September 16, 2019

Situation in Burkina Faso

United Nations Security Council

Topic: Situation in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso is a relatively small, landlocked country in West Africa that has been experiencing significant political instability since 2014 when then-President Blaise Compaoré, a member of the communist Congress for Democracy and Progress party, was overthrown by a popular uprising after 27 years in power. President Compaoré was an undemocratic leader who inspired the revolt after a series of unfair elections and by attempting to change the country’s constitution to further extend his time in office. A series of military and civilian transitional governments eventually gave way to the election of Roch Marc Christian Kaboré in November 2015. Governmental stability and the popular movement’s democratic ideals were short-lived, however, and President Kaboré was deposed on January 24, 2022, by a military junta known as the Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration (PMSR), led initially by Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, and later by Ibrahim Traoré. The junta ended many of Kaboré’s democratic initiates and cut ties with long-time ally France in favor of a closer relationship with the Russian Federation.


Burkina Faso is also home to a number of militant Islamist groups, including Ansar ul Islam, Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin, the Islamic State of the Sahel Province, and the Islamic State of the Greater Sahara (ISGS), as well as other armed groups like Koglweogo and Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (sometimes called “VDP”), some of whom are affiliated with other, well-known terrorist organizations like al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, and the Islamic State. The proliferation of these groups was likely due in part to the tradition of personalized state security under Compaoré and the fractionalization of defense forces after his ouster.


Since the takeover by the PMSR in 2022, there has been a dramatic spread of extremist activities, which have effectively surrounded the capital of Ouagadougou, and the number of people killed in Burkina Faso has nearly tripled. Civilians have been subject to increased attacks by militant Islamist groups as well as the military and its allied militias. In some instances, these attacks are targeting civilians, but in others, civilians are collateral damage from the conflict between the military and the Islamist groups. The military has been credibly accused of human rights abuses, including extrajudicial killings of children and forcibly disappearing civilians. In response to media coverage of these abuses, the junta has expelled international journalists, banned local media, and intimidated and threatened social and political activists.


The vast majority of violence in Burkina Faso is centralized in the Sahel region along its northern borders with Mali and Niger, but there has also been a rise in extremist activity in both Est and Parc W in the East. Approximately half of Burkina Faso’s territory is outside of government control, particularly in the East and Northeast.


Currently, at least 800,000 people are living in blockaded areas under the control of various Islamist groups. The tactic of regional blockades has raised serious concerns about the possibility of a future blockade of Ouagadougou. In the last five years, two million people have been forced to flee their homes, and nearly a quarter of the population requires humanitarian aid. Approximately 95% of the displaced Burkinabe citizens have remained in the country, but with rising food insecurity (nearly 650,000 individuals are facing extreme hunger), neighboring countries should expect to see an imminent increase in refugees. Large urban and administrative centers within the country are already under enormous strain as internally displaced people seek refuge, and these urban centers are also at risk of blockades by militant Islamist groups. Conflict has also caused the closure of over 6,000 schools and impeded the operations of over 600 health facilities, leaving more than one million students out of school and over 2.4 million people with restricted access to healthcare.


The UN has identified the need for humanitarian assistance in Burkina Faso. In 2018 the Joint Steering Committee to Advance Humanitarian and Development Collaboration signed a partnership framework for sustainable development in the country, but the plan has remained chronically underfunded. The United States and European Union, along with non-governmental organizations like the International Rescue Committee, have also provided monetary assistance and necessary supplies, but it is difficult to ensure this aid reaches those who need it most.


The role of the Security Council will be to consider the following:

  1. How to get aid to the areas most in need when they are under blockade.
  2. Whether, and in what way, the UN should intervene in the internal conflict between the military and the armed Islamist groups.
  3. How to reinstitute democratic practices and ensure governmental stability.


Helpful links:

Africa Center for Strategic Studies

Human Rights Watch – Burkina Faso

Congressional Research Service – Burkina Faso: Conflict and Military Rule

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Submitted Position Papers

Veronica 02/21/2024 13:35:37

Topic: 2024-Situation in Burkina Faso
Country: Brazil (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Alanood Btoush

Honorable Chairs, Esteemed delegates,

Burkina Faso is confronting an uncertain future. The country faces a difficult security situation
marked by an increase in terrorist attacks, intercommunal violence, and civilian displacement.
The humanitarian situation in Burkina Faso is also severe, with millions of people needing aid.
The coup came after months of protests against President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré’s
government, which was accused of failing to solve the country’s security and economic issues.
The military has since taken control of the administration, but the circumstances remain
unstable. With 2 million displaced, 38,000 refugees, astonishing amounts of health issues, and
countless other inhumane predicaments the situation must be handled immediately.
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has been actively involved in resolving the
situation in Burkina Faso. The Council has met multiple times to discuss the country’s dilemma,
and it has made several comments expressing concern about the deteriorating security and
humanitarian conditions. Furthermore, the UN Security Council has urged all parties involved in
the Burkina Faso conflict to respect international humanitarian law and protect civilians,
particularly women and children, from violence and abuse. In addition, it has asked the
international community to provide humanitarian aid to Burkina Faso’s people, who are in
desperate need.

Brazil expresses profound worry about the current situation in Burkina Faso. The country is in
the midst of a complex crisis defined by political instability, armed conflict, and humanitarian
concerns. As a member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Brazil believes that
resolving the fundamental root causes of the crisis and achieving peace, stability, and
development in Burkina Faso would need a comprehensive and coordinated effort by all parties
willing to assist. Countries must encourage one another to support the relief efforts for Burkina
Faso because the humanitarian aspect of the whole situation should be the main focus. At the
end, each country fights for their own wellbeing and safety, and to ensure that governments
must act to protect others to protect their own.

Brazil recognizes the Burkina Faso government’s attempts to address the country’s problems.
However, Brazil believes that more has to be done to address the root causes of the issue, such
as poverty, inequality, and marginalization. Brazil urges all parties to the conflict to uphold
international humanitarian law and protect civilians, particularly women and children, from
violence and abuse.

Brazil is fully prepared to take charge, and provide humanitarian assistance to the people of
Burkina Faso. Brazil aims to promote peace, overall stability and much needed growth in the
nation. Brazil stands ready to provide a viable solution, calling upon other parties to create

reform and development. Hence, Brazil’s diplomatic ties with Burkina Faso since the 1960’s can
have a negative implication on Brazil’s stability of alliances and overall economic status, and
relations with the wider region.
Brazil is open and is looking forward to collaborating with other delegates to initiate change,
revolution and development in the situation. Brazil is looking forward to fruitful debates and the
wealthy contribution this council will create.

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/16/2024 23:57:59

Topic: 2024-Situation in Burkina Faso
Country: UAE (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Aryan Katial

Topic A: The Situation in Burkina Faso

Since the Patriotic Movement for Safeguarding and Restoration coup overthrew government power in January 2022, Burkina Faso has exponentially grown into instability on multiple fronts. Along with a significant increase in violence and killings of civilians surrounding the capital city, Ouagadougou, numerous terrorist organizations and Islamic militant groups have taken control of many different areas of the West African nation, resulting in less than half of its land under actual government control, and almost all of the country to be blockaded off to the world. More than 3% of Burkina Faso’s population, about 800,000 people live in entirely blockaded areas from independent Islamic groups. As a result of destruction across the country, more than 600 health facilities have closed down, leaving 2.4 Million people without healthcare and insurance. Burkina Faso’s median age is just barely 17. With 6000 Schools closed in the country, more than 1 Million students have been forced to be pulled out of their education. The coup and many of its allied militias have been pointed to be responsible for colossal amounts of violence, including targeting innocent children and other civilians. However, threats to political and social activists and journalists have caused difficult to make thorough reports and accusations.

With officially established diplomacy with Burkina Faso since 1978, The United Arab Emirates have been an important foreign humanitarian ally to the people, and it has been clear that the UAE has played a major role in aiding Burkina Faso in times of need. In 2020, when acts of extremism started to occur more often in the Sahel region of Africa, ministers of the UAE stated they are committed to help the nations of the region, including Burkina Faso, maintain stability. The United Nation Security Council has spoken out about Burkina Faso’s situation via press statements. In October 2022, a press statement issued by the Council president Michel Xavier Biang from Gabon said the UNSC disapproves of the instability in Burkina Faso, supports ECOWAS’s call to end the unconstitutional actions in the country, and strongly encourages international support to address its situation. When it comes to the coup d’etat in Burkina Faso, the UAE continues to be a significant helping hand, as they sent an aid plane containing 50 tonnes of food aid to Burkina Faso in January 2024. The UAE’s Assistant Minister of Foreign Aid for Development Affairs and International Organizations, Sultan Al Shamsi publicly stated that the aid plane was sent “to meet the needs of the most vulnerable categories of families impacted by food security challenges, who mainly consist of children, the elderly and women.”

“UAE Sends 50 Tonnes of Food Aid to Burkina Faso.” The National, The National, 23 Jan. 2024,

UAE Dispatches 50 Tonnes of Food Aid to Burkina Faso.

Security Council Press Statement on Situation in Burkina Faso | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases. 7 Oct. 2022,

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RoyalOakDelegate 02/16/2024 22:47:52

Topic: 2024-Situation in Burkina Faso
Country: France (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Jack Novak

Country: The French Republic
Committee: UNSC
Topic: Situation in Burkina Faso

The French Republic expresses concern for the Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration (PMSR), who seized power from the People’s Movement for Progress (MPP), after a military coup in 2022. While the MPP was in power, Burkina Faso witnessed major developments in both social and economic fields, as well as new government and judicial policies that addressed issues of poverty, education, and healthcare. Following the coup that overthrew the MPP’s power, the PMSR took over. This has brought about mixed reactions from the public in the country itself. In some eyes, the PMSR has greatly improved the country’s overall stability and strengthened the country’s overall security. Others are hyper-fixated on human rights concerns regarding the silencing of the press, reduced rights to assembly, and freedom of expression being undermined. There are also concerns about the democratic system the PMSR has in place and whether it is really democratic at all. Elections have been said to be unfair and there are inquiries being drawn to whether there is ample amounts of citizen participation in creating governmental processes. Furthermore, there have been concerns over if the PMSR is doing enough regarding the increased number of terrorism in the Sahel region which has witnessed many extremist groups such as Ansarul Islam and Jama’at Nusrat al’Islam wal Muslimeen who have been growing rapidly in power. They’ve launched attacks on citizens, troops, and police which has resulted in over 16 thousand deaths and over 2 million people being displaced, making it one of the worst crises in Africa currently. France is gravely concerned for the nation’s citizens and is drawing questions to the PMSR and whether they’re the best governance for Burkina Faso.
Previously known as the French Upper Volta, Burkina Faso was once one of our nation’s own colonies until gaining its independence in 1960. France as a nation has made sure to keep a close tie to Burkina Faso, supplying financial aid to boost the development of education, healthcare and security. France has also offered training programs to allow institutions to grow in knowledge and skill. Arguably the most important form of aid we’ve offered has been Operation Barkhane, which is a French military operation launched in 2014, that was created to combat terrorism in the Sahel region of Africa. This operation has been working in tandem with the G5 Sahel countries of Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger. This relationship has faced some tension as we have suspended development and budgetary aid to Burkina Faso since August 6th, 2023. This comes as a result of both Burkina Faso and Malis threats of possible military intervention against ECOWAS who gave the new rulers of Niger an ultimatum. A military coup overthrew the nation’s president Mohamed Bazoum which gravely upset ECOWAS who threatened their own military intervention if Bazoum–who was democratically elected–was not put back into power. France firmly backs ECOWAS, which has tainted our relationship with Burkina Faso for the time being.
France is concerned for the current state of Burkina Faso. We wish to see the democracy the PMSR promotes to actually come to fruition and be maintained accordingly. France wishes to continue our support for Burkina Faso, but, we will not lift our suspension of aid unless Burkina Faso agrees to cooperate and support Bazoum’s reinduction as president of Niger. The work our nations have done together as Operation Barkhane and the G5 Sahel to narrow and counteract terrorism in the region is something we mustn’t lose. France is more than willing to discuss differences with not only Burkina Faso, but Mali, and any other nations wary of Mohamed Bazoums leadership in Niger. The French republic looks forward to hearing other nations’ perspectives as well and hopes the UNSC may come to an agreement.

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BayCityDelegates 02/16/2024 20:46:13

Topic: 2024-Situation in Burkina Faso
Country: Malta (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Brayden Beson

In 2014, Burkina Faso, a landlocked country in West Africa faced a monumental shift in leadership when the former President was overthrown, ending his 27-year run. In 2022 however, a military junta led by the Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration (PMSR) led the country to experience a drastic increase in extremist groups and their influence on the people of Burkina Faso.

With the many humanitarian and safety issues brought to the UN concern, Malta aims to find solutions to decrease the influence of militant and extremist groups, allowing for more sustainable and efficient aid, especially for the millions left without healthcare, food, and water. Malta seeks both short and long-term solutions to ensure the stability of the people and security of Burkina Faso.

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BayCityDelegates 02/16/2024 19:18:04

Topic: 2024-Situation in Burkina Faso
Country: Russian Federation (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Mason Pressler

Situation in Burkina Faso-

Following the military coup of President Kaboré in January of 2022, subsequent installment of President Damiba, and Damiba’s own ouster in September of 2023, the situation in Burkina Faso has only intensified. Tensions between The Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration (PMSR), led by interim President Ibrahim Traoré, and Islamic Jihadist groups controlling nearly 40% of the nation’s territory continue to rise, and since the withdrawal of French imperial forces in early 2023, instability has only grown. The conflict has left over 2.1 million people displaced from their homes as of August 2023, most of those displaced being farmers who are now unable to work their land, halting crop production. The decrease in farming combined with the blockade on many urban centers by Islamist militias have left over 3 million people hungry and 650,000 people categorized as extremely hungry.

As a strong ally of Burkina Faso, the Russian Federation continues to support them through humanitarian efforts, supplying the nation with 25,000 tonnes of wheat late last year. This is the latest of several steps taken by Russia to aid civilians during the conflict in Burkina Faso. Russia plans on continuing and expanding these efforts in cooperation with local and international groups and organizations. This is a testament to Russia’s devotion to aiding developing nations across the globe, and our support for the decolonization of the global south.

Russia seeks to continue ramping up humanitarian aid in Burkina Faso while maintaining the nation’s sovereignty. The UN should greatly consider increasing aid through the World Food Programme as well as encouraging support from non-governmental organizations such as the Red Cross and Oxfam. The Russian Federation is opposed to boots on the ground intervention from UN peacekeeping forces, as well as efforts by the west to restore imperial control to the region. Assistance from the west conditioned upon aligning with their suffocating directives will only result in escalating the conflict further. The UN should continue humanitarian support in order to allow the Burkinabé government to stabilize on it’s own as elections are scheduled to be held in July of this year. We must ensure that humanitarian corridors are opened while self determination remains paramount.

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RoyalOakDelegate 02/16/2024 12:30:40

Topic: 2024-Situation in Burkina Faso
Country: Gabon
Delegate Name: Adrian Vasicek

Submitted to: United Nations Security Council
From: The Gabonese Republic
Subject: The Situation in Burkina Faso

The Gabonese Republic does not support the Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration (PMSR) that currently controls Burkina Faso’s government. This change of government in Burkina Faso brings the relationship between them and Gabon into question. Gabon encourages the United Nations to help the displaced citizens in Burkina Faso. The people in blockade camps are faced with limited access to healthcare, extreme hunger, and contaminated water. Hundreds of citizens have been attacked and killed due to an increase in terrorism under the PMSR government.
Currently, there is no way of knowing if the funding sent to Burkina Faso is received by its people or where the money is going. Placing sanctions on Burkina Faso or having incentives would be a way to control what is going in and out of the country, as well as be sure of what money is going where. Getting to the areas of the country that are under blockades requires working with the PMSR to avoid further violence, however, it may not be the best solution as it could give the PMSR more power and control than they currently have.
In order to restate a democratic system in Burkina Faso something must be done about the conflict between the armed Islamist group and the military. The PMSR has to be convinced to hold fair and unaltered elections. Ending internal conflicts in Burkina Faso is something that is imperative for the success of the country. United Nations military intervention would be a wise decision. In the past when the UN had not intervened, thousands of people ended up dead or stranded. Burkina Faso is moving towards this issue; without UN military intervention more violence is bound to reveal itself.
For Gabon, seeing a fellow African nation struggling that was once a close ally to France, it is in the United Nations’ best interest to help Burkina Faso. Restoring Burkina Faso to a place where it can be allied with France and other United Nations states, as well as a safe place for its people, is what it needs. Together, the Security Council can strive to help Burkina Faso and limit the conflicts that are experienced there.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 09:37:45

Topic: 2024-Situation in Burkina Faso
Country: Albania
Delegate Name: Taha Ibrahim

United Nations Security Council
Situation in Burkina Faso
Republic of Albania
Taha Ibrahim
Forest Hills Northern HS

Burkina Faso’s recent history has been marked with political instability and sweeping changes. Several transitional and military governments have taken power until 2015, with the election of Kabore. His tenure would only last 7 years before a military junta known as the Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration (PMSR) took over the nation in a coup d’etat. Now under the leadership of Ibrahim Traore, many democratic initiatives were ended, and western influence was cut off. Currently plaguing the nation thanks to the instability caused by the military coup, is the rise of several militant Islamist groups. These extremist groups have caused the civilian death count in Burkina Faso to triple. Along with this, over 800,000 people are under blockade due to them living in areas that are under control of these militant groups. Over 2 million people have been displaced and several require humanitarian assistance. Millions are dealing with extreme hunger and limited access to healthcare. Additionally, there have been reports of human rights violations being perpetrated by the military. A plan has been made with the Joint Steering Committee to Advance Humanitarian and Development Collaboration, however, it’s been left largely underfunded.
The Republic of Albania would like to place emphasis on combating the issues brought about by the presence of Islamic militant groups. Their presence has led to a mass amount of displaced peoples as well as threatening regional stability. The best way to deal with this is to strengthen regional cooperation. These groups are not limited to Burkina Faso alone, and several of them are operating in surrounding nations. Burkina Faso, along with neighboring countries and organizations can work collaboratively through intelligence sharing, security, and joint military operations.
With several displaced people due to the violence and instability caused by the ongoing conflict, humanitarian assistance and protection of the rights of people should be a top priority. Humanitarian agencies and NGOs should be supported in order to deliver lifesaving humanitarian aid. Food, shelter, and medical care should be accessible to any and all afflicted persons. Many refugees have made their way to neighboring countries with limited resources and support. To combat this, continued aid must be facilitated to neighboring nations harboring refugees, to provide a safe area for them until they can return to their home country.
Addressing the human rights violations is also something Albania believes to be necessary to help foster stability and peace in the region. With the military of Burkina Faso being accused of extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests, and several civilian disappearances, Albania wishes for the security council to not take these allegations lightly and to prevent any further violations from occurring. Impartial investigations must be conducted with haste. Human rights monitoring must be strengthened in order to document any violations committed and to send warning of any potential abuses.
Albania calls upon regional organizations to spearhead the cause and for nations to aid and support the plight of the people of Burkina Faso. To prevent further violence, the crisis must be addressed in a comprehensive manner. In order to safeguard the rights of people, provide aid to those who need it, and to put an end to conflict, Albania looks forward to working closely with the members of the Security Council to find lasting solutions to this conflict.

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Kaycee Duffey 02/16/2024 10:00:17

Topic: 2024-Situation in Burkina Faso
Country: Ghana
Delegate Name: Noah Breukink

The Republic of Ghana recognizes the gravity of the ongoing crisis in Burkina Faso, which has resulted in a severe humanitarian and security challenge in the West African region. As a neighboring country with historical, cultural, and economic ties to Burkina Faso, Ghana is deeply concerned about the escalating violence and its impact on the stability and well-being of the region. This position paper aims to outline Ghana’s stance on the situation in Burkina Faso and propose collaborative efforts to address the multifaceted challenges faced by our neighbor. Ghana expresses deep concern over the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Burkina Faso, marked by forced displacement, food insecurity, and a growing number of internally displaced persons (IDPs). We recognize the need for immediate and sustained humanitarian assistance to address the urgent needs of affected populations, particularly vulnerable groups such as women and children.

Ghana acknowledges the severe security challenges facing Burkina Faso, including terrorist attacks, intercommunal violence, and threats to national stability. Recognizing the transnational nature of these threats, Ghana emphasizes the importance of regional collaboration in the fight against terrorism, extremism, and other security risks that could spill across borders. Ghana calls for increased diplomatic efforts to facilitate dialogue and reconciliation among various stakeholders in Burkina Faso. We support the involvement of regional organizations, such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the African Union (AU), and the United Nations (UN), to mediate and facilitate a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
In light of the security challenges, Ghana commits to reinforcing its border security measures to prevent the infiltration of armed groups and illegal activities. Collaborative efforts with Burkina Faso and neighboring countries will establish a robust regional security framework.

In conclusion, Ghana stands in solidarity with Burkina Faso in addressing its complex challenges. We emphasize the need for a comprehensive and collaborative approach involving regional and international partners to restore stability, protect human rights, and promote sustainable development in Burkina Faso. Ghana is committed to actively participating in these efforts to contribute to a more secure and prosperous West African region.

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FHEDelegates 02/16/2024 00:06:59

Topic: 2024-Situation in Burkina Faso
Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: Andre Stoll

United Nations Security Council
Situation In Burkina Faso
The United Kingdom
Andre Stoll
Forest Hills Eastern

Burkina Faso has had an extensive and tragic history of instability and coups. Since the country gained independence in the 1960s, it has experienced at least eight coups, with two coming in the past year alone. This has led to a continuity of political instability throughout the existence of the nation, culminating in 2015 with the spillover of an ongoing Jihadist insurgency into Burkina Faso. Since then, the situation in the country has deteriorated drastically, with mass civilian casualties and human rights violations. Over two million people have been displaced, and over a quarter of the country faces food insecurity. Despite the attempted assistance of foreign nations and forces, the government has been extraordinarily unsuccessful in combating the Jihadist groups, with over half the nation still outside of government control. It was in response to this perceived ineptitude that both coups were executed, as the overthrown governments were viewed as ineffective in fighting insurgents. The government has also faced criticisms for alleged human rights violations, civilian genocide, and unlawful detainments and executions. Throughout this crisis, Burkina Faso has experienced sustained democratic backsliding and economic troubles and has shifted away from Western powers and towards Russian allegiance, as demonstrated by the alleged presence of the Wagner Group in 2023.

The United Kingdom (U.K.) fiercely opposes all terrorist groups, regardless of geographic location, and as such is sympathetic to Burkina Faso’s Jihadist plight. The U.K. is also gravely concerned by the ever-increasing number of refugees displaced by this conflict and is willing to work with the Burkina Faso government to help reduce the number of displaced people. However, the U.K. is extremely displeased by the government’s handling of relations with Western powers recently, especially the hastily forced withdrawal of France from Burkina Faso. Fighting European powers attempting to aid with the fight against the Jihadists will do nothing to alleviate the people of Burkina Faso’s suffering. Additionally, the alleged human rights violations, many specifically targeting women, have alarmed the U.K., and these violations need to be reduced as quickly as reasonably possible. Finally, the U.K. believes that Burkina Faso should strive to begin a path toward a civilian government with free and fair democratic elections, something that has been disrupted by the recent series of coups.

The situation in Burkina Faso is not unique: the ongoing Jihadist insurgency affects all of the Sahel region. This is a problem that needs increased attention and investment from the global community before these terrorist groups can expand the scale and location of their attacks. If the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda groups active in the region are allowed to continue developing, they could soon pose a global terrorist threat. United Nations (U.N) members, especially strong and stable countries with large military surpluses, need to begin providing more aid to countries in this region fighting the insurgency. However, countries doing this must ensure not to attempt to use this position of leverage to exploit this region for economic or political gain. Additionally, Burkina Faso needs increased supplies for humanitarian aid, which can be provided through non-governmental organizations such as the Collective against Impunity and Stigmatisation of Communities. Burkina Faso may also need U.N. oversight for its military, to ensure it is not committing the crimes alleged. Burkina Faso also needs domestic improvement and should be incentivized to Complete the implementation of the National Strategy for the Prevention and Elimination of Child Marriage.

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/15/2024 13:20:57

Topic: 2024-Situation in Burkina Faso
Country: United States of America
Delegate Name: Maya Comer

Conditions in Burkina Faso have continued to deteriorate since President Kaboré was ousted in 2022. Two military governments have risen and fallen in coups, and increasingly large numbers of civilians find themselves displaced. Additionally, U.S.-backed French troops departed Burkina Faso following Ibrahim Traoré’s 2022 seizure of the presidency and subsequent collaboration with Russia’s Wagner Group. Terrorist groups, keen to turn civilians against the government, have blocked humanitarian aid. Traoré has announced July 2024 as the date for a democratic election to subsume his current military government, but regional instability throws the decree into question.
The United States has long supported humanitarian expansion in Burkina Faso, most notably by providing $63 million in medical aid, which includes over 4,300 medical kits for Burkinabe peacekeepers. However, the U.S. recognizes that direct support for Traoré’s regime would serve to legitimize it, so it has withheld military support since his ascendency to the presidency. The foremost concern in Burkina Faso is the welfare of the Burkinabe people, so the United States hesitates to enable further destabilizing violence between the current government and terrorist groups. And, taking into account historical violations of African sovereignty by Western nations, the U.S. remains wary of direct intervention. Ultimately, proceedings in Burkina Faso are within the domain of the African Union and the Burkinabe people, but the United States has always stood vigilantly to assist in providing peace, stability, and prosperity.
Going forward, the United States calls upon the member states of the Security Council to expand humanitarian capabilities in Burkina Faso, especially considering the nation’s rising tides of violence. And while Traoré holds the ultimate discretion to collaborate with the Wagner Group, the United States worries about Wagner’s flagrant and well-documented human rights abuses, and proposes a more robust support system so that Traoré may choose to collaborate with UN-backed forces. Considering Traoré himself is a former UN peacekeeper, he may not be entirely hostile to the cause. However, in the interest of national sovereignty and pan-African independence, the U.S. suggests that the African Union lead the charge on this front, with the UN willing to step in as needed. Finally, the United States would like to point to the efficacy of violence-prevention and deradicalization programs (one of which was piloted successfully in Burkina Faso in 2019 for a relatively small $13.5 million), and suggests that these programs be promptly expanded to eliminate the problems of violence at their source.

Works Cited
Arieff, Alexis. Burkina Faso: Conflict and Military Rule. U.S. Congress, 28 Sept. 2023.
Biang, Michel Xavier. “Security Council Press Statement on Situation in Burkina Faso.” United Nations Meeting Coverage and Press Releases, United Nations, 7 Oct. 2022, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.
Cohen, Jonathan. “Remarks at a UN Security Council Debate on Peacekeeping Operations.” 9 Sept. 2019. United States Mission to the United Nations, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024. Address.
—. “Remarks at a UN Security Council Open Debate on Peace and Security in Africa: Strengthening Peacekeeping Operations in Africa.” 20 Nov. 2018. United States Mission to the United Nations, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024. Address.
Craft, Kelly. “Remarks at a UN Security Council Debate on Peace and Security in Africa.” 7 Oct. 2019. United States Mission to the United Nations, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024. Address.
“FACT SHEET: U.S. Commitments at the 2021 Seoul Peacekeeping Ministerial.” United States Mission to the United Nations, 8 Dec. 2021, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.
Nebenzia, Vassily A. “Security Council Press Statement on Situation in Burkina Faso.” United Nations Meetings Coverage and Press Releases, United Nations, 9 Feb. 2022, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.
Thomas-Greenfield, Linda. “Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield’s Interview with Anne Soy of BBC.” Interview by Anne Soy. United States Mission to the United Nations, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.
Wood, Robert. “Remarks at a UN Security Council Briefing on West Africa and the Sahel.” 25 July 2023. United States Mission to the United Nations, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024. Address.

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