September 16, 2019

Situation in Afghanistan

United Nations Security Council

Topic: Situation in Afghanistan

Afghanistan has a long history of political upheaval. Most recently, in 2021, the U.S.-backed government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan was overthrown by the Taliban, a Sunni-fundamentalist and Pashtun nationalist group. The Taliban remains in control of the country today, and its leadership is characterized by strict Qur’anic instruction and implementation of religious law in a way that is intolerant of religious minorities and highly restrictive of women’s rights.


The Taliban previously controlled Afghanistan (then known as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan) from 1996-2001, when they came to power during a period of civil war after the Soviet-backed Afghan government fell in 1992. The United States and its allies forcibly removed the Taliban from power in 2001 after they refused to turn over al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden following the attacks of September 11, 2001. (Note: al-Qaeda is distinct from the Taliban, but the Taliban permitted al-Qaeda to operate within the borders of Afghanistan while it was in power). When the United States ended its mission to Afghanistan in 2014, it turned over formal control of the country to the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) and the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, though U.S. troops remained in the country.  Following their ouster in 2001, the Taliban leadership moved their base of operations to southern Afghanistan, from which they coordinated a campaign of regular attacks against the ANDSF.


The Taliban and ANDSF had reached a stalemate by 2020 when the U.S. entered into two separate agreements – one with the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and one with the Taliban. These agreements were intended to stabilize the country and enable a withdrawal of U.S. military forces. However, in violation of the terms of its agreement with the U.S., the Taliban began taking over Afghani provinces during the summer of 2021, culminating with the capture of the capital Kabul on August 15.  In spite of the Taliban’s actions, the U.S. completed its troop withdrawal on August 31, 2021.


Afghani citizens have been the victims throughout their country’s prolonged period of political instability and associated violence. Over 100,000 Afghanis were killed from 2009-2020, and more than 120,000 Afghanis have become refugees in an effort to flee Taliban rule. Under Taliban leadership, Afghan society has become increasingly conservative, and citizens have lost many of the democratic rights and freedoms they had gained since 2001. For example, the Taliban has banned girls from attending secondary schools and required women to cover their faces in public and have a male-relative companion when traveling long distances. The Taliban has also reintroduced public executions and it disappeared or killed nearly 500 former government officials during its first 6 months in power.


The international community has widely condemned the Taliban’s actions, and many countries have placed sanctions on Afghanistan. As a result of these responses, Afghanistan is now facing multiple humanitarian crises, and approximately 24.4 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. As of March 2022, 95% of Afghan households did not have enough to eat and as of August 2022, 6,000,000 people were on the brink of famine. Inflation has doubled the price of goods, and climate change has exacerbated food shortages by causing heat waves and flash flooding, both of which destroy crops and farmable land. Nations that previously provided aid to Afghanistan have stopped and are reluctant to re-start out of concern for legitimizing the Taliban’s rule. Currently, no foreign governments have recognized the Taliban, and the United Nations has declined to recognize the Taliban’s designated representative. Afghanistan is officially represented by an interim charge d’affairs who is associated with the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (the former government).


In addition to internal political instability and highly oppressive societal policies, the Afghan people are also facing the threat of the Islamic State in Khorsan (ISIS-K), the Afghan affiliate of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. ISIS-K has recruited members from al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups and has positioned itself as strongly anti-Taliban and anti-religious minorities with the stated goal of establishing a “pure” Islamic system in Afghanistan.


The situation in Afghanistan is dire, and will require more than short term humanitarian aid, which the UN itself recognized in its 2023-2025 Strategic Framework for Afghanistan. The Security Council will need to address the crisis from multiple angles, including (but not limited to) the following:

  1. Ensuring the most vulnerable populations in Afghanistan are supported, and determining whether this can be done while maintaining sanctions on the Taliban.
  2. Restoring political stability to the country and preventing future democratic governments from being overthrown.
  3. Protecting the human rights of Afghani citizens under the current regime.
  4. Restoring economic stability and creating a more resilient and sustainable agricultural system to prevent future food scarcity.


Helpful links:

Council on Foreign Relations Global Conflict Tracker

Interim Report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction

Agreement between the U.S. and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Agreement between the U.S. and the Taliban

The United Nations Strategic Framework for Afghanistan

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Veronica 02/21/2024 13:41:15

Topic: 2024-Situation in Afghanistan
Country: UAE (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Aryan Katial

Topic B: The Situation in Afghanistan
After the Taliban overthrew the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces for governmental power of the country in August 2021, Afghanistan has suffered from mass instability and various humanitarian crises. During the first 6 months of power after the U.S military soldier withdrew from Afghanistan, the Taliban captured and killed about 500 government officials. The nationalist group has revoked multiple democratic citizen rights that were given in 2001, many of which were specifically for women. As of now, females are strictly banned from getting an education, showing their faces in public, voting, and going long distances without male company.120,000 Afghan citizens have become refugees, attempting to flee out of the country and escape the Taliban, who are being counted as responsible for thousands of civilian casualties since their takeover in 2021. In 2022, Afghanistan was reported to be the least democratic country in the world, according to the democracy index. Today, Afghanistan stands as the poorest country in Asia, and the least safest country in the world. In addition to political instability with the Taliban, Afghanistan has suffered from many environmental disasters due to climate change. This includes heat waves, flash floods and earthquakes, all of which have exponentially worsened the country’s situation. Climate change disasters began to occur in Afghanistan more often in 2022, as food crops were destroyed by being burned or washed away. In March of that year, about 95% of the country’s household population was reported to not have enough food to eat for a full day. The food shortage maintained a poor status throughout the year, as in August, around 6 Million people nearly grew famine. Overall, about 24.4 million people, more than half of Afghanistan’s population, desperately relies on foreign humanitarian aid to live.

The United Arab Emirates has had diplomatic relations with Afghanistan since 1973, and both countries each work towards a diplomatic mission to strengthen ties with each other. Like other nations in the Middle East, The UAE has been cautious with engagement in politics with Afghanistan, but has been passionate to stand by the Afghan people through times of humanitarian need. After a big earthquake that hit Afghanistan in June 2022, the UAE sent 30 tonnes of food and medical aid to the victims of the disaster. However, in February 2023, ISIS-K, an allied terrorist group with the Taliban, infiltrated Kabul’s Green Zone, an area of Afghanistan’s capital city where many foreign embassies lie, including the UAE’s, and tens of thousands of foreign workers live and work. As a result, UAE decided to loosen their ties with Afghanistan and close their diplomatic mission there due to security concerns.

In the United Nations Security Council, The UAE has encouraged other nations to not politically directly involve themselves with the situation in Afghanistan. During a conference in
September 2022, the representative of the UAE stated that the council should encourage full participation of women in Afghanistan to assist the country’s economy. The representative further stated that communication between the Taliban and the UAE will remain open. As more conferences are held for the UNSC to discuss the situation in Afghanistan, the UAE continues to address women’s rights and participation as its priority concern in Afghanistan, and is passionate about the council being a role model of including women in society to the Afghan people.


Wikipedia contributors. “Afghanistan–United Arab Emirates Relations.” Wikipedia, 26 Oct. 2023,,hospital%20was%20established%20in%20Khost.
Most Dangerous Countries in the World 2024.
Poorest Asian Countries 2024.

Cafiero, Giorgio. “The UAE’s Approach to the Taliban.” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 24 Jan. 2023,

Women Literally Being Erased From Public Life in Afghanistan, Speaker Tells Security Council, Sounding Alarm Over Country’s Dire Situation | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases. 20 Dec. 2022,
Afghanistan’s Future Depends on Taliban’s Engagement With World, but Restrictions on Women Signal Lack of International Commitments, Briefer Warns Security Council | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases. 27 Sept. 2022,

Adopting Resolution 2721 (2023), Security Council Requests Secretary-General Appoint Special Envoy for Afghanistan | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases. 29 Dec. 2023,

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Veronica 02/21/2024 13:37:24

Topic: 2024-Situation in Afghanistan
Country: Brazil (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Alanood Btoush

Honorable Chairs, Esteemed Delegates,

Afghanistan has faced a difficult and complex circumstance. The country has been dealing with
political unrest, military warfare, and humanitarian concerns. The withdrawal of Western soldiers
in August 2021 exacerbated the situation, allowing the Taliban to quickly seize control of the
country. The Taliban’s return to power has raised concerns about human rights, particularly for
women and girls, as well as the risk of increasing violence and instability. The humanitarian
situation in Afghanistan has also deteriorated, leaving millions in need of assistance. Despite
the world’s progress toward equality and humanitarian rights, Afghanistan’s position is
deteriorating, with concerns for the country’s future and its residents’ human rights.

The Security Council passed a resolution proposing that the Secretary-General designate a
Special Envoy for Afghanistan with extensive experience in human rights and women’s rights
while emphasizing the fundamental need for UNAMA’s sustained presence in Afghanistan. The
Council further said that the goal of this process should be an Afghanistan at peace with itself
and its neighbors, fully reintegrated into the international community, and fulfilling international
obligations. It also highlighted the significance of guaranteeing Afghan women’s full, equal,
meaningful, and safe participation throughout the process.

Brazil recognizes the severity of the situation, and understands the high risk in the
circumstances of Afghanistan. Brazil will combine its resettlement and aid offers with calls on
the Taliban to respect human rights, including everyone’s right to leave their country, and for
Afghanistan’s neighbors to open their borders to persons who are likely to be targeted by the
Taliban. Brazil hopes that by adopting these steps, it will encourage others to follow suit, as it
has done with the expedited recognition of Afghan asylum claims.

Brazil has developed legislation and protocols for recognizing refugees from Venezuela and
Afghanistan, which serve as a model for the rest of the world. By taking these additional steps,
Brazil can demonstrate leadership at this critical juncture in mobilizing a worldwide network to
save the lives of people in grave danger while also contributing to the global restoration of
human rights and dignity.

Brazil is open and is looking forward to collaborating with other delegates to initiate change,
revolution and development in the situation. Brazil is looking forward to fruitful debates and the
wealthy contribution this council will create.

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DetroitCatholicCentralDelegates 02/16/2024 23:09:37

Topic: 2024-Situation in Afghanistan
Country: Japan (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Adam Harake

Topic: 2024-Situation in Afghanistan
Country: Japan
Delegate Name: Adam Harake

Japan remains deeply concerned about the situation in Afghanistan following the recent political developments and the withdrawal of international forces. As a nation committed to peace and stability in the region, Japan recognizes the urgent need for a comprehensive and inclusive political solution that respects the rights of all Afghan people. Japan reaffirms its support for the Afghan people’s aspirations for peace, security, and development, and calls upon all parties involved to engage in dialogue and reconciliation to achieve a sustainable peace. Furthermore, Japan emphasizes the importance of upholding human rights, particularly the rights of women and minorities, and urges the new Afghan authorities to prioritize the protection of these fundamental freedoms in their governance.

In light of the evolving situation, Japan reiterates its commitment to providing humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people, particularly those affected by conflict and displacement. Japan remains ready to work with the international community, including the United Nations and relevant regional organizations, to address the humanitarian needs and support the efforts towards peace and stability in Afghanistan. Moreover, Japan emphasizes the importance of regional cooperation and coordination to address the challenges posed by the situation in Afghanistan and to promote economic development and connectivity in the broader region. Through constructive engagement and solidarity with the Afghan people and the international community, Japan stands ready to contribute to a peaceful and prosperous future for Afghanistan.

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BayCityDelegates 02/16/2024 22:28:09

Topic: 2024-Situation in Afghanistan
Country: Russian Federation (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Mason Pressler

Situation in Afghanistan-

Throughout the past two decades, over a hundred thousand civilians have been killed in the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan. Following the withdrawal of US forces and international troops in 2021, the Islamist Regime known as the Taliban has seen a great resurgence of power in the war torn nation. After the reinstatement of the Taliban, the situation has only continued to devolve. Due to the increase in military activity, thousands of people have been displaced and left hungry. Nearly six million Afghan people have been either displaced internally or fled the country. In March of 2022, 95% of Afghan households reported not having enough food to eat, and over three and a half million Afghan children needed nutrition support. Natural disasters caused by climate change have also exacerbated the humanitarian cost of this conflict, only increasing food insecurity and physical removal of civilians.

Though economic sanctions have been used profusely to combat the Taliban, these tariffs have taken a toll on Afghan civilians, and the nation is now in economic crisis on top of the social and armed conflicts as well as environmental and food crises. The Russian Federation believes in finding a solution to the conflict that both combats the Taliban’s human rights abuses while avoiding collateral damage to the Afghan people, this is no easy task. Russia has long recognized the Taliban as a terrorist group, but does not support western intervention in the region, nor do we believe sanctions on the nation have been effective at combating human rights violations.

Agricultural stabilization should be a key component of a multilateral solution to the conflict in Afghanistan as people continue to starve. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) has already outlined plans for Afghanistan this year, including a push to increase self sufficiency in wheat production. Russia supports these efforts as well as increasing funding for the World Food Programme which has decreased support in Afghanistan due to budget shortfalls.

It is also the position of the Russian Federation that the installment of a western-backed puppet government will do nothing to help alleviate tensions in Afghanistan. Russia urges great consideration of humanitarian and diplomatic approaches in lieu of military action from both the UN and its members. After 20 years of unsuccessful and costly US occupation and the subsequent botched withdrawal from the nation, we know that this strategy is ineffective and does not ensure long-term stability.The situation remains dire, and it is clear that action should be taken, but the approach must be calculated and delicate to prevent further escalation.

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RoyalOakDelegate 02/16/2024 21:30:59

Topic: 2024-Situation in Afghanistan
Country: Gabon (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Adrian Vasicek

Submitted to: United Nations Security Council
From: The Gabonese Republic
Subject: The Situation in Afghanistan

The Gabonese Republic does not recognize or support the Taliban as the official government of Afghanistan. The Taliban is a regime that has been oppressing and harming the citizens of Afghanistan for years, the United Nations Security Council must step in and help the people of this nation; it is imperative for the peace and unity that the United Nations aims for. In attempting to enforce Sharia onto the people of Afghanistan, the Taliban has allowed for terrorists to stay safe in the country and bring terror to the world and Afghanistan. A religious government is not the problem. The Taliban, however, is a problem not only for Afghani people but for neighboring countries as well.

Protecting vulnerable populations of Afghanistan, such as women, is especially important. While it is important to respect a country’s beliefs, if a country is oppressing a group of people and using religion to excuse it, something should be done to help the oppressed group. Gabon does not stand for the injustice of any group. Working to help people in Afghanistan live safe lives is very important. Currently, the sanctions placed on the Taliban by countries are not working, the Taliban still holds power. The sanctions, though, do hurt the citizens of Afghanistan; the UNSC must figure out if sanctions are the best option.

The Gabonese Republic stands firm in the belief that in order to bring Afghanistan to a place where the Taliban cannot come back into power, the rights of women must be ensured. Currently, half the country’s population cannot work, learn, drive, or be alone in public. This is causing massive instability in the country, mainly because half of the workforce is lost. With the instability the Taliban can stay in power, this is why Gabon urges the Security Council to find a way to bring women’s rights back into the country. Reinstating women’s rights with help remove this instability by allowing women to work and function in society.

Afghanistan’s food and economic instability needs to be solved as well to get rid of the Taliban. The Taliban has gotten rid of many forms of income for the country due to the fact they view them as outside Sharia. Afghanistan is already a location with a lack of access to fresh water, which makes the type of food grown in the country sparse. In order to provide solutions for the Afghani people, sanctions on the Taliban must be lifted to an extent. Without trading, resources cannot be sent to help improve stability. The Taliban have prevented women from working; the Taliban have removed half their workforce, thus creating an unstable economic environment in the country. To reemphasize Gabon’s stance, reinstating women’s rights is imperative to rid the Taliban’s control and for the growth of Afghanistan.

Due to the large Muslim population of Afghanistan, religion will always be a part of their government. It is still important for the religious government to be democratic and have fair elections. To instate a stable and democratic government in Afghanistan the United Nations must work with the Afghani people and help them overthrow the Taliban. After the removal of the Taliban, there would be room for a new democratic government. In the past, military presence has prevented the Taliban from coming into power, however, military intervention is not a long-term solution. Allowing for the Afghani people to decide what they want in their government would provide stability, the UN would then be able to help monitor the government if Afghanistan agrees to it. It is likely that while the Taliban is in power no agreements or compromises will happen.

Gabon believes that the Taliban is a group that has been in violation of human rights for many years. It is time for the United Nations Security Council to take a different approach. Gabon hopes that the people of Afghanistan can once again have freedoms and not fear for their safety, removing the Taliban from power will help this happen. Gabon hopes that the Security Council can help Afghanistan become a stable and thriving state of the world.

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/15/2024 15:20:37

Topic: 2024-Situation in Afghanistan
Country: United States of America
Delegate Name: Maya Comer

Afghanistan, once regarded as a success story for democracy, slid into turmoil in August 2021 when the Taliban took over after U.S. troops withdrew from the country. The UN-backed government collapsed, and many Afghan soldiers either fled or joined extremist militias. The Taliban rule has severely restricted women’s rights; banning girls from attending school, harshly enforcing dress codes, and developing mahram laws. They have introduced public floggings and executions, inspiring widespread terror among the Afghan people. The Taliban’s extremist rule has caused many countries to remove crucial humanitarian aid from Afghanistan altogether: “The loss of foreign development aid and Taliban rights violations have caused a catastrophic health crisis in Afghanistan that is disproportionately harming women and girls,” says an expert at Human Rights Watch.
The United States first brought troops to Afghanistan following 9/11, and sustained over 57,000 military casualties over the next twenty years. Facing public disapproval over the costly and unproductive war, U.S. officials signed a pact with the Afghan government in 2020 to withdraw troops within fourteen months. Following the disastrous withdrawal and subsequent government collapse, the United States has ceased all humanitarian and military operations in Afghanistan so as not to provoke or legitimize the Taliban. The factor most attributed to the Taliban’s takeover was the Afghan military’s dependence on American support. The military was left weak and unstructured following the United States withdrawal, leaving it vulnerable to a coordinated effort such as that exercised by the Taliban. The U.S., along with the rest of the Security Council, has expressed concern for the myriad crises the citizens of Afghanistan face, especially regarding the welfare of girls and women. The U.N. has noted that solely humanitarian responses to the crisis are insufficient to address it, but has not yet endorsed a specific action plan.
The United States is in agreement with the United Nations that solely humanitarian efforts cannot ameliorate the abuses faced by Afghan civilians, especially girls and women. While the U.S. has pledged not to intervene militarily unless actions by the ruling Taliban or terrorist groups like al-Qaeda or ISIS-K directly threaten American citizens, the U.S. will stand behind any effort to reinstate the Afghan government. The Taliban seized power illegitimately, and serves as a dire threat to the livelihoods of millions of people. It is not an organization with which the United States can negotiate in good conscience. It is the prerogative of the Afghan people, with the support of the United Nations, to stand in solidarity against the Taliban. The people must show the Taliban that they require certain conditions to survive, at risk of civil unrest. The United States believes that the Taliban’s regime is so draconian that it becomes untenable, and a revolution, powered by the women of Afghanistan, is in order. The U.S. urges the Security Council to welcome it when it comes.

Works Cited
Ackerman, Elliot. “Why Bringing Back the Draft Could Stop America’s Forever Wars.” TIME, 10 Oct. 2019, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.
“Afghanistan: Aid Cutbacks, Taliban Abuses Imperil Health.” Human Rights Watch, 12 Feb. 2024, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.
Faiez, Rahim. “Foreign Aid Drops Sharply as Taliban Abuses Jeopardize the Afghan Health System, Group Says.” AP News, Associated Press, 12 Feb. 2024, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.
“Instability in Afghanistan.” Global Conflict Tracker, Center for Preventative Action, 17 Aug. 2023,,finance%20humanitarian%20assistance%20for%20Afghanistan. Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.
“Joint Declaration between the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the United States of America for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan.” U.S. Department of State, 29 Feb. 2020, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.
RCO. “United Nations Strategic Framework for Afghanistan.” United Nations Afghanistan, United Nations, 2 July 2023, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.
“Resolution 2721 (2023).” United Nations, 29 Dec. 2023, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.
“Resolution 2681 (2023).” United Nations, 27 Apr. 2023, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.
“Resolution 2678 (2023).” United Nations, 16 Mar. 2023, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.
Sopko, John F. Collapse of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces: An Assessment of the Factors That Led to Its Demise. May 2022. SIGAR, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.

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BayCityDelegates 02/16/2024 20:50:53

Topic: 2024-Situation in Afghanistan
Country: Malta (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Brayden Beson

In 2021, the Islamic extremist group known as the Taliban overthrew the government of Afghanistan. Due to this, Afghanistan has adopted many Islamic Laws, notably restricting the right for women to attend secondary school. With increased sanctions set to counter the Taliban, their economy has and continues to suffer, leaving millions on the brink of famine. Although the Taliban has regained majority control, another Islamic extremist group on a dangerous rise in Afghanistan is referred to as ISIS-K. With members increasing substantially, the threat of ISIS-K continues to increase within Afghanistan.

Malta aims to address and work on solutions to the major issues within Afghanistan, such as organizing aid to provide necessities to the Afghan people. Malta seeks solutions to promote a safer and more secure country of Afghanistan. Malta seeks to put its utmost importance on the extremist groups who continue to reign terror on the people.

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RoyalOakDelegate 02/16/2024 20:32:21

Topic: 2024-Situation in Afghanistan
Country: France (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Jack Novak

Country: The French Republic
Committee: UNSC
Topic: Situation in Afghanistan

The French Republic is gravely concerned with the current state of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. A key principle of the United Nations is and has been protecting and ensuring Human Rights to all people around the globe. Direct Human Rights violations have been seen and reported in Afghanistan, notably the rights of women and girls, freedom of expression, press, and the rights of ethnic and religious minorities. France acknowledges many of the Taliban’s actions are based on their interpretations of the Sunni branch of Islam, however, this is no excuse for the current living situation of Afghan people. Following the Taliban’s takeover in August 2021, women lost their freedom to work, seek education, and participate in public life. Journalists and the press have been silenced and censored by the Taliban and public executions have been reported. The Taliban have targeted and attempted to eradicate several ethnic and religious minorities within Afghanistan including the Hazaras, Tajiks, Uzbeks, and Sikhs. Most Afghan people are facing displacement, food insecurity, and little access to basic necessities. According to the UNHCR, as of October 24, 2023, Afghan refugees rank number 2 in terms of most numerous with around 6.1 million people. This simply can not continue. Human rights are fundamental and we can’t excuse any violations of these rights. Afghanistan has faced decades of crisis going back all the way to the Soviet invasion in 1979. The Afghan people need to finally be able to live in peace and prosperity.
France has been involved in aiding the Afghan people since the September 11th attacks in 2001 on the United States. France joined the international coalition that was formed to counteract terrorism in the region and help with the Taliban takedown in 2001 by contributing to the military campaign, as well as contributing to development and reconstruction projects to build Afghanistan as a nation. Humanitarian aid and diplomacy have been key in France’s effort to relieve Afghanistan as well. One of our most recent exchanges with Afghanistan was the release of a compatriot reporter who was held captive for 284 days on October 20th, 2023. Since then we’ve continued in the routine aid for Afghanistan but no major actions have been made. However, we’ve gradually been withdrawing many troops from Afghanistan as security responsibilities have been transitioning into the Afghan government’s hands even with the Taliban in control of the country.
While routine aid has been critical in maintaining the declining condition of Afghanistan, more action is needed. Many countries like us, have withdrawn troops from the region as the Afghan government themselves, while gratefully accepting aid, do wish for more autonomy and self-control. While we as a nation understand and respect this appeal, as a first-world nation and founding UN member, we have a duty to help not only ourselves and our allies, but the entire world as a whole. The Taliban have threatened, corrupted, and damaged many nations. France is in support and would like to see more militarization within the area, especially within war torn countries like Syria, Jordan, Iraq and the subject of discussion, Afghanistan. While the US was present in Afghanistan, major developments were made in areas like governance, education, and women’s rights. Immediately upon their withdrawal the Taliban took over and removed almost all progress that had been made. It is clear Afghanistan will never be at peace if we sit back and act as bystanders. Action is the only way to peace and the French Republic greatly looks forward to working with the rest of UNSC.

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FHEDelegates 02/16/2024 14:17:09

Topic: 2024-Situation in Afghanistan
Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: Andre Stoll

United Nations Security Council
Situation In Afghanistan
United Kingdom
Andre Stoll
Forest Hills Eastern

Afghanistan has existed in a state of nearly perpetual conflict since the 1970s, following a coup in 1973. Since then, there have been at least three brutal civil wars and two conflicts with major global powers. This sustained fighting has destroyed Afghanistan. Millions of people have died, millions more have been displaced, the majority of infrastructure is nonfunctional, there is an unprecedented need for humanitarian aid at a massive scale, and women have been continually oppressed, all while the government struggles to govern the nation and faces rebel and separatist threats. The government has also allegedly abused and mishandled humanitarian aid sent to the country, resulting in many nations stopping funding for these programs. Additionally, following the Taliban’s seizing of power in 2021, the nation now faces countless international restrictions, embargos, and sanctions. All of these factors have combined to destroy the Afghani economy, resulting in the second-lowest GDP per capita in the world.

The United Kingdom (U.K.) has provided extensive support to Afghanistan over the years through millions of dollars in aid and accepting thousands of refugees and asylum seekers. However, following the Taliban’s recapture of control over Afghanistan, the U.K. is distraught to see renewed efforts at restricting the rights of women and violence targeting specific ethnic groups within Afghanistan. Additionally, the U.K. is deeply disturbed by the recent increase in alleged terrorist groups active in the region. The U.K. firmly believes that significant steps must be taken to further equality within Afghanistan, promote economic growth, and prevent the activities of terrorist affiliates. The U.K. is also willing to work with stable and willing powers in the region to help organize and increase the capacity of refugee camps for those fleeing Afghanistan.

The Situation in Afghanistan has proven incredibly difficult to resolve over the past five decades of conflict, and it should not be viewed as a problem that can be easily or quickly solved. The situation will only improve over the long run, with sustained investment from United Nations (U.N) members and incentives placed on the government by the U.N. Equality, especially for women and other minority groups, must be a focus. If the Taliban is unwilling to make steps in the right direction of their own accord, then the U.N. must find ways to incentivize positive domestic developments. Additionally, terrorism in the region not only affects Afghanistan but also the entirety of the world. Afghanistan can not be allowed to again become a terrorist haven like it was before the 9/11 attacks in 2001. To achieve this goal, the U.N. will have to collaborate with the Taliban regime in counterterrorism efforts, and if this is not realized, the U.N. will have to enact further strict sanctions on the nation. The current sanctions and the threat of further sanctions can be used to encourage the Taliban to move Afghanistan in the correct direction. If the Taliban works with the U.N., then it will be possible to seriously improve the situation within this deeply troubled nation.

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Kaycee Duffey 02/16/2024 10:19:18

Topic: 2024-Situation in Afghanistan
Country: Ghana
Delegate Name: Noah Breukink

The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has been facing a complex and challenging situation, marked by political instability, security concerns, and humanitarian crises. As a responsible member of the international community, Ghana is deeply concerned about the developments in Afghanistan and acknowledges the need for a comprehensive and collaborative approach to address the multifaceted issues facing the country.

Ghana acknowledges the serious security threats faced by Afghanistan, including the presence of terrorist groups and the internal conflict. As a country that has experienced its own share of security challenges in the past, Ghana empathizes with the Afghan people and supports efforts to establish a stable and secure environment. The international community must collaborate to address the root causes of insecurity and work towards fostering peace and stability. Ghana expresses its concern for the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Afghanistan, including the displacement of civilians, lack of access to basic services, and the overall deterioration of living conditions. Ghana supports efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people and emphasizes the importance of protecting the rights and well-being of vulnerable populations, especially women and children.

Ghana advocates for a diplomatic and dialogue-driven approach to resolving the situation in Afghanistan. The international community must engage in constructive conversations that involve all relevant parties, including the Afghan government, opposition groups, and neighboring countries. Ghana encourages the use of diplomatic channels to address grievances, promote reconciliation, and find political solutions to the ongoing crisis. Ghana emphasizes the importance of international cooperation in addressing the challenges faced by Afghanistan. The United Nations and regional organizations should play a central role in coordinating efforts to support Afghanistan in its path toward stability and development. Ghana stands ready to contribute to and support initiatives that promote peace, security, and prosperity in Afghanistan.

In conclusion, Ghana recognizes the gravity of the situation in Afghanistan and advocates for a comprehensive and collaborative approach that prioritizes diplomacy, humanitarian assistance, and international cooperation. Ghana stands in solidarity with the Afghan people and supports efforts to address the root causes of the crisis, fostering a stable and secure future for Afghanistan.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 09:31:18

Topic: 2024-Situation in Afghanistan
Country: Albania
Delegate Name: Taha Ibrahim

United Nations Security Council
Situation in Afghanistan
Republic of Albania
Taha Ibrahim
Forest Hills Northern HS

Afghanistan, known as the graveyard of empires, has long been a nation with large geopolitical significance. The current government of Afghanistan, also known as the Taliban, had at one point been the government in the past as a product of the Cold War. That government would be ousted by the United States five years after their establishment. Control of the nation would be given to the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF), and the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. These forces have been regularly attacked by the Taliban since 2001. By 2020, the US would agree to leave Afghanistan with conditions to stabilize the country. The Taliban would violate the terms of the agreement and capture provinces controlled by the Afghani Government, with the capital Kabul being captured. Ever since, the Taliban has been the ruling government of Afghanistan, though, no country recognizes the Taliban as the legitimate government.

The Republic of Albania recognized that the most important thing to address regarding this current situation is the conditions of Afghani citizens. Currently, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) is tasked with supporting humanitarian assistance for the nation. This current mission is crucial to help maintain what little stability there is for the people, as over 100,000 have been killed in the past two decades, and over 24.4 million people are in need of humanitarian aid. Food has been a scarce commodity for many as inflation skyrocketed the price of goods and farmable land has been left ruined by the heat and flash flooding. Nations are unwilling to aid Afghanistan out of fear of legitimizing Taliban rule. To avoid this issue, Albania affirms that working with NGOs is essential. These NGOs can be used to help provide aid such as food, shelter, and medical supplies and to give them to the people to ensure that aid goes to the right people. NGOs can also be used to help establish better agricultural infrastructure. The second issue comes from the lack of severe restriction of rights for women under Taliban rule. When it comes to this, NGOs are still the best way to support women without legitimizing the Taliban. Some organizations can be primarily focused on the education sector, helping to provide education and schooling for young women, who have currently been deprived of education, effectively. The Republic of Albania also recognizes that the current mandate for UNAMA is set to expire in March, so renewing the mandate as well as expanding it to facilitate the aid mentioned earlier is of utmost importance.

Albania has made it very clear that the situation in Afghanistan is dire, and must be approached with a careful and thorough plan. The heavy displacement of people must be taken into account, since 2021, The Republic of Albania has been committed to sheltering and providing assistance to many people who’ve left their homes and communities. Working with UNICEF and UNHCR proves to be effective in aiding some of the over 120,000 refugees from Afghanistan. Albania calls on the international community to support the Afghan people in order to maintain their rights, improve their living conditions, and to stabilize the current situation. Albania stands ready to work with the rest of the Security Council to address this situation and to find a lasting solution.

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