September 16, 2019

Situation in Ukraine

United Nations Security Council

Topic: Situation in Ukraine

On February 24, 2022 a “special military operation” was enacted by the Russian Federation against the nation of Ukraine. The special operation saw mass missile and artillery strikes across the country followed by a ground invasion. The operation is the largest operation conducted against Ukraine since the annexation of Crimea in 2014. Separatists backed by Russian assets have waged war against Ukraine in the Donbas region ever since, attempting to claim independence. These forces continue to fight alongside Russian forces. The invasion was initiated under the claim that the Ukrainian government consists of neo-Nazis that have oppressed an ethnic Russian minority. These claims have not been substantiated to the satisfaction of much of the international community.

The conflict has contributed to the global refugee crisis, food shortages, and general shortages in resources and goods for global commerce. The conflict has also yielded significant civilian casualties. Members of the international community have supplied aid to both sides of the conflict – members of NATO have supplied arms and munitions to Ukrainian forces while China and North Korea have provided ammunition and economic aid to Russia. The conflict is largely undecided as each side has launched attacks and counter-attacks. Certain regions offer special concerns to the international community, such as Chernobyl and the Zaporzhzhia nuclear power plant. These two locations offer the threat of nuclear catastrophe should conflict erupt at either location. Russian forces have largely vacated Chernobyl, however the Zaporzhzhia plant remains a significant risk as it has been at the center of a crisis as it has been held by Russian forces and attacked by Ukrainian forces. One of three operational nuclear power plants in Ukraine, a disruption of the control systems, generators that operate coolant pumps, or the containment facilities may lead to a nuclear disaster that would span most of continental Europe.

The situation in Ukraine is a global one. Shipments of grain threaten the global food supply if not carried out and the supply of grains will likely be severely diminished next year as the fields of the world’s bread basket are torn apart by war. Parties on both sides of the conflict are providing arms and supplies that extend the battles and reduce the likelihood of peace talks. How can the Security Council reduce the civilian casualties in this conflict? How can the safety of refugees fleeing active combat zones be guaranteed? Is there a way to continue supplying grains to the rest of the world while maintaining neutrality? How can the parties in this conflict be brought to peace talks? Is there reason for the international community to consider the independence of the Donbas region?

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FHEDelegates 11/23/2022 23:14:48

Country: United States of America
Delegate Name: Andre Stoll

Security Council
Situation in Ukraine
United States
Andre Stoll
Forest Hills Eastern

On February 24th, 2022, Russian military forces crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border and began a multi-front offensive in what can only be called an invasion of the sovereign nation of Ukraine. This act was a major escalation of the ongoing conflict in the region, which began on February 20th, 2014, when Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula, a territory belonging to Ukraine. As a consequence of these actions, the world has experienced a significant food shortage, gas shortages, and a major humanitarian crisis. This has impacted the global economy and billions of people worldwide. In response to the actions of Russia, the U.N. passed resolutions recognizing that Russia’s actions were an “attempted illegal annexation”, refusing to recognize Russia’s claimed territory in Ukraine as part of Russia, calling on Russia to end the military offense and return Ukraine’s territory, as well as pay Ukraine war reparations. In addition to this, the U.N. has funded over two billion dollars worth of humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian people. Countries from around the globe came together to provide assistance to Ukraine and place sanctions on the government of Russia. However, there has been a serious issue to consider when attempting to resolve this situation: Russia has weapons of mass destruction, and has threatened to use them. No countries wish to risk a potential World War Three, and as such, no military support besides military equipment has been provided to Ukraine.

The United State of America (U.S.) has repeatedly denounced the Russian Offensive as barbaric, illegal, and a scheme orchestrated by the Russian Dictator, Vladamir Putin. The U.S. views Putin as responsible for the current situation in Ukraine and is particularly against the idea of Putin staying in power and escalating the conflict. It has even suggested ideas of forcefully removing Putin from power. President Joseph R. Biden is quoted as saying “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.” when talking about Putin. The U.S. economy has been seriously affected by the oil and food shortages caused by the Russian incursion, with gas prices increasing to a peak of $5.10 per gallon after Russia, a major oil exporter, invaded Ukraine, and as such was cut out of international trade. In addition to halting the import of Russian oil, the U.S. has levied serious economic sanctions against Russia. The U.S. has pulled U.S.-owned businesses from Russia, prevented Russian business transactions, and cracked down on Russian oligarchs, some of the only people with power in Russia, seizing overseas assets such as estates and yachts. The U.S. has continually supported the Ukrainian military in this conflict, providing them with vehicles and weapons, such as HIMAR rockets and surface-to-air missiles. However, the U.S. has avoided giving anything beyond equipment, not desiring to escalate the situation. The U.S. is dedicated to preserving democracy in Ukraine as well as protecting Ukrainian lives and prefers that this conflict ends with negotiations instead of continued warfare. Despite this, the U.S. has been hostile while negotiating with Russia, with the U.S.’s U.N. ambassador stating during a U.N. Security Council meeting involving Russia “How much more of this nonsense do we have to endure?”

It is the United States’ opinion that Russia has no legitimate claim to any territory in Ukraine, and that this situation should be resolved by Russia returning all territory (including Crimea) to Ukraine, paying Ukraine war reparations, and helping Ukraine recover from the massive humanitarian crisis caused by Russia’s actions. The U.S. believes that Russia is entirely at fault for the current situation, and would be in favor of Putin standing down as leader of Russia. The U.S. presses nations not yet sanctioning Russia, or worse yet, supporting Russia, to reconsider their positions, and begin to sanction Russia and support Ukraine. The U.S. desires a quick and preferably peaceful outcome to this war, and for it to not stretch on indefinitely like previous modern military operations. The U.S. is open and willing to help other nations transition off of a dependency on Russian goods if that is what it takes to end this conflict.

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GRCityDelegates 11/23/2022 18:47:00

Country: Italy
Delegate Name: Stephen Pellathy

Italian position paper: War in Ukraine Security council

City High middle school

Stephen A. Pellathy

DATA collection:

Public opinion
The Italian public stance on the war in Ukraine is one of worry. In a poll taken in late august of this year, 86% of Italians worried about the war in Ukraine when it first began, while that number has decreased as of present day ( 79%) the number is still overwhelmingly large. The italian public opinion on perceived causes of the war is 42% of people have the idea that Russia was totally unjustified in its attack on ukraine, while 6% think russia was justified in its actions and 26% think that nato threatened russia, but there is no justification for war (and a total of 26% neutral). In another poll, Italians were asked on which side they take on the war. 46% were on the side of Ukraine, 8% were on the side of Russia and 46% took no side at all. However, when asked to describe steps to take with regards to appropriate reaction, it came to an almost perfect split. 35% support ending hostilities, while 35% support heavily weakening Russia, with a remaining 30% not knowing what to do.
Energy usage
Natural gas imports accounted for about 92% of the total natural gas supply. Although Italian natural gas is not derived from the Nord Stream pipeline, most of Italy’s natural gas imports come from Russia via pipelines across Ukraine and from southeastern Europe. Natural gas accounts for almost half of Italy’s electricity production. However these pipelines are not being shut down, they could be threatened in the future, and need to be protected.
Italian trade (past)
Italy has been previously friendly with Russia, Italy Exports to Russia was US$9.01 Billion during 2021, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade. During a period of time, Italy was in fact Russia’s largest trading partner. In 2021 Italy exported 2.6 billion (USD) worth of Nuclear reactors, boilers, and other machinery to Russia. And Russia exported $4.08 B of Petroleum Gas. In 2020, Italy exported $7.71B to Russia. The main products that Italy exported to Russia were Vaccines, blood, antisera, toxins and cultures ($275M), Valves ($262M), and Leather Footwear ($238M). During the last 25 years the exports of Italy to Russia have increased at an annualized rate of 4.05%, from $2.86B in 1995 to $7.71B in 2020.
Recent Italian trade as of January 2022
In January 2022, Russia exported $2.22B and imported $761M from Italy, resulting in a positive trade balance of $1.46B. Between January 2021 and January 2022 the exports of Russia have increased by $1.11B (99.6%) from $1.11B to $2.22B, while imports increased by $148M (24.1%) from $613M to $761M.
In January 2022, the top exports of Russia to Italy were Commodities not elsewhere specified ($1.14B), Crude Petroleum ($612M), Refined Petroleum ($130M), Platinum ($99.8M), and Coal Briquettes ($56.1M). In January 2022 the top imports of Russia from Italy were Packaged Medicaments ($74.4M), Vaccines, blood, antisera, toxins and cultures ($25.4M), Other Heating Machinery ($25.2M), Wine ($23.1M), and Valves ($20.9M).
In January 2022, the increase in Russia’s year-by-year exports to Italy was explained primarily by an increase in product exports in Commodities not elsewhere specified ($317M or 248%), Platinum ($88M or 443%), and Coal Briquettes ($10.3M or 139%). In January 2022, the increase in Russia’s year-by-year imports from Italy was explained primarily by an increase in product imports in Other Heating Machinery ($49.3M or 818%), Packaged Medicaments ($24.6M or 110%), and Vaccines, blood, antisera, toxins and cultures ($10.5M or 68.1%).

Italy is wanting to preserve its foreign trade with Russia, as it is a major part of the Italian economy. This means that italy aims to preserve its imports of natural gas, via pipelines through ukraine, as this accounts for nearly half of the electricity use of italians. However, the public consensus is that of uncertainty or division. Although only 8% of the public sided with Russia, and 46% of people took the side of Ukraine, equally as many took the neutral position of “no stance at all”. Italy wants to avoid any military involvement in a war with Ukraine, as this would be very dangerous, and the 46% of undecided people are volatile, and could swing either war, which would lose support. However, Italy is extremely open to receiving Ukrainian refugees. Italy already has a large Ukrainian population. Among the EU Member States, Italy hosts one of the largest communities of Ukrainian-born people. According to Eurostat data, at the end of 2020 there were 223 000 Ukrainian citizens holding a valid residence permit. Only Poland had more, with almost 500 000. Italy has taken in more than 171,000 Ukrainians since the Russian invasion this year, according to United Nations figures. Polls show fewer than 40% of Italians approve of their country supplying weapons to Ukraine, a lower rate than other European Union countries surveyed. Many Italian businesses, meanwhile, are on the edge of bankruptcy, and closure, due to rising energy costs and interest rates. And inflation is at 11.9%. Securing energy is one of the main priorities of Italy in the resolution, and anything that would increase energy cost would be discouraged.

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EastGrandRapidsDelegates 11/23/2022 17:20:16

Country: France
Delegate Name: Harry Cornell

Committee: UNSC
Topic: Situation in Ukraine
Country: France
Delegate: Harrison Cornell
Ukraine has been an independent nation for over two centuries. Earlier this year, the Russian Federation made the decision to both invade parts of Ukraine and to annex parts of Ukraine. In 2014, the Russian Federation launched a military coup in Crimea. Since then it has been noted that “Russia is responsible for multiple human rights abuses, including torture, detention, forced disappearances as well as discrimination” (Clinton). If the same holds true for the rest of Ukraine, this body will have a much larger problem on its hands that it currently does.
France does not recognize any of these annexations. These actions go against everything that France stands for. France holds the very clear position that since “the very first day of the conflict, France and its European Union partners chose to stand firmly alongside Ukraine and its people” (France’s Position…). When King Louis XIV took France into a state of turmoil, – throwing France into the French-Indian War and bankrupting the nation – the French people stormed the Bastille and formed the First French Republic (France). It is the belief of the nation that the people of a nation shall not be under any sort of oppression from a government that only seeks to further itself at the expense of the liberties observed by the people. Moreover, there have been many mass atrocities in cities occupied by Russian forces, especially Bucha. France will continue to support the International Criminal Court’s investigation into these issues and provide whatever humanitarian aid is necessary (France’s Position…). Finally, there have been many issues from this invasion that have impacted the global economy. France is proud to have helped to address this by “announcing the launch of the international Food and Agriculture Resilience Mission (FARM) initiative for food security in the most vulnerable countries alongside our European Union, G7 and African Union partners” (France’s Position…).
France seeks to work with any nation who seeks to help the global economy recover from this crisis. Furthermore, France would like to work to sanction Russia however does not see that being achievable by this body. When President Macron asked, “Who of you here can consider that the day when something similar [to Russia’s invasion and annexation] with a more powerful neighbor happens to you, there’ll be silence from the region, from the world?” (Peltz) he asked for the help of nations who know the dangerous precedent that may be set if no action is taken, and so it is the job of the body to take the appropriate action to resolve this situation.

Works Cited
Clinton, Jane. “Why did Russia annex Crimea? What happened when Putin invaded in 2014 and how Nato reacted to annexation.”, Associated Newspapers Limited, 29 Jan. 2022,
“France’s position on the situation in Ukraine.” French Diplomacy, Ministère De L’Europe Et Des Affaires Étrangères,
“France.” Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations, edited by Melissa Sue Hill, 14th ed., vol. 5: Europe, Gale, 2017, pp. 239-268. Gale eBooks, Accessed 18 Nov. 2022.
Jennifer, Peltz. “France: No nation can stay ‘indifferent’ on Ukraine War.” Yahoo! News, Yahoo!, 20 Sept. 2022,

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RoeperDelegates 11/22/2022 17:05:32

Country: Brazil
Delegate Name: Jameson Gerrits

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia has been an important economic and business partner for Brazil, most importantly supplying fertilizers to feed Brazil’s massive agricultural sector. Furthermore, the current Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, has repeatedly idolized Putin as almost a model for his presidency as a far-right populist, and described their relationship as similar to a “perfect marriage” due to their shared values. However, the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine has cast ties with Russia into doubt, as well as increasing prices of many basic commodities in Brazil. These issues have forced Brazilian foreign policy into a middle ground, with an impartial position motivated by finding a peaceful solution to the conflict. To this end, the Brazilian delegation to the General Assembly has voted in favor of the resolution condemning Russia but has additionally made clear that Brazil is not in favor of sanctions, despite the ire from some observers. This position comes at least formally from the sanctions’ incompatibility with a diplomatic solution and their breadth of consequence, but the trade between the countries is significant as well. Jair Bolsonaro has made his position somewhat more extreme, however. The president brought up the nationality of the residents of the area of Ukraine currently occupied by Russia and cast doubt on the claims of potential massacres at the beginning of the war, despite reiterating the previously stated neutral position of his foreign ministry. Of course, Bolsonaro has recently lost the Brazilian presidential election to rival and former president Lula de Silva, who takes office on the first of January. Lula, who also has been historically friendly to Russia, has also cited a neutral position on the conflict, describing Putin and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky as equally responsible for the war, and calling out western leaders for not doing more to prevent it. Brazil wishes continue its neutral and peace-focused stance on the conflict. Brazil opposes further unrestricted sanctions and is especially against military action, but is committed to peace talks, an immediate ceasefire, and a lasting solution to the conflict. The Security Council has a responsibility to put pressure on both sides in order to halt the loss of lives and pursue a lasting peaceful solution to the region.

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RoyalOakDelegate 11/23/2022 15:58:30

Country: Ireland
Delegate Name: Allyson Gilliland

SUBMITTED TO: United Nations Security Council
FROM: Ireland
SUBJECT: Situation in Ukraine
Royal Oak High School

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine declared itself neutral after gaining independence and joined the Partnership for Peace with NATO in 1994. In 2013, mass civil demonstrations known as Euromaidan erupted in Ukraine, which led to the establishment of a new government and pro-Russian unrest. During this period of civil unrest, Russian troops invaded the Crimean Peninsula, and was annexed by Russia soon after. This series of events marked the beginning of the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War, and in a major escalation of the conflict in February 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Since the outbreak of war with Russia in 2014, Ukraine has continued to seek closer economic, political, and military ties with the Western world, including with the United States, European Union, and NATO. Due to its extensive fertile land, pre-war Ukraine was one of the largest grain exporters in the world. After the events in February 2022, most if not all exporting of grain has been halted due to lack of resources and scarcity of workers. And as of 2021, Ukraine was preparing to formally apply for EU membership in 2024, in order to join the European Union in the 2030s, however, with the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy requested that the country be admitted to the EU immediately. Candidate status was granted on 23 June 2022.
The delegation of Ireland would like to commend the countries of the western hemisphere for their unrelenting support of Ukraine in this difficult time they are experiencing. While we wish to show our support, we must also respect our own neutrality which we have held since the 1930s. Ireland wishes to support anything attempting to maintain or create peace for all parties involved in comparison to a solution that draws increasing amounts of bloodshed. And because this situation is a blatant breach of the UN charter, Ireland would be willing to offer support to those in Ukraine who require medical attention or have an abundant lack of food. The conflict in the Donbas region is in need of resolution as well, as there is an abundance of coal there that Ukraine uses to power its country.
Going into the conference, the delegation of Ireland would like to see others coming together to discuss talks of peace and/or peace treaties. We would like to avoid any possible solutions that would involve violence in even the smallest capacity. Any solution that offers a safe way for refugees of Ukraine to flee would be preferred, if not prioritized. May that include sending armored vehicles from surrounding countries funded by countries farther away or sending protection to safely get those people out.

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KalamazooCentralDelegates 11/23/2022 14:29:29

Country: China
Delegate Name: Teague

Committee: UN security council
Topic: situation in Ukraine
Country: China

For the past 8 years, Russia has had many disagreements with Ukraine over border and territory. In February 2014, Russia obtained the peninsula known as Crimea from Ukraine. This marked the beginning of the disagreement between Russia and Ukraine. Almost 8 years later this has come to a tipping point when their President Vladimir Putin made the decision to attack Ukraine and move on their land. As a national superpower and a country that is in good relations with Russia, China supports their movement, but will not be physically backing up their movement.
China has not committed to any resolutions on the situation in Ukraine for various reasons due to China’s standing in the international community. The main reason for this is a very high status and gratification with other countries due to them being very involved with global economics. This means that China does not want to get involved so it can keep its status in the world as a global superpower. This claim is supported by how bad Russia’s financial situation is due to this conflict, if China were to support and back Russia then its financial situation would be quite similar to Russia’s situation. The UN has taken some measures and sanctions from independent countries who want to condemn Russia and have been doing so on their own; however, these sanctions have not affected China in any way yet.
China thinks that national sovereignty should be upheld and we should let Russia and Ukraine deal with this internal matter themselves. Obviously, some countries that are already backing Ukraine like the United States will not support national sovereignty, however, China believes that this is the course of action that we should take.

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RoyalOakDelegate 11/22/2022 22:28:50

Country: Kenya
Delegate Name: Matthew Matola

Country: Kenya
Delegate Name: Matthew Matola

Submitted To: United Nations Security Council
From: Kenya
Subject: The Situation in Ukraine

The nation of Kenya believes that the situation in Ukraine, as well as its lasting worldwide consequences, are of the utmost importance, and calls on our fellow members of the United Nations to reach a swift and peaceful resolution to the conflict. The delegation of Kenya additionally urges the committee to consider the global repercussions of the disrupted agricultural and oil resources as a result of the conflict. In solidarity with Ukraine the nation of Kenya formally recognizes Ukraine’s rights as an independent state and is deeply concerned by the failure of Russia and its allies to reach a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

Kenya recognizes that in the establishment of borders after a separation of nations there will often be times that groups of people fall on one side or the other apart from where they believe they ought to be. It is at these times that peaceful approaches that remain respectful of nations shared culture and history, yet differing nationality must be employed. The nation of Kenya sees the Russian response as a failure to resolve the situation through diplomatic means and emphasizes the importance of respect for Ukrainian national sovereignty. Russia’s concern for the shared heritage of the Ukrainian and Russian populations fails to justify the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine’s sovereign territory.

The delegation of Kenya would like to draw attention to the parallels between the Ukrainian situation and the founding of the African states. The formation of these aforementioned states cleaved apart ethnic groups and communities just as has been claimed by Russia in regards to Ukraine, however Kenya and other African states have chosen to pursue political, economic, and legal integration, rather than militaristic in the hopes that peaceful cooperation will lead us to a long lasting shared peace.

As stated by the Kenyan UN ambassador Martin Kimani in a February 2022 rebuttal of Russia’s course of action “We believe that all states formed from empires that have collapsed or retreated have many peoples in them yearning for integration with peoples in neighboring states. This is normal and understandable. After all, who does not want to be joined to their brethren and to make common purpose with them? However, Kenya rejects such a yearning from being pursued by force. We must complete our recovery from the embers of dead empires in a way that does not plunge us back into new forms of domination and oppression.”

It is the view of Kenya that regardless of the claims of historic right to ownership of Ukrainian territory by Russia, this violent approach is a dangerously nostalgic view of international and regional issues, and is wholly unjustified. Furthermore, this invasion undermines the values of diplomacy and international discussion that make up the core values of the United Nations.

In regards to the immediate worldwide implications of this conflict, Kenya and many other nations around the world depend on agricultural resources from Russia and Ukraine to feed their populace. Kenya sources around 67% of its wheat from Russia and around 22% from Ukraine. Additionally, Kenya and East Africa as a whole buys significant quantities of crucial fertilizer from Russia. Without this fertilizer the ability of these countries to produce crops is significantly limited/ Recently due to the conflict as well as trade restriction the prices of these crucial provisions have greatly increased. The delegation of Kenya emphasizes the importance of a swift resolution to the conflict in order to reopen these crucial trade routes, and reminds the committee that access to food is an internationally recognized right.

In response to increased oil costs due to the conflict the government of Kenya has implemented a fuel stabilization program to combat oil price fluctuation. This has necessitated the further tapping of strategic oil reserves to replace the oil that can no longer be sourced from Russia. This puts strain on nations that have limited oil reserves, including Kenya, and may destabilize the economies of those who cannot put such programs into place.

The delegation of Kenya supports a resolution to the Ukrainian situation that is founded in creating a stable peace in the region, rather than attempting to redraw the borders based on perceived historical rights to ownership. Additionally, the delegation reminds the committee that many countries depend on the reopening of the resource supply routes to provide important supplies of fuel and food, and that creating a solution to trade restrictions in the area is of great importance. Finally, the delegation of Kenya reaffirms its respect for Ukraine’s sovereignty within its internationally recognized and accepted borders and maintains that to alter them would be to infringe on Ukraine’s national sovereignty as a member of the United Nations.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/22/2022 21:12:24

Country: United Arab Emirates
Delegate Name: Hunter Sturm

Country: United Arab Emirates
Committee: United Nations Security Council
Topic: Situation in Ukraine
Delegate: Hunter Sturm
School: Williamston High School

In February of 2022, Russia began a noble quest to regain Ukraine. The Ukrainian government had been overtaken by Neo-Nazis, and were oppressing ethnic Russian minorities. Russia responded in the only appropriate manner possible, with barrages of missiles and artillery and a large-scale ground invasion. They have taken control of the regions of Chernyobl and Zaporizhia, the latter of which is an active nuclear power plant.
So far, the world has been divided on the issue of who to condemn. The majority of the block who are anti-Russia consists of NATO, a treaty organization consisting of western, northern countries. Including countries like the United States and Canada, Ukraine has appealed to the NATO board, but has yet to be admitted. NATO has been a large help to Ukraine, mostly supplying munitions and humanitarian aid. They have also recommended economic sanctions be placed upon Russia, further debilitating the economy.
The United Arab Emirates has taken the stance of allying with Russia on this situation. While they won’t be supplying Russia with arms or munitions like nations, the UAE is working on having other countries remove sanctions from Russia, which places them as allies with Saudi Arabia and Israel. Though other countries are taking this whole situation with Ukraine as a problem, the UAE is seeing nothing but strong economic progress with Russia. It is entirely business as usual for the UAE, and they support Russia in whatever endeavors they may embark upon.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/22/2022 16:06:10

Country: India
Delegate Name: Ike Webb

Committee: Security Council
Delegate: Ike Webb
School: Williamston High School

This crisis is not only appalling it is in violation of the universal declaration of human rights but it is unethical and a flagrant break of national sovereinty. Almost 2 million people have been displaced due to this conflict two-thirds of these people are women and children these women and children are being put in harm’s way over a highly illegal infringement of national sovrinty. 40,000 civilians have been blatantly murdered as well as 10,000 soldiers have lost their lives defending their homes and loved ones. As well as 30,000 wounded and the 5,600 illegally taken as prisoners of war.

India would also like to touch on the need for humanitarian aid in the country of Ukraine there is a heavy need for humanitarian aid this is for medical supplies as well as countries that are willing to help with military aid. Ukraine has been accepting all types of aid including survival packages as well as financial aid. India has given 7,725 kilograms of humanitarian aid. The main places that have been impacted by this conflict are the region of Donetsk the region of Kharkiv and the region of Luhansk oblast.

The an urgent need for humanitarian assistance in the country of Ukraine. This applies to both countries that can provide military assistance and those that are not. All forms of assistance, including financial and service packages, have been rejected by Ukraine. 7,725 kg of humanitarian aid has been donated by India. The Donetsk region, the Kharkiv region, and the Luhansk oblast region are the key areas affected by this conflict. In addition to being abhorrent, this crime violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is unethical as well as a flagrant breach of national sovereignty. Owing to this violence, about 2 million people have been displaced, and two-thirds of them are women and children. These women and children are now in danger due to a grave violation of national sovereignty. 10,000 troops lost their lives defending their homes and loved ones, while 40,000 civilians were brutally murdered. 30,000 wounded, 5,600 illegal aliens detained as prisoners of war, and more.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/22/2022 08:13:24

Country: Russian Federation
Delegate Name: Blake Beckhorn

Delegate: Blake Beckhorn
Country: Russian Federation
Committee: United Nations Security Council
Topic: Situation in Ukraine

The matter of international security and relations is of utmost importance to every member state in the United Nations. The very purpose of the United Nations is to maintain and strengthen the security and bond between nations, and as this council is its principle organ, this council must work together in order to come to an agreement on a divisive issue, as is our job. In 2014, the democratically elected President Yanukovych of Ukraine was ousted in an illegal coup. Thus began the downward spiral of Ukraine into authoritarianism. The military seizure of power led to the government of Ukraine being taken over by radical nationalists, with full support of the west. Ukraine has since been further and further pulled into the pit of nationalism, so much so that modern Ukraine has found itself as a Neo-Nazi state. The militant alliance of the west, with NATO as its figurehead, thus began its support for Ukraine. To western nations, all that is seen about Ukraine is how it can be used as a chess piece in the game to ostracize The Russian Federation. The United Nations Security council cannot wait any longer to act. The people of Ukraine must be freed from the oppressive grasp of tyranny, and relations must be restored.

The Russian Federation has moved quickly to liberate its sister state, as is its right as stated in Chapter VII; Article 42 of the United Nations charter. “[If diplomacy is] proved to be inadequate, it may take action by air, sea, or land forces of Members of the United Nations.” The Special Military operation is the Russian Federation’s effort to protect the Ukrainian people and to denazify Ukraine. The Russian Federation has liberated parts of Eastern Ukraine and allowed for self-government of these regions, such as enabling the formation of The People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, through a referendum with a wide margin of approval. These regions openly asked The Russian Federation for help, and were given enough support in order to break the chain of oppression by the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi government. Furthermore, these Republics have asked to join the federation, in order to ensure support and protection, to which leaders have met and signed treaties to exercise their fundamental right to self determination and sovereignty, as outlined in Article 1 of the United Nations Charter.

The Russian Federation urges other nations to support the citizens of Ukraine, in order to end this conflict. The Russian Federation hopes to create a resolution to allow forces to stabilize the region and to ensure peace and self-government, once and for all. In addition to this stabilization, this body must address the rampant misinformation surrounding this conflict in order to move forward in a productive way, to end the gap in diplomatic relations. The Russian Federation hopes to find support in all partner nations of the Security Council, however it recognizes that due to misinformation, many nations have put up walls that limit diplomatic discussion. The Russian Federation has and will make efforts to educate partner nations on this issue, however it hopes to find immediate support in nations such as China and India.

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