. Acting President Henry, nonetheless, requested a specialized force in a letter to United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres in October 2022. In July 2023, the Security Council extended BINUH’s mandate for one year and called on Secretary-General Guterres to present options to address the situation in Haiti. The Secretary-General said Haiti’s current context is not conducive to peacekeeping and requested that the Security Council support deploying a non-United Nations multinational force to help the Haitian National Police to combat gang violence and stabilize the country. The United States indicated it is willing to introduce a Security Council resolution to authorize such a force. Kenya has offered to lead the force, though observers have raised concerns over Kenya’s history of police abuse. The Bahamas and Jamaica have also pledged to contribute to the force, and Antigua and Barbuda indicated it was considering contributing as well. The Security Council must decide how to address Haiti’s violence, political instability, and humanitarian crisis, including whether to authorize foreign intervention.

Useful Links:

UNSC Resolution 2692

Haiti’s harrowing humanitarian crisis remains at the top of the United Nations’ agenda

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Submitted Position Papers

Gregory Poole 11/29/2023 20:24:07

Country: Ecuador
Delegate Name: Adam Harake

Topic: 2023-Situation in Haiti
Country: Ecuador
Delegate Name: Adam Harake
Ecuador acknowledges the dire situation in Haiti, characterized by a complex interplay of natural
disasters, historical burdens, and political instability. The ongoing humanitarian crisis, provoked
by a surge in gang violence, demands immediate and effective international intervention. As a
responsible member of the international community, Ecuador is committed to contributing
constructively to finding a sustainable solution for Haiti.
The historical context of Haiti, marked by a successful slave revolt in 1804 and subsequent
economic oppression by France, has left the nation vulnerable to external pressures. Centuries
of foreign intervention and natural disasters have perpetuated a cycle of poverty, corruption, and
political instability.
The ousting of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004 led to a proliferation of political
violence, prompting the establishment of the United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti
(MINUSTAH). Unfortunately, the mission’s aftermath, including the cholera epidemic in 2010,
demonstrated the need for a more nuanced and sustainable approach to address Haiti’s
multifaceted challenges.
The recent assassination of President Jovenel Moïse in 2021 has further provoked the situation,
leaving the country without elected leadership. Armed gangs now control significant portions of
the country, leading to a surge in violence, displacement, and a re-emergence of the cholera
Ecuador recognizes the urgency of addressing the crisis in Haiti and supports international
efforts to restore stability and alleviate the suffering of the Haitian people. However, any
intervention must be carefully considered, respecting Haiti’s sovereignty and prioritizing its
citizens’ long-term well-being.
Ecuador supports the proposal for a non-United Nations multinational force to assist the Haitian
National Police in combating gang violence and stabilizing the country. While mindful of the
concerns raised about Kenya’s history of police abuse, Ecuador emphasizes the need for
transparency, accountability, and adherence to human rights standards in the composition and
conduct of the multinational force.
In addition to addressing the immediate security concerns, Ecuador emphasizes the importance
of comprehensive humanitarian assistance and long-term rebuilding efforts. The international
community must collaborate to provide essential services, facilitate access to food and medical
care, and support sustainable development initiatives to break Haiti’s poverty and instability

Ecuador calls for a coordinated approach, involving international organizations, regional actors,
and the Haitian government, to ensure a holistic response that addresses the root causes of the

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Celia Kaechele 11/22/2023 21:10:20

Topic: 2023-Situation in Haiti
Country: Japan
Delegate Name: Daniel Hernanz

Haiti’s long history of struggle has had a devastating effect on it that is still strongly felt in the country and around the world today. Poverty and corruption stop the country from progressing, but even when things seem to be going better, earthquakes and other natural disasters hit it, bringing it back down again. The U.N sent MINUSTAH to help, however that proved ineffective, and after MINUSTAH and other versions of it were removed in 2019, insecurity ruled the country. Now, gangs fight for government control as they have not had any form of elections yet. The corruption of the president coupled with gang fights lead the civilians to be caught in the crossfire, experiencing sexual violence, an estimated 1,000 kidnaps and 2,000 murders. Although the UN does not look favorably on supplying international help, the current leaders of the country have asked for aid from the UN.

Japan has been helping Haiti through its history, outside and with the UN. Japan has provided economic aid, educational transfers, cultural education and diplomatic negotiations. Although Japan would like to do more to help, humanitarian volunteers have been driven away by the chaos ensuing in the country. In the UN, Japan has supported decisions by the Secretary-General and is willing to find more ways to help.

In this conference, the delegation of Japan would like to find more ways to help Haiti, however the delegation would look favorably upon solutions that do not involve more UN and multinational help, as that has not worked in the past. Although Japan recognizes that immediate military help might be needed to put a halt to the violence, it does not believe it would be a good long term solution, but that instead the UNSC should find ways to promote self-sovereignty and self-sustainability in Haiti. The delegation of Japan also calls upon other countries to support Haiti outside of the UN as Japan already does in order to promote more individual aid, hopefully proving more effective.

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Trevor Riley 11/22/2023 16:47:26

Topic: 2023-Situation in Haiti
Country: Mozambique
Delegate Name: Saniya Mishra

Over 300 criminal gangs are terrorizing the citizens of Haiti, seizing control of necessary resources and regularly committing atrocities such as kidnapping and rape. Following the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse in 2021, violence has overswept the country as these gangs have claimed control of the capital city, Port-au-Prince. Thousands have since been killed or sexually assaulted. Meanwhile, the fighting has blocked civilian access to medical care, food, and water. This situation is one that has worsened over decades. It initially prompted the United Nations to release a peacekeeping force: MINUSTAH. However, the force was accused of furthering sexual harassment and contributing to the breakout of cholera. Therefore, in 2019, the United Nations instead sent a new multinational group, BINUH, to maintain stability by supporting the Haitian National Police. BINUH has been continuously and is currently set to expire July 15, 2024, but it is clear that this support won’t be sufficient if the flow of weapons into the country doesn’t stop.

The Republic of Mozambique does not condone the actions of the gangs in Haiti and would like to see efforts committed to combating the violence and providing aid for the afflicted civilians. When there was internal conflict within Mozambique, the leaders took action to come to an agreement and settle peace agreements and would now like the same for Haiti. All the while, the delegation of Mozambique would not be in favor of directly involving in and escalating the conflict as in the past, there has been far too much involvement of other nations in the affairs of Haiti, as has been for many other countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia that have been colonized by European powers. But, that does not mean that Mozambique will stand by as the conflict continues, so the delegation would look favorably upon actions that aid in resolving or lessening the violence and suffering long term without adding to the long-term presence of international authorities.

In order to resolve the situation in Haiti, the Republic of Mozambique would support increased humanitarian assistance focusing on offering medical aid, food, and water. Troops could also be utilized to de-escalate the conflict, but they should not be focused on directly combatting the two parties and should instead work to end the supply of firearms into the country by monitoring the borders. Directly fighting the gangs would be unproductive with their abundance and would not tackle the root issue of the increased violence, which is tied to the access to weaponry. Taking action against the firearm supply will also prevent future fighting with gangs and allow for civilians to restore their communities with improved access to resources and assurance of prosperity. Since there have been past issues with the actions of some forces in Haiti, the presence of a multinational force would allow for accountability of involved agents so as to follow proper guidelines and not further the degradation of the situation in Haiti. Therefore, if BINUH is renewed, it should be amended to include the involvement of additional countries and stipulate specifically what the troops should follow and the consequences of not adhering to the United Nation’s policies. This will ensure that Haiti is receiving the best care and can more readily focus on tackling the current issue at hand rather than dealing with grievances caused by forces intended to aid the aforementioned situation. Thus, Mozambique would like to be a part of efforts that provide humanitarian aid and establish multinational troops to work against the incoming supply of firearms to Haiti.

The delegation of Mozambique looks forward to collaborating with other nations in favor of supporting Haiti and their civilians so they can sooner reclaim their capital city, their communities, and their peace.

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MattawanDelegates 11/22/2023 15:44:06

Topic: 2023-Situation in Haiti
Country: Malta
Delegate Name: Sophie Roberts

Sophie Roberts
United Nations Security Council
The Situation in Haiti
Mattawan High School

Haiti is a country in the Caribbean that has a history of political unrest and economic issues, and those issues have worsened in the past few decades. UN presence was established in the country in 2004, after President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was forced to resign in a coup. Peacekeeping forces have remained since then, first with the multinational force MINUSTAH, followed be a smaller force, MINUJUSTH. In 2019, the United Nations further rolled back their presence in the nation, with only BINUH, a small advisory body to the government of Haiti, remaining. However, since then, the situation in the nation has further deteriorated. The COVID pandemic contributed to the nation’s economic and social issues. President Jovenal Moïse was assassinated in July of 2021, and several weeks later, another large earthquake rocked the nation. Since the assassination, Prime Minister Ariel Henry was appointed head of the government, although many people claim that this is unconstitutional because he was not democratically elected. Gang violence, sexual violence, and kidnappings have worsened, and many Haitians continue to live with insufficient access to food, clean water, and sanitation.
Acting President Henry has requested aid from the UN in addressing Haiti’s social economic, and humanitarian challenges. However, Haiti has a fraught history with UN involvement. In 2010, negligence by United Nations peacekeepers caused a massive cholera outbreak when they released sewage into a river. Additionally, there were may reports of sexual abuse of Haitian women and girls by MINUSTAH and MINJUSTH peacekeepers, including peacekeepers fathering children with girls as young as 14. Haitians have also protested that the UN doesn’t respect Haiti’s sovereignty. Any future mission to Haiti will need to be mindful of these concerns in order to create meaningful, sustainable solutions to the nation’s humanitarian crisis.
In the past, Malta has favored extending humanitarian aid to Haiti and creating a security force to address violence there. In July 2023, Malta voted in favor of Resolution 2632, which extends BINUH’s presence in Haiti and encourages United Nations member states to provide security aid to the Haitian police. Furthermore, in October 2023, Malta supported Resolution 2699, which authorized the creation of a security force, led by Kenya, to address violence in Haiti. However, when reflecting on the resolution, Malta’s delegation emphasized the importance of oversight and transparency on the force to prevent human rights abuses.
As well as reactive measures like peacekeeping forces, Malta supports proactive solutions that focus on the causes of Haiti’s violence and instability. Malta has stated that one of their priorities as a member of the UNSC is maintaining world peace and stability, and that that can only be achieved by “strengthening the social fabric of societies”. In Haiti, that means creating a clear plan to strengthen their democracy and institute an effective government, including free elections to reduce the risk of government overthrows. The delegation from Malta advocates for responsible, unified foreign intervention as well as cooperation with the government of Haiti to stabilize the nation and create a sustainable path forward.

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FHEDelegates 11/22/2023 15:37:32

Topic: 2023-Situation in Haiti
Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: Andre Stoll

There is currently not a single elected official in the Haitian government, a government that has control of less than 20% of its capital. This is due to the ongoing tragic conflict in the region, in which over 150 opposing gangs and criminal organizations have seized control of the majority of the country. This ongoing anarchy and violence has completely disrupted Haitian food and water supplies and has left over 40% of the nation with secure access to food and drinking water. As a result, the number of children in Haiti suffering from malnutrition has increased by over 30% in the past year alone. Over 200,000 Haitians are internally displaced and over 60,000 have fled from the country. Refugees from Haiti have faced racism and ethnic violence in other nations, and have also been deported back to Haiti, further perpetuating violence and humanitarian issues in the nation. At least 2,000 people have been killed this year alone, and countless more have been wounded, raped, and abused. Haitian police and military have proven ineffective in combatting the gangs, and some have accused the government of being corrupt and collaborating with the criminal groups. Humanitarian workers have not been spared from the violence, and have been reportedly kidnapped and/or killed. Some cities exist in a state of complete anarchy, and in at least one city the sewage system has been destroyed, resulting in residents living in garbage heaps amid sewage-flooded streets. This situation mirrors the crisis that occurred in the early 2000s in Haiti which required UN peacekeeping intervention, and the UN Security Council (UNSC) will likely have to send armed forces to end this current outbreak of violence.

The United Kingdom (UK) has had relations with the country of Haiti since before it even was an independent state and assisted the Haitians in their revolution against the French in the early 1800s. Since then, the UK has maintained relations with the country and has an embassy in the now embattled capital of Port-au-Prince. The UK assisted with international efforts to assist Haiti in the past and continues to attempt to limit the violence ongoing in the nation in its current crisis through a variety of efforts. The UK has frozen international assets belonging to gang forces in Haiti and groups backing the gangs. Additionally, the UK has leveled strict sanctions against Haiti that have included restrictions on the sales of firearms to the nation and limited travel status for numerous actors in the region. The UK has championed the idea that sanctions alone will not solve the crisis in Haiti, and is a major supporter of the upcoming UN-backed peacekeeping mission to Haiti.
The UN has had a long and controversial history of involvement in Haiti, dating back to the 20th century. The UNSC deployed a force in 1993 and again in 2004 to attempt to restore peace and government function to the country following a series of coups and violence. However, this mission was plagued with accusations of abuse of power, including sexual assault. It was also accused of the introduction of a cholera outbreak that led to the deaths of over 10,000 people. The mission restored order in Haiti to some extent, but through violent and forceful means, destroying gangs through techniques that also harmed Haitian civilians. As such, the mission was widely criticized and disbanded in 2017. Almost immediately after the UN exited the region, gangs began to reestablish themselves and the current crisis began to take place. The UN Security Council has responded to the current situation by authorizing a peacekeeping mission led by Kenya consisting of a multinational armed force.

It is the opinion of the UK that the situation in Haiti must be resolved through force, and countries in the region should support the Kenyan group through military and financial assistance. However, once the gangs are dealt with, a long-term plan must be implemented, or else the UN risks repeating what happened the last time its mission left. The UK believes that the UN should aid in restoring food and water to Haiti, as well as provide humanitarian and medical care. Additionally, after peace has been restored, the UN should help hold and oversee elections, to ensure the continuation of democracy in Haiti. Finally, the UNSC must establish some form of semi-permanent mission in Haiti dedicated to the reforming and reintegration of gang members, or else gang violence will likely continue in the future. These actions must occur as soon as possible, as the longer this conflict continues, the more innocent people starve and the more refugees are forced to flee the country.

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EastGrandRapidsDelegates 11/22/2023 14:56:08

Topic: 2023-Situation in Haiti
Country: Russian Federation
Delegate Name: Harry Cornell

Situation in Haiti
Russian Federation
Harry Cornell
The situation in Haiti is one born out of a series of unfortunate events that have led to the nation being in the position it is currently in. Following the Haitian Revolution, in 1825, France agreed with Haiti to recognize it as an independent sovereign nation in exchange for approximately 100 million Francs annually until 1887. The debt that Haiti was entrenched in has made it seemingly impossible for Haiti to ever develop into the great nation that it could be. Multiple natural disasters have also wreaked havoc on the nation. Most notably, the Haiti earthquake of 2010. Moreover, the coup d’état in 2004 led to political unrest. The coup led to the creation of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) through resolution 1542 (2004). Beginning in 2017, the United Nations has begun to decrease its presence in Haiti. Currently, the UN has the UN Integrated Office of Haiti (BINUH) as mandated through resolution 2476 (2019) and extended and revised through resolution 2692 (2023). On 7 July 2021, President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated. In this vacuum, Acting President Ariel Henry’s regime appears to be in place, with the lack of any sense of a legislature.

It is in the Russian Federation’s best interests to restrain from any intervention into the governmental structure of Haiti as the United Nations does not have the authority to violate Haiti’s sovereignty and moreover there is no reasonable need to protect Russian assets. The Russian Federation does have a slight economic interest in Haiti due to the fact that it imported $22.1 million in goods from Russia. However, the Russian Federation must also recognize that there are significantly larger trading partners as Haiti only ranked 134th in Russian imports in 2021. The Russian Federation however does recognize the large need for humanitarian aid in Haiti if the basic human rights are to be held up and supported by this body. Notably, the Russian Federation recognizes the need to implement a rule of law in Haiti and to begin to dissipate gang violence. In the past, Russia has pledged humanitarian aid to Haiti utilizing the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry following the Haiti earthquake of 2010. The Russian Federation sent 138 officers and five aircraft, among other things, in order to aid the Haitian people. Those officers saved at least nine people from the aftermath of the earthquake.

It is the feeling of the Russian Federation that although MINUSTAH was well intentioned the concerns over police abuse and atrocities committed by MINUSTAH following its instatement in 2004 are of concern if the United Nations is to implement a peacekeeping mission. If there were to be involvement from foreign powers in Haiti the Russian Federation would be unable to provide any of its military forces or any amount of money for humanitarian aid due to its ongoing mission to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine as it seeks to free the Ukrainian people from their oppressive government, for the greater good of Ukraine and the world as a whole. The Russian Federation would also like to strongly encourage delegates to make sure that any action taken does not infringe upon the national sovereignty of Haiti as it is not the job of the Security Council to prop up governments run by figureheads. Moreover, the aforementioned is a clear violation of international law, and goes against the values of each member-state. The Russian Federation would applaud the Security Council for any action taken to provide food to Haiti as well. The cholera epidemic is also a concern for the Russian Federation as the world continues to recover from the SARS-CoV-2 – also known as COVID-19 – virus. The Russian Federation would like to summon the Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to testify before the Security Council as to the best ways to mitigate the spread of cholera, seeing as he is an expert in the subject.

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FHEDelegates 11/22/2023 15:24:42

Topic: 2023-Situation in Haiti
Country: Brazil
Delegate Name: Jasmine Mand

After gaining independence from France, Haiti is suffering from violence, corruption, epidemics, and economic crisis. On January 10, 2010, Haiti experienced a detrimental earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude. This earthquake killed 220,000 people and left 1 million others homeless and in need of humanitarian aid. There was a loss of communication and roads were blocked with debris. The United Nations Security Council created the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) to assist with this crisis. Unfortunately, the MINUSTAH peacekeepers caused an inflammation in cholera. This epidemic worsened the situation in Haiti, driving for more humanitarian aid. After the forces were gone, Haiti became the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. People suffered from being below the poverty line and only having farming as a source of income and food. The United Nations helped by donating 13 billion dollars for international aid, but that did not reduce the size of the situation by much. The economic crisis seems to get worse as tourism declines and President Moise gets assassinated because of political corruption. This has put armed gangs in control which resulted in human trafficking and sexual assault. This has also resulted in many humanitarian aid workers being harassed and putting their safety in danger. Brazil is concerned with this issue and committed to finding a solution, working with the Security Council.

The Federative Republic is deeply concerned with the current situation in Haiti. In 2010, after the earthquake, Brazil opened up humanitarian visas to help facilitate migration. They donated $15 million for humanitarian assistance, and Brazil signed an agreement with IOM to help process the Brazil Visa Application Centre (BVAC). This helped distribute 54,000 visas. About 200,000 Haitians were registered in Brazil. Unfortunately, Brazil does suffer from an economic crisis as there are too many people in need of humanitarian aid. The Federative Republic of Brazil also would like to assist in training the police force in Haiti. In the past, Brazil has sent 30,000 soldiers to aid with violence. Also, in 2010 they became the first country to contribute to the Haiti Reconstruction Fund (HRF), donating $55 million. Brazil believes it is necessary to have foreign interference like the MINUSTAH to protect the Haitian people from violence. Brazilian operations provided some peace to the dangerous neighborhoods in Haiti. Another crisis in Haiti is health care, and Brazil has Donated 15,000 vaccine doses against human rabies. They have also distributed 361 tons of drugs and medical supplies to epidemiologists during this rough time in Haiti. We are also willing to help donate to NGOs like the Haitian Health Foundation (HHF) which are trying to impact areas of development and healthcare. Trying to solve this situation requires all countries to come together.

Brazil believes that all countries need to come together and try to fund and donate to the Haitian people. Countries can also pair up with NGOs that help distribute healthcare products like vaccines for epidemics. Also, strict protocol needs to occur when humanitarian aid arrives like sanitization and safety routes that avoid conflict with gangs. Building safehouses and shelter systems for people that aid can help with protecting them. Regarding the situation with violence, military troops and police forces from several countries need to assist Haiti. Even setting up more refugee camps can aid the displaced people.

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Kaycee Duffey 11/22/2023 10:49:25

Topic: 2023-Situation in Haiti
Country: Gabon
Delegate Name: Noah Breukink

2023-Situation in Haiti
Noah Breukink

The Republic of Gabon extends its sincere concern for the challenges faced by the people of Haiti and acknowledges the importance of international cooperation in addressing the multifaceted issues currently affecting the nation. As a member of the global community, Gabon is committed to contributing to collective efforts aimed at promoting stability, development, and resilience in Haiti.

Gabon recognizes the historical challenges faced by Haiti, including socio-economic, political, and environmental issues. The country has closely monitored recent events and is cognizant of the urgent need for sustainable solutions to address the complex situation in Haiti. Gabon underscores the immediate need for humanitarian assistance in Haiti, especially in the aftermath of natural disasters and the ongoing socio-economic challenges. We call for increased international support to provide aid, relief, and rehabilitation efforts to alleviate the suffering of the affected population.

Gabon emphasizes the importance of addressing the root causes of Haiti’s challenges to facilitate long-term development. Sustainable solutions should focus on strengthening institutions, promoting good governance, and fostering economic opportunities to build resilience and ensure a stable future for the Haitian people. Gabon believes in the significance of international collaboration and partnerships to support Haiti. We encourage the international community, including UN agencies, regional organizations, and donor countries, to work together to coordinate and implement effective strategies for the reconstruction and development of Haiti.

Gabon advocates for political stability in Haiti through inclusive and democratic processes. We support the Haitian people’s right to determine their political future and encourage efforts to strengthen democratic institutions, promote dialogue among political stakeholders, and ensure the rule of law. Given Haiti’s vulnerability to natural disasters, Gabon emphasizes the importance of environmental sustainability and resilience. We encourage initiatives that promote sustainable development practices, environmental protection, and climate resilience to mitigate the impact of future disasters.

Gabon recognizes the importance of regional cooperation in addressing the challenges faced by Haiti. We encourage collaboration among Caribbean nations and regional organizations to share resources, expertise, and best practices for the collective benefit of the region.

In conclusion, Gabon remains committed to supporting international efforts aimed at addressing the situation in Haiti comprehensively. We are ready to actively participate in collaborative initiatives within the framework of the United Nations to contribute to the recovery and development of Haiti.

Delegates of Gabon look forward to engaging in constructive discussions with fellow member states to formulate effective and holistic solutions for the benefit of Haiti and its people.

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Kaycee Duffey 11/22/2023 10:46:35

Topic: 2023-Situation in Haiti
Country: Albania
Delegate Name: Taha Ibrahim

Committee: Security Council (UNSC)
Topic: Situation in Haiti
Country: Republic of Albania
Delegate: Taha Ibrahim
School: Forest Hills Northern HS

The Haitian Republic has been plagued with misfortune since its impressive independence effort. Its growth has been stunted by the billions of dollars in debt imposed by France, its geographic location being a hotspot for earthquakes and tropical storms, and widespread corruption and poverty throughout its history. Political violence has been rampant since President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was forcibly removed in a 2004 coup d’état. Three separate attempts have been made to maintain peace in Haiti with the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), the MINUJUSTH, and the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH). Peacekeeping forces left in 2019 while Haiti continued to suffer through hyperinflation and rising poverty rates. At the time, demands were made for the resignation of President Jovenel Moise following allegations of corruption. These protests culminated until President Moise was assassinated in 2021. In the two years following the assassination, Haiti has not yet held an election while Acting President Ariel Henry serves without a mandate. Without structure, armed gangs control much of the country, including an estimated 80% of Port-au-Prince. This ongoing gang violence has led to the death of around 2,000 civilians, and over 1,000 kidnappings have been reported throughout the first half of 2023. Millions lack access to food, and a cholera epidemic has been running rampant. Resolving this issue must be handled with great care and planning to prevent further destabilization.

The Republic of Albania fully supports the continuation of the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti. The cycle of violence in Haiti is perpetuated by an already deteriorating humanitarian situation, suffering from a lack of food, economic instability, and rampant disease. Albania extends a hand to the nation of Haiti in these trying times as efforts for humanitarian support continue to be discussed. Countless youth and civilians are in danger thanks to widespread gang violence. The Republic of Albania affirms that any group within Haiti that finances or profits from gang violence should be held accountable. Law and order must be restored to Haiti immediately to reinstate functioning state institutions.

The Republic of Albania believes the solution begins with establishing legitimacy and order to the current Haitian Government; without it, chaos and turmoil will continue to plague the lives of civilians. Gang rule and violence must be rooted out through legitimate force. Haiti needs all the help it can get in removing gangs. Investigations may be conducted to locate leaders, and information can be provided to Haiti’s police force. Concerning Haiti’s police force, better training and improved equipment are necessary, as the Haitian police are undermanned, underpaid, and underequipped. Albania understands that the solution to Haiti’s problems needs to come from the Haitians themselves. It is they, and only they, who can lead the solution. Albania also calls upon the Security Council to work in conjunction with the World Health Organization to prevent further spread of the ongoing cholera epidemic to keep more civilians safe. The Republic of Albania is willing to work and cooperate with any nations that wish to support efforts to restore stability to Haiti and establish a Haitian solution for their ongoing conflict.

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GRCityDelegates 11/21/2023 22:17:06

Topic: 2023-Situation in Haiti
Country: France
Delegate Name: Amyah Kantz

Delegate: Amyah Kantz
Country: France
Topic: Situation in Haiti
Committee: United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
School: City High Middle School

Dating back to 1751, earthquakes, and other natural disasters, have continued to devastate the people of Haiti. In 2010, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 destroyed their capital, Port-au-Prince. Then in 2021, they were confronted by an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2. On top of this, Haiti was hit by Hurricane Mathew in 2016. These events have caused Haiti to never experience a time in which they were economically, socially, or politically stable. Due to the ongoing instability, gang violence and crime rates surged. Roughly 5.2 million of Haiti’s civilians need humanitarian aid, poverty is continuing to grow, violence has increased 107 percent since 2022, and many were deported. Currently, thousands of Haitians are trying to evacuate this alarming situation, and there is a growing mass of refugees in the nearing areas.

The condition of Haiti has begun to involve the nearing countries, including the Caribbean. France has personal history with Haiti, as well as territories and allies with these nearing countries. Many of the affected countries have French populations. Not only are we concerned about our country, we are concerned for our communities. We see this issue as something of high importance. France is in favor of intervention and believes all people deserve to be treated in a humane way. We do not want to see more lives taken because of the lack of support from global powers. In 2022, France provided Haiti with 25 million euros for development initiatives, and 7.25 million euros in humanitarian assistance. We will continue to contribute and urge others to as well. We, the government of France, advocate for minimal violence, and would encourage everyone to consider solutions with the least amount of fatalities. We will use military force if necessary, but want to ensure we are not harming any of the contributing countries in the process. As stated before, France hopes to see more involvement within other willing countries.

France encourages the United Nations Security Council to take into account the lives being affected, and to approach this in a philanthropic manner. As France has supported in the past, we side with peacekeeping initiatives, and other programs, such as MONUSCO. We acknowledge that there is corruption occurring in Haiti and worry that if we don’t work to find a solution, this leads to more issues globally. France wishes to restore Haiti into a safe, democratic political state.

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Kaycee Duffey 11/21/2023 21:06:36

Topic: 2023-Situation in Haiti
Country: Gabon
Delegate Name: Noah Breukink

Topic: 2023-Situation in Haiti
Country: Gabon
Delegate Name: Noah Breukink

MICHEL XAVIER BIANG (Gabon), Chair of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 2653 (2022) concerning Haiti, noted that the text demanded the immediate cessation of violence, criminal activities, and violations of human rights that have compromised peace and security in the country and region. He cited kidnappings, sexual violence, trafficking in migrants, homicides, extrajudicial killings, and child recruitment by armed groups. Consequently, the Council has imposed measures against individuals directly or indirectly involved in such activities — including travel bans and asset freezes. He said there is a website devoted to Committee activities and that, on 12 December, he circulated a letter on the nomination of a group of experts containing a list of four candidates, including specialists in weapons, armed groups, and criminal networks as well as financial aspects and humanitarian affairs.

MICHEL XAVIER BIANG (Gabon), speaking in his national capacity, called on the Council to respond quickly to the security situation in Haiti. “When fire burns down your neighbor’s home, there’s no use closing your doors or windows,” he said, emphasizing that “the haunting stench of the smoke from the ruins of the neighbor’s house remains”. Solidarity in such a situation is a moral obligation. Without security, the Haitian economy will hardly be able to recover from the combined effect of multiple crises and epidemics, let alone retain the talent and able hands it needs for development. Countries must cooperate in the implementation of Council resolution 2653 (2022), including through data sharing, he stressed, adding that “every day without acting is a day of distress and murder there”. He then spotlighted the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Haiti, emphasizing that, without an immediate response or better outlook, nearly 5 million Haitians face a food crisis and many thousands are at risk of famine. On the economic situation, he expressed hope that all logistical obstacles will be lifted to allow for resumed fuel distribution. As the political impasse cannot be resolved without a return to social peace and security, he encouraged Haitian political actors to maintain dialogue and reach an agreement on the organization of elections.

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Kaycee Duffey 11/21/2023 19:05:16

Topic: 2023-Situation in Haiti
Country: United arab Emirates
Delegate Name: Connor Argenzio

Committee: Security Council
Topic: Situation in Haiti
Country: United Arab Emirates
Delegate: Connor Argenzio
School: Forest Hills Northern

The hapless Caribbean nation of Haiti has been plagued by burdens for nearly its entire history. From the first days of independence following the removal of French chains, the Haitians were burdened with inordinately high debt from France. Haiti only managed to repay its debt to France more than a century later. However, the effects of this debt did not disappear so easily. The country’s economy has remained in shambles as it struggles to pay off its additional debt while being plagued by foreign imperial interventions. In addition to foreign and economic troubles, the island of Hispaniola is lamentably prone to tropical storms, which continue to plague Haiti amidst its consistent spate of political and social unrest. The situation began approaching its nadir when President Jean Bertran Aristide was overthrown in a coup d’etat. This disruption forced this honorable Security Council to implement the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). The program was later expanded following a devastating earthquake. However, demonstrating the terrible consequences of foreign intervention, the MINUSTAH peacekeepers brought with them a cholera outbreak, adding another disaster to the island. The effort was later replaced with a smaller operation (MINUJUSTH). Following the departure of peacekeeping forces, Haiti was again plagued by the likes of hyperinflation, poverty, and rising fuel rates, in addition to political upheaval following the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse. Haiti has yet to hold an election, and the current president, Ariel Henry, serves without a mandate, all while the capital is consumed by gang violence. As Haiti exists on the brink of state collapse, it is lamentable that the situation remains hostile to foreign intervention. The Security Council extended BINUH’s mandate for one year as talks of a multinational force being raised towards the goal of aiding police are developed. Ultimately, the situation is delicate and must be handled with the utmost caution.

The UAE is a close supporter of the Haitian people and gives its deepest sympathy to a country that is impressive yet troubled. As a Gulf state, the UAE has not had a very involved role in the conflict, preferring to instead focus on regional matters and leave this situation to more relevant parties. However, it is clear to the UAE that the situation must be remedied immediately. However, the panacea remains elusive. Ultimately, the situation goes beyond politics and economics, right down to the human level, where aid has failed to reach the people who need it. Near half a million Haitian youths are in danger of losing access to education, putting them at an increased risk of gang recruitment and crime. The situation in Haiti will not cease unless order is restored to the island.

While such a suggestion is simply put on paper, its implementation is convoluted and delicate. The UAE recognizes that any semblance of peace is contingent upon a more structural solution to the problem. The bedlam will persist so long as the integral security, law enforcement, and judicial institutions are incapable of effectively responding to the situation. Political legitimacy must be returned to the government, and the illegal trade must be dealt with before any peace is possible. Peacemeal solutions will ultimately prove fruitless, and the solution will ultimately come from within Haiti rather than from an external military force. Instead of sending foreign troops to Haiti, the UAE proposes instead training and supplying the Haitian police and military so that they can effectively remedy the crisis independently of international support. The UAE is interested in leading any such effort along with the cooperation of other international actors. A solution to the crisis will always come from within. The Haitians must be able to stand on their own.

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RoyalOakDelegate 11/21/2023 19:24:48

Topic: 2023-Situation in Haiti
Country: Switzerland
Delegate Name: Matthew Matola

Submitted To: United Nations Security Council
From: Switzerland
Delegate Name: Matthew Matola
Subject: The Situation in Haiti

The nation of Haiti is currently undergoing one of the most extreme political and humanitarian crises of our time and it is imperative that the UN offer its support on the humanitarian front, while remaining respectful of Haiti’s national sovereignty and right to self determination. The delegation of Switzerland calls upon this committee to direct the full resources of the UN’s humanitarian organs towards the growing humanitarian crisis within Haiti, and reiterates Switzerland’s stance that actions taken by the UN must be in collaboration with the legitimate government of Haiti in order to promote lasting stability within the nation.

Switzerland has long been an advocate and ally for Haiti on the world stage since the nation’s inception. Though Switzerland plans to withdraw from its bilateral development program in Haiti in 2024, Switzerland will continue to offer humanitarian aid and support to the nation in the coming years. Despite the end of formal development programs between Switzerland and the Haitian government, Swiss NGO groups will continue to operate within the country and Switzerland will continue to offer support in the event of future natural disaster relief efforts, as it has in the past. Switzerland has been a steadfast supporter of the World Food Programme and the Peacebuilding Fund which both provide crucial resources to those affected by the instability brought by this conflict.

The delegation of Switzerland reiterates previous actions and statements by the Security Council in its denunciations and formal sanctions against known gang members and leaders within Haiti. Switzerland commends the recent unanimous renewal of the arms embargo, Resolution 2700, passed by this council. Additionally, the delegation once again voices its support for the Multinational Security Support Mission headed by Kenya in collaboration with the legitimate government of Haiti. Despite these actions by this council, Switzerland remains appalled by the level of gang-related robbery, sexual violence, kidknapping, and corruption that has become commonplace within the nation. The rising toll and influence of gang violence within Haiti is a matter of deep concern and warrants swift and appropriate response from this Security Council. These heinous actions must not go unpunished and Switzerland calls upon its fellow members of the Security to pledge further action against those responsible for these acts. Furthermore, the delegation calls for the expansion of documentation services within Haiti to adequately monitor criminal activities and requests additional psychological aid services be made available for victims of gang violence.

Haiti’s state of turmoil is growing increasingly unstable, however, the delegation of Switzerland believes that it is well within this Council’s power to provide critical aid and services to those most affected as the nation’s legitimate leaders attempt to regain power. The delegation notes with pride the unified stance this council has taken in regards to the sanctions imposed on the gangs responsible for Haiti’s current state of unrest, as well as its ongoing pledges of support for Haiti’s people and government. The delegation of Switzerland is hopeful that this unified stance will lead to resolutions that can bring about real and lasting change within the region.

“Bilateral Relations Switzerland–Haiti.” Eidgenössisches Departement Für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten EDA,,present%20with%20its%20humanitarian%20activities. Accessed 21 Nov. 2023. “Switzerland Puts Sanctions on Haiti Gang Leaders.” SWI Swissinfo.Ch, Swissinfo.Ch, 16 Dec. 2022,,the%20government%20decided%20on%20Friday.&text=Bern%20has%20adopted%20all%20the,to%20a%20government%20press%20release%20. Accessed 21 Nov. 2023.
Hoi, Geraldine Wong Sak. “As Switzerland Leaves Haiti, Swiss NGOs Fight to Stay On.” SWI Swissinfo.Ch, Swissinfo.Ch, 24 Apr. 2023,–swiss-ngos-fight-to-stay-on/48447614. Accessed 21 Nov. 2023.
Council, The Federal. Haiti: Switzerland Adopts UN Sanctions, Accessed 21 Nov. 2023.
“Briefing Haiti.” Switzerland’s Seat in the Security Council 2023-2024, Accessed 21 Nov. 2023.
“Security Council Renews Sanctions Regime, Targeted Arms Embargo on Haiti for One Year, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2700 (2023) | UN Press.” United Nations, Accessed 21 Nov. 2023.
“Security Council Authorizes Multinational Security Support Mission for Haiti for Initial Period of One Year, by Vote of 13 in Favour with 2 Abstentions | UN Press.” United Nations, Accessed 21 Nov. 2023.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/21/2023 15:32:29

Topic: 2023-Situation in Haiti
Country: Ghana
Delegate Name: Delaney Parkin

Committee: Security Council
Topic: Situation in Haiti
Country: Ghana
Delegate: Delaney Parkin
School: Williamston High School

Haiti has been struggling with poverty, corruption, and infrastructure problems for over almost two hundred years now. The country was in immense debt to France until 1947, however even after all that debt was paid off, the country was still left with a variety of different problems. The increasing debt, foreign intervention and natural disasters have been aiding these problems in devastating the nation. Since 2004, and the coup d’etat ousting the president, the country has been covered with political violence and protest. To help with this, the United Nations established the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). However, months after a massive earthquake in 2010, this same mission caused a cholera epidemic, worsening the relationship with the local population, and the humanitarian crisis. Since then, this committee has been modified into a smaller peacekeeping mission (MINUJUSTH), which was followed by the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH). Peacekeeping forces left the nation in 2019, further damaging the economy and stability of the country. Along with economic instability, the nation is severely unstable in the realm of politics as well. Since the presidential assassination in 2021, the country has been running with no president, and as of January 2023, no legislators. This has caused immense conflict between what is left of the lower government/police force, and gangs. Armed gangs now have control over extensive amounts of the nation, including 80% of the capital. Gang violence has killed thousands of people, and subjected even more to sexual violence. Much of the country’s humanitarian workers have left as well due to the increased violence. It is important that the United Nations creates an agreeable solution quickly, as many lives are at stake. That being said, it is important to consider the country’s history with foreign intervention, and ensure there is consultation with the nation’s population.
With its history surrounding problems with foreign intervention, Ghana has not been very involved in this situation. However, the nation has expressed deep concern with the violence and lack of stability plaguing Haiti. Without much access to food, and aid, the people of Haiti have been left to deal with increased poverty and insecurity. The violence seen in Haiti is deeply disturbing, as much of the gang violence contains sexual violence and gruesome punishments. That being said, Ghana has supported the initiative to provide support to the Haitian police to combat this violence. In the past Ghana has pledged at least three million dollars in emergency relief to Haiti, and hosted a “Ghana Loves Haiti” fundraising concert after the nation was struck with a devastating earthquake and epidemic. In the past, Ghana did not provide any military, or personnel to MINUSTAH or the United Nations Police, and most likely will not provide these resources again to this situation.
At a previous Security Council briefing on the situation in Haiti, Ghana shared its support for multiple ideas regarding the resolution of this situation. Ghana supports a solution that is owned and led by Haiti, and encourages regional consultation on the deployment proposal of the international security assistance mission to Haiti. The country would support resolutions that have the least foreign intervention possible, as Haiti has been damaged by the effects of foreign intervention in the past. Ghana supports targeted sanctions against gangs and their supporters, as well as the strengthening of the criminal justice system in Haiti. Ghana calls on the shareholders and donors to increase support to the Haitian police to combat gang violence, and calls on Haitian political figures to increase efforts to establish a Haitian-led political process to redeem the nation’s political stability. As part of the A3, Ghana will most likely work closely with Gabon and Mozambique, as well as other countries who support a Haitian led solution to the situation.

Works Cited
“/.” YouTube, 16 June 2023, Accessed 21 November 2023.
“As Haiti Slides into Violence, Its People ‘Cannot Wait Any Longer’ for Assistance, Foreign Minister Tells Security Council | UN Press.” UN Press, 26 April 2023, Accessed 21 November 2023.
“Faits et chiffres | MINUSTAH.” minustah, Accessed 21 November 2023.
“Haiti’s harrowing humanitarian crisis remains at the top of the United Nations’ agenda | United Nations.” the United Nations, 20 July 2023, Accessed 21 November 2023.
Harsch, Ernest. “Africans reach out in solidarity with Haiti.” the United Nations, Accessed 21 November 2023.
“Photos of Ghana – The World Factbook.” CIA, Accessed 21 November 2023.
“Photos of Haiti – The World Factbook.” CIA, Accessed 21 November 2023.
“Security Council Extends Mandate of United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2692 (2023) | UN Press.” UN Press, 14 July 2023, Accessed 21 November 2023.
“United Nations Security Council Briefing on the Haiti and Haiti Sanctions – Ghana Permanent Mission to the United Nations.” The Permanent Mission of Ghana to the United Nations, Accessed 21 November 2023.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/21/2023 08:00:53

Topic: 2023-Situation in Haiti
Country: China
Delegate Name: Colin Zaremski

Today Haiti is riddled with instability and corruption within its government. The country has been taken over by warring gangs that have been terrorizing the local populations and preventing them from getting the necessary supplies they need. After the coup in 2004 is when the modern instability started and causing the United Nations Security Council to establish the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). In 2010 after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit the island the powers of MINUSTAH were expanded to try and help the people recover. Later in 2010 though, MINUSTAH caused a cholera epidemic to start in the country which worsened the humanitarian crisis that was already going on and made MINUSTAH very unpopular with the Haitian people and that forced the UN to replace MINUSTAH in 2017 to the United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti (MINUJUSTH). Then, in 2019 MINUJUSTH would be replaced with the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) which would signal the departure of the rest of the UN peacekeeping forces. After the peacekeepers the country went through many severe economic challenges and corruption in the government. In 2023 the president was ousted on accusations of corruption which then enabled gangs to start to take control of the country. Additionally In 2023, the cholera epidemic is starting to reemerge and with humanitarian aid thrown out of the country by gangs things will only get worse. Now many countries have shown interest in sending in a peacekeeping force to help support what’s remaining of the police and try to take the country back from the gangs. Kenya is at the lead of throwing together a coalition and many countries in the Caribbean have shown interest in sending forces to help.
The People’s Republic of China has been concerned by the current humanitarian crisis occurring in Haiti and has shown sympathy to the struggling people of the country. China has also called upon the Security Council to bring more attention to the situation and has called upon the Haitian government to call upon the UN to do help with their situation. China believes that the Haitian government should assume their responsibilities to bring help to their people as well. Also bringing support from the international community to help is something that China has been calling for and bringing long-term peace, stability, and sustainable development of the country.
China has supported extending BINUH past its current deadline of July 15th, 2024. Plans are also being made to send an estimated 30 billion US dollars to help Haiti’s infrastructure. Calls have also been made to try to throw together a stronger government that will help stop the gangs and fill the power vacuum which these gangs are trying to fill. China also wants the establishment of a multinational police unit in Haiti to support the government and is helping Kenya get its plan up and going to help the people of Haiti. China hopes that other countries will model their goals after China’s commitment to helping the Haitian people.

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KalamazooCentralDelegates 11/19/2023 19:48:25

Topic: 2023-Situation in Haiti
Country: United States of America
Delegate Name: Teague Ott

Haiti’s troubles began almost as soon as they won independence from France in 1804. In 1825 France forced Haiti to pay tens of billions of dollars(in today’s money) back to them, and it wasn’t until 1947 that the Haitian government paid off this debt. Because of the debt as well as instability from natural disasters and corruption, Haiti has extensive problems with poverty corruption, and infrastructure. The United Nations Security Council established a United Nations Stabilization Misson(MINUSTAH), however, this was then dispanded after the peacekeepers there caused a cholera epidemic which raised tensions between the UN and the public. The MINUSTAH was then transformed into the United Nations Integrations Office(BINUH) as a special political mission to advise state institutions. The UN left Haiti in 2019 and after they left economic chaos ensued, the president of Haiti was accused of corruption in July 2021 and was then assassinated, and the last legislators departed office in January of 2023. Due to the Haitian government being in pieces, armed gangs took control of vast areas of the country as well as almost 80% of the capital and are in constant fighting with each other and the government. Because of the fighting happening in populated cities, civilians are targeted often for abuse and used as ransoms for the government. Because of the gangs controlling so much of the country, a large amount of the humanitarian workers have left the country leaving almost 5 million without everyday access to food or water.

The United States does not recognize these gangs as official positions of power but rather sees them as a major threat to the Haitian government which has been an ally and trading partner for many years. We also do not stand for innocent civilians being targeted for ransoms and abuse, and we have donated more than 228 million dollars to try to aid civilians and attempt to help get the people trying to flee the country out. The United States is willing and more than happy to introduce a non-United Nations multinational force and enter the country to aid the military in taking down the gangs and helping the civilians in any way possible.

We wish that any country that does not stand for the gang violence and war in the country to work with the United States and figure out a way to create a multinational force to aid the Haitian government in taking care of the violence. The financial instability and gang war over territory is destroying the once great country of Haiti and something must be done to help restore the country to what it once was. The United States urges any country that has the ability to help the country of Haiti, to do so in any way possible.

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