September 16, 2019

Climate Change and Public Health

Economic and Social Council: World Health Organization

Topic: Climate Change and Public Health

Today the global average surface temperature is approximately 1°C warmer than pre-industrial levels. Additional future warming is expected given how past and current greenhouse gas emissions continue to disrupt the planet. This warming is not uniformly spread across the planet’s surface; the average temperature on land is greater than over water, and the average temperature in urban areas is greater than in rural areas.

The same pollution which contributes to climate change also impacts air quality, a significant determiner of human health. Climate change contributes to the prevalence and intensity of wildfires, causing smoke that is hazardous to humans. Increased levels of carbon dioxide in the air causes plants to emit more pollen, which impacts people with allergies. Climate change also exacerbates food insecurity and malnutrition through the disruption of trade and transport, reduced productivity of fisheries, and impacts on agricultural production including the reduced nutritional quality of crops. Extreme weather events, including floods, storms, and heat waves, are more frequent and more intense due to climate change.

Infectious disease rates are increasing due to climate change. For example, mosquitoes carry various diseases including malaria and dengue fever. Climate change is expanding the geographical areas where mosquitoes live, thereby exposing more people to diseases carried by mosquitoes. Additionally, disease related to inadequate water and sanitation are becoming more prevalent due to reduced availability of clean water. A warming climate creates a more favorable environment for pathogens to grow in water, flooding allows for contaminated water to spread and come into contact with humans, and droughts cause people to utilize unsafe water sources.

Health adaptation planning is a process wherein countries and healthcare organizations strategise to meet the climate-induced health needs of a population, and work to make health systems more resilient to climate change. This may include surveillance of, and early warning systems for, hazards like air quality, unsafe water, infectious disease, and extreme weather events. Additional strategies include disaster risk reduction, sustainable food production, and increased access to nutritious food. Climate change is exacerbating existing inequalities in health. In areas where health systems are already not able to meet the needs of the population, a lack of resources creates additional challenges to climate adaptation and resilience. The world’s poorest people are often the least responsible for climate change, and yet are also the most vulnerable to being harmed by its effects.

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Submitted Position Papers

Gregory Poole 11/29/2023 20:28:23

Country: Bangladesh
Delegate Name: Chase Richards

Committee: The United Nations General Assembly & Crisis
Topic: Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Bangladesh
The People’s Republic of Bangladesh recognizes the interconnectedness of climate
change and public health and acknowledges the severe implications of climate change
on vulnerable populations. Bangladesh, as a low-lying delta country, is particularly
susceptible to the adverse effects of climate change, including rising sea levels and
extreme weather events.
Extreme Weather Events: Bangladesh is increasingly vulnerable to cyclones, floods, and
other extreme weather events, which pose significant risks to public health. We
emphasize the need for international support in building resilient infrastructure to
mitigate these impacts.
Vector-Borne Diseases: Climate change contributes to the spread of vector-borne
diseases, such as malaria and dengue, in Bangladesh. We call for global cooperation in
the development and implementation of strategies to control vector-borne diseases in
the face of changing climate patterns.
Food Security: Climate change poses a threat to food security, leading to malnutrition
and other health-related issues. Bangladesh urges the international community to
support sustainable agricultural practices and adaptive measures to ensure food
security in the face of climate variability.
Renewable Energy: Bangladesh is committed to transitioning to renewable energy
sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We call upon developed nations to
support developing countries in adopting sustainable and clean energy technologies.
Climate-Resilient Infrastructure: Bangladesh advocates for international assistance in
developing climate-resilient infrastructure, including early warning systems and disaster
preparedness programs, to minimize the health impacts of extreme weather events.
Capacity Building: Bangladesh emphasizes the importance of capacity building in the
health sector to address the health challenges posed by climate change. We call for
increased support for training healthcare professionals and strengthening healthcare
Climate Finance: Bangladesh urges developed nations to fulfill their commitments to
climate finance, providing support to developing countries in adapting to and mitigating
the impacts of climate change on public health.
Technology Transfer: To address climate-related health challenges, Bangladesh calls for
the transfer of technology from developed to developing nations, fostering innovation
and sustainable development.
Global Collaboration: Bangladesh supports global collaboration in research and
information-sharing to better understand the intersection of climate change and public
health, enabling more effective mitigation and adaptation strategies.
The People’s Republic of Bangladesh believes that urgent and collective action is
required to address the intertwined challenges of climate change and public health. We
are committed to working collaboratively with the international community to build a
sustainable and resilient future for all.

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RoyalOakDelegate 11/22/2023 23:23:45

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Algeria
Delegate Name: Leah Milligan

Submitted to: World Health Organization
From: Algeria
Subject: Climate Change and Public Health

Algeria and climate change are closely intertwined, as are climate change and public health. First of all, due to Algeria’s location, geography, and economic status, Algeria is highly vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change. Also, because a great percentage of Algeria’s population lives in rural areas(1), which are especially subject to the negative effects of climate change(2), Algeria stands in a risky position when it comes to climate change and public health. Public health has to do with climate change for so many reasons. For example, climate change means an increase in temperature, which means a better environment for bugs, which means there are more malaria-carrying mosquitos, which means more people get sick and public health goes down and degrades.
Malaria is a very important topic when it comes to climate change and public health. Algeria was the second African country to become virtually malaria-free, which was a big accomplishment. However, there is no way to ensure that this accomplishment remains, because malaria can come back at any time. Climate change is associated with a spike in temperatures, and mosquitoes thrive and reproduce in high temperatures(3). More mosquitoes naturally leads to a greater chance of an increase in malaria cases.
While Algeria was able to acquire the resources to fund the eradication of Malaria in the country, we can’t fund the ending of climate change, due to the fact that that’s expensive and the whole world must agree upon this. Even if one country were to not agree upon working to end climate change, there is no chance of saving the planet. Additionally, developing countries such as Algeria only have so much money to use, especially since much of our money goes to funding free healthcare for all Algerian citizens.
So, while there is no concrete solution to end climate change, Algeria suggests that highly developed countries use funds for education. This education would involve teaching the younger generations to preserve the planet, because if that is what younger generations are taught, then there will be no need to spend so much funding to end climate change, which would be risky. If well-developed countries spent money on their young citizens and young citizens of developing countries, the chances of terminating climate change will skyrocket.

(1)“World Bank Open Data.” World Bank Open Data, Accessed 23 Nov. 2023.
(2)“National Climate Assessment.” National Climate Assessment, Accessed 23 Nov. 2023.
(3)US EPA, OAR. “Climate Change Indicators: West Nile Virus.”, 1 July 2016,

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Celia Kaechele 11/22/2023 21:13:04

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Japan
Delegate Name: Cosmo Steffke

The effects of climate change have already shown themselves to have severe effects on the world as we know it, and it can only get worse without intervention. Over 3.6 billion people live in areas susceptible to climate change, and many countries do not have the ability to do anything to save themselves. According to WHO, between 2030 and 2050 two-hundred and fifty million additional deaths per year are expected, from the effects of climate change such as malnutrition, malaria, and more. If the UN does not take swift and drastic action, the damage to come will be irreversible.

Japan recognizes that multiple threats face not only itself but the world as a whole. Many of Japan’s major cities are near the coastline, and a large share of the economy depends on factors such as agriculture, fishing, infrastructure, tourism, and more. Japan has already taken actions to prevent this such as signing the Paris Agreement in 2015, which adopts long-term goals to reduce fossil-fuel dependencies worldwide and mitigate the damage of climate change. They have also set into place policies domestically and proposed protocols worldwide that aim to set binding restrictions on greenhouse gas output. However, work still needs to be done before we can move past this issue.

Japan advocates for multiple steps to be taken for mass fatalities and property destruction to be prevented. First, clear and harsh restrictions need to be made on greenhouse gas emissions for all countries. Second, financial aid needs to go to countries that cannot deal with the effects of climate change, focusing on healthcare and adequate food and water being available to all citizens. Despite the scale of this impending crisis, this still can be avoided with proper planning and followthrough.

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EastGrandRapidsDelegates 11/22/2023 20:34:23

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Spain
Delegate Name: Will Allen

Climate Change and Public Health
Will Allen

It is 1 degree celsius warmer on this earth, on average, than it was out pre-industrial days. Spain, like most other countries, constantly faces the consequences of a continuously warmer planet. Climate change, extinction of plants and animals, rising sea levels, among other things. We belive that the general health of the public and climate change and directly intertwined, and shall take appraoches to solve these issues as such.

One way Spain thinks this should be approached is through a localized method. Urban areas are hotter than rural areas. Differences in climate, infasturcture, and population must also be taken into account when finding solutions. Spain is a firm believer that there is not just one solution to this issue, but many. Not every place in Spain, as well as the world, will be suffering the exact same repercussions of climate change or suffering from the same public health emergencies.

Spain belives that developing a more comprehensive surverying system of things like air quality, water safety, infectious diseases, infectious diseases, etc. will help us develop warning systems that will assist us in predicting health risks assosciated with any changes, and help us better prepare not just locally but globally as a result.

Spain believes that we must work together and determine how we can better protect the safety of our global citizens. With a climate that in inevitably going to get warmer, Spain believes the best course of action is to prepare and take preventive measures on what is going to come. Not just in our rural environments, but in our urban metropolitan areas as well.

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Trevor Riley 11/22/2023 16:33:01

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Canada
Delegate Name: Arpita Das

Climate change has been an issue since the dawn of time, specifically in the 1800s. However I think the issue with being able to combat isn’t necessarily solving it, it’s more so trying to figure out where the main source of the problem is coming from, which can be daunting to think about when it’s a worldwide problem. (Iberdrola) states that out of all the countries in the world, Canada is one of the 24 countries in the world most affected by climate change.

Now regardless of the fact whether or not countries have taken a big hit to such an impact that indirectly affects us whether we know it or not, climate change is still among us, and it’s not going anywhere. It’s been said since the beginning of time that the world would come to an end in 2000 and then now it’s predicted in 2050 that trees are going to burn down and no wildlife will be prevailing on the streets of earth. But who’s to say that all of this information is ethical, and where is the evidence coming from? Because clearly, it was a myth when it was predicted that the world would end in the year 2000. We are still living, and as of November of 2022, the world population reached 8 billion.

Obviously, there are many contributing factors to climate change such as air pollution, a commission from factories, industrial smog, Volatile Air Compounds, toxic greenhouse gases, and so much more. As you’ve now just seen here, it’s easy to identify the sources, but how can we resolve them?

And because we are now in the generation of saving turtles by not using plastic straws and caring about the environment, just because it’s a trend that you see on social media doesn’t mean it’s still important. The severity of Climate Change isn’t a trend, and it shouldn’t ever have to be. But because of the way human destruction has changed the nature of our world, it’s hard to believe whether people actually care if we’ll even have a planet to call Earth tomorrow. Although Canada is not the most environmentally friendly country in the world, it’s up there.

According to ( as of 2021, Clean Energy Canada released a statement with the following goals that the nation hopes to accomplish. From 2015 to 2019 Canada has invested over 100 billion dollars towards Canada’s green recovery since October 2020. And by 2023, Canada hopes to reduce is greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 40 to 45 percent. And because of this plan they created, they have created sources for funding to support such a large project. The Canada Greener Homes Grant has provided close to a million households in Canada alone with grants up to $5,000 dollars to make housing more eco-friendly. And if that wasn’t already enough they have started to implement housing inspections within their plans, specifically 10 million dollars have been apportioned towards homeowners to make sure the evaluation of the house are up to date with Health standards. And this is just a tiny percentage of what Canada hopes to accomplish in the future with it’s plans for revolutionizing Climate Change. Just from this evidence alone, it is evident that Canada has lot of actions being set in action to combat the crisis, but this is only possible if other nations as well as countries work around the world to make this plan both more sustainable and consistent with the world.

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Trevor Riley 11/22/2023 16:28:18

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Saudi Arabia
Delegate Name: Khai-Thi Pham

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia acknowledges the urgent and complex interlinkages between climate change and public health. As a nation with a commitment to sustainable development, Saudi Arabia recognizes the importance of addressing the impact of climate change on global health outcomes. In this regard, the Kingdom is dedicated to engaging in constructive dialogue and collaborative efforts within the WHO to formulate effective policies that safeguard public health in the face of climate challenges.

Climate change poses a multifaceted threat to public health, impacting both the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, altering disease patterns, and exacerbating existing health disparities. Saudi Arabia acknowledges the vulnerability of populations, particularly in developing countries, to climate-related health risks. As a country that is geographically and climatically diverse, Saudi Arabia experiences its own set of challenges, including heat-related illnesses, vector-borne diseases, and water scarcity issues. Saudi Arabia is committed to mitigating the health impacts of climate change through comprehensive national strategies. The Kingdom has invested in public health infrastructure, research, and capacity-building to enhance resilience and adaptive capacity. Initiatives such as the Saudi Green Initiative and the Middle East Green Initiative underscore our commitment to sustainable development and reducing carbon emissions.

Saudi Arabia advocates for international cooperation in reinforcing health systems to address the increased burden on healthcare infrastructure due to climate change. Investments should focus on capacity-building, training healthcare professionals, and ensuring the availability of essential medical supplies in the face of climate-related challenges. The Kingdom emphasizes the importance of research and surveillance to understand the evolving health risks associated with climate change. Saudi Arabia encourages WHO to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, best practices, and technological solutions to enhance global preparedness and response mechanisms. Saudi Arabia supports comprehensive strategies for climate change adaptation and mitigation, with a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Kingdom encourages collaborative efforts to develop and implement sustainable practices, renewable energy solutions, and climate-resilient infrastructure. The Kingdom believes that addressing the health impacts of climate change requires a coordinated global response. Saudi Arabia is committed to participating in international partnerships, sharing expertise, and supporting capacity-building initiatives to strengthen the collective ability to respond to climate-related health challenges. In conclusion, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reaffirms its commitment to addressing the nexus between climate change and public health. Through collaborative efforts within the World Health Organization, Saudi Arabia aims to contribute meaningfully to the development of effective strategies, policies, and interventions that protect the health and well-being of populations worldwide in the face of climate challenges. The Kingdom stands ready to engage in constructive dialogue with fellow member states to achieve our shared goal of a healthier and more resilient global community.

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FHEDelegates 11/22/2023 16:12:11

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Italy
Delegate Name: Sophia Mahajerin

Climate change is occurring at an alarming rate, and will continue to worsen unless drastic changes are enacted. Events such as heat waves and the melting of glaciers and Arctic sea ice are striking examples of this. Researchers have found that greenhouse gas emissions are not only making heat waves more common, but also making them hotter than ever. In turn, the hot season has been lengthened, which is dangerous for every country’s ecosystem. Permafrost is melting, which then releases methane (a greenhouse gas) into the atmosphere. Because of the melting of glaciers and ice, sea levels are rising, which is becoming a threat for coastal communities. Air pollution is also an effect, which often leads to respiratory problems like lung cancer and asthma. The UN has made efforts to combat the effects of climate change by creating an international agreement to help reduce one of the main causes. The UN introduced the Paris Agreement, which is a “legally binding international treaty” targeting gas emissions. 196 countries adopted this treaty, and it was launched on November 4, 2016.

Italy acknowledges the need for immediate action to deal with climate change. Because of this, Italy signed the Paris agreement in 2015. The Paris Agreement is aiming to limit global warming to 1.5°C by the end of the century. Countries have discussed ways to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, in order to reach this set goal. In order to mitigate climate change, Italy has focused on implementing renewables and improving their energy efficiency. Coal is set to be phased out as an energy source by 2025. Italy has been actively promoting initiatives to reduce black carbon emissions, with things such as low impact fuels and the use of ecological vehicles for distribution of goods. Italy is also part of the EU, which adopted a clean air policy package for Europe in 2013. It includes an updated National Emissions Ceilings (NEC) Directive, a new directive on medium combustion plants, and additional actions taken to improve air quality in cities. All of these efforts are steps Italy is taking and supporting, to help the whole world.

The Italian Republic proposes that the United Nations create sub-committee groups to address individual effects of climate change, so that all concerns are heard and considered. By creating sub-groups, individual effects can be focused on by those with relevant expertise, for things like heat waves, air pollution, and natural disasters, among other issues. A sub-committee could then present an action plan addressing their particular issue, which could then be approved and implemented by member countries. Wealthier countries can help fund these plans. By making individual concerns global issues, countries are able to unite for the greater good of the world.

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FHEDelegates 11/22/2023 16:06:35

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: India
Delegate Name: Xindy Jiang

Climate change is vital to the world’s ecosystem, as they impact public health in various ways, such as clean air, safe drinking water, good amount of food, and safe shelter. It is a result of greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. Therefore the global average surface temperature is approximately 1°C warmer than before. In the future, the climate is expected to cause many deaths, and damage to the economies of countries. Natural disasters can also occur under the circumstances of climate change, and this will heavily impact the general public health of people living in certain areas that typically encounter hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and substantial temperature differences. People often fantasize and romanticize the future, but in reality, we might even face many challenges other than world population growth, and construction of modern infrastructure. These issues are caused by climate change, such as ocean acidification, temperature and sea level changes, and ice or snow permafrost. India’s current policy on this topic includes taking action as the country is already experiencing a warmer climate.

India is currently facing many problems issued by global warming since the late 20th century. Droughts, monsoon changes, and food security could be a serious problem to India’s population and it’s public health. To reiterate to how India is responding, it is facilitating policies that they have created, with laws and regulations that include protecting regional glaciers, greening railway systems, and reducing single use plastic. India is also actively involved in the Paris Agreement, a legally binding international treaty adopted by the United Nations Climate Change Conference in December of 2015. It’s primary goal is to “hold the increase in the global average temperature well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels” before the end of this century. This prominent agreement brings all nations together into the process of fighting against climate change which works on a five-year cycle of ambitious climate action. Individual countries are supporting this action by submitting their own plans, also known as nationally determined contributions (NDCs). These are meant to reflect progress compared to previous actions.

Other than the Paris Agreement that is still action by many countries involved in the United Nations (UN), India is actively involved in a Non-Goverment Organization (NGO) called WaterAid, a non-profit international organization. It’s primary goal is to end the global water crisis for everyone globally. Currently,
India proposes to have an action plan of overgrowth planations (afforestation) in certain parts of the world, such as regions in the Amazon, Canada, Russia, and Southeast Asia. This will allow for more carbon dioxide (CO2) molecules to be absorbed, replacing the negative molecules with better ones to enhance our climates and temperatures. Though afforestation is a skeptical plan made by scientists, as we would need to plant a trillion trees just to decrease the temperature to 0.15°C lower. India also advocates to add onto that plan to restrict single-use plastic and carbon emissions as high as possible for the better of the community, and to have specific laws and regulations to be passed to ensure the action. For example, the plastic bag tax. Climate change is a severely damaging problem arising from early decades of industrialization to our modern world today. In order for the public health for everyone, and generations to come, we need to take direct action now to prevent global warming for the end of us.

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FHEDelegates 11/22/2023 15:47:27

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Sudan
Delegate Name: Rachel Hyun

In the Republic of Sudan, the intertwined challenges of climate change and public health are critical focal points that demand immediate and sustained attention. As a nation on the front lines of the climate crisis, we recognize the inextricable link between environmental sustainability and the well-being of our citizens. This essay outlines Sudan’s position on these issues within the framework of the Model United Nations. Sudan, with its diverse ecosystems, is acutely vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. The increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, desertification, and rising temperatures pose existential threats to our agricultural systems, water resources, and overall ecological balance. Recognizing that climate change is a global challenge with localized consequences, Sudan calls for urgent and comprehensive international cooperation. Climate change has direct and indirect repercussions on public health in Sudan. The changing climate patterns contribute to the spread of vector-borne diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever, while extreme weather events can disrupt healthcare infrastructure. Additionally, the impact on agriculture affects food security, potentially leading to malnutrition and related health issues. It is imperative for the international community to acknowledge the intersectionality of climate change and public health. Sudan is committed to adopting a dual-pronged approach that addresses both the mitigation of climate change and the adaptation to its inevitable impacts. We are investing in renewable energy sources, promoting sustainable agricultural practices, and working to enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities. Our national policies prioritize the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources, recognizing their pivotal role in safeguarding public health.
Sudan emphasizes the need for global collaboration to combat climate change and its associated health challenges. We propose the establishment of an international fund to support climate adaptation and mitigation efforts in developing nations. Additionally, technology transfer and capacity-building initiatives are essential to empower countries, especially those in vulnerable regions, to tackle the complex interplay of climate change and public health. As Sudan confronts the compounding challenges of climate change and public health, we call upon the international community to provide financial, technological, and capacity-building assistance. Recognizing that the impacts of climate change are not confined by national borders, collective action is paramount. We encourage the sharing of best practices, knowledge transfer, and the establishment of a collaborative platform within the United Nations to address the unique challenges faced by nations like Sudan.
In conclusion, the Republic of Sudan underscores the urgent need for coordinated global action to address the complex nexus of climate change and public health. As we participate in Model United Nations discussions, we advocate for a comprehensive approach that integrates environmental sustainability with public health resilience. Through concerted efforts, we believe it is possible to build a more resilient and sustainable future for Sudan and all nations grappling with the multifaceted impacts of climate change.

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KalamazooCentralDelegates 11/22/2023 15:11:29

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Nigeria
Delegate Name: Aidenfraleyburgett

The country of Nigeria like many others are suffering because of the impacts of global warming not just the country but the people. The people suffer due to longer dry seasons and more desertification in northern Nigeria this makes crop production go down which means less food for the growing population of Nigeria.
With this in mind Nigeria believes that we should do more to stop global warming like start using cleaner energies like solar or hydro which would stop creating carbon emissions and also we could start using other sources of fuel for cars like ethanol which is cheaper and makes less emissions with the only downside is that it burns faster.

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FHEDelegates 11/22/2023 14:55:25

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Brazil
Delegate Name: Eve Orban

Climate change is a global emergency with a myriad of negative impacts. One such impact is its effects on health. There are many effects that climate change has on health. Climate change increases the frequency of extreme weather events like heat waves and floods, increasing the risks of death, non-communicable disease, spread of infections, and health emergencies. The World Health Organization estimates that 2 billion people lack safe drinking water and 600 million suffer from food-borne disease annually– climate change, by making food resources more scarce and lower quality, will increase these numbers. Warmer climates increase the reproduction, resilience, and distribution of vector-borne diseases, such as malaria, for which cases are supposed to rise from 25 million in 2020 to 50 million in 2080. Human respiratory and cardiovascular systems are being put at risk due to an increase of outdoor air pollutants, ground-level ozone, and particulate matter because of rapidly changing weather patterns. Climate change’s effect on health must be addressed.

Brazil is home to the majority of the Amazon Rainforest, which represents 40% of the world’s remaining rainforests. The Amazon plays a vital role in regulating climate change, as it is one of the world’s largest carbon sinks, absorbing around one-fourth of the CO2 from the Earth’s atmosphere. The rainforest is being threatened, however, by massive deforestation and climate change. For this reason, Brazil is determined to stop climate change. Brazil has adopted the Paris Agreement, which is a legally binding treaty with the goal of climate change mitigation, adaptation, and finance. Through Brazil’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Brazil is committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions by 37% below 2005 levels by 2025 and restoring 12 million hectares of forests by 2030. Brazil’s Low Carbon Emission Agricultural program seeks to restore 15 million hectares of degraded pasturelands and enhance integrated cropland-livestock-forestry systems by 2030. Brazil has one of the largest and most successful biofuel production programs. In terms of health in particular, Brazil has developed an Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response system in order to improve its early warning and response systems for climate-related health risks. The nation is currently developing a national strategy for climate change mitigation that considers health issues.

The Federative Republic of Brazil urges other nations to treat the issue of climate change, in particular its health effects, with the utmost importance. Countries can cooperate with the UNFCCC and support treaties like the Paris Agreement in order to reach less emissions globally. Nations should focus their efforts on the research and development of new technologies and renewable energy in order to combat the crisis of climate change. It will take the cooperation of every individual country in order to reduce the effects of climate change on human health. As a nation, Brazil encourages wealthy nations to give funds to help solve the global crisis of climate change and the creation of global partnerships in order to save natural resources like the Amazon Rainforest.

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FHEDelegates 11/22/2023 14:25:09

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: Brianna Christenson

The negative effects of climate change have recently been studied and are expected to become exponentially more severe if climate change continues. The United Nation states that climate change is a global emergency that goes beyond national borders. Climate change is an issue that threatens the foundations of good global health, with direct and immediate consequences for the public. It can affect quality and diversity of life, and food availability. Temperature and precipitation changes can also enhance the spread of vector-borne diseases which can be harmful to the public. Without preventive actions, deaths from such diseases could start to rise.

Three-quarters of adults in the United Kingdom are concerned about the effects of climate change with upcoming generations. The situation of climate change has been getting worse, with nine out of the ten hottest years on record occurring in the last decade, and more than 2,500 people have been killed by heat waves across the UK in 2020. Without accelerated action there will be increases in the intensity of heatwaves, and increased spread of infectious diseases. The combustion of fossil fuels is the primary contributor to ill-health from air pollution. Over one-third of new asthma cases could be avoided with efforts to cut carbon fossil fuel emissions. At a global level, the UK has signed the Paris agreement, a legal commitment to keep global temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius and reduce carbon emissions by 45% by 2030. At a national level, the UK Climate Change Act 2008 requires the government to undertake five-yearly assessments of climate risks and produce a National Adaptation Plan for responding to the identified risks, including the risks to health and wellbeing as a priority.

The National Health Service in England became the first healthcare system in the world to commit to reduce carbon emissions, and it can directly influence its net zero by 2040. These commitments are going to be essential to the health and care system in England because carbon emissions account for approximately 5% of the country’s national greenhouse gas emissions. Distinctly, carbon ‘hotspots’ are from supply-chain items like pharmaceuticals and medical equipment, and patient or staff travel. Health care professionals are highly trusted in the United Kingdom and therefore well placed to advocate for action on the climate crisis and the health impacts it has. By acting on the climate crisis, Health care professionals can safeguard population health against the worst effects of a warming climate.

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Celia Kaechele 11/22/2023 13:20:35

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Jordan
Delegate Name: Arya Aggarwal

Climate change and global warming is an increasingly prevalent problem in today’s world, especially in relation to public health. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, global warming is “an increase in the earth’s atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution”. About 75% of the world’s food supply comes from agriculture and farming. Naturally, as vegetation is so dependent on temperatures, changing climates will change how crops and similar energy sources are produced. Additionally, bacteria and other deadly microbes thrive in warmer temperatures. With the oceans, ponds, lakes, and rivers increasing in temperature, there is a surge in bacteria levels, resulting in a lower amount of clean water.

With this in mind, Jordan acknowledges that water sparsity is a topic of improvement in itself, let alone with the added effects of climate change. Jordanians’ leading cause of death is cardiovascular disease(s) at about 15%. Cardiovascular diseases have recently been discovered to have a connection to insanitary water sources. So, from a public health standpoint, a good place to start is at the water sources.

Unfortunately, bacteria content in water cannot directly be regulated by simply “stopping” climate change, as it’s not a quick fix, let alone a feasible one. So, instead, Jordan proposes that the increase of water purifiers are available. If filtration systems are installed in every water port, the amount of contaminated water-linked sicknesses and deaths will be significantly reduced. As mentioned before, the root of this problem is climate change. Jordan has also been shown to be one of the countries in the world that is most affected by global warming. At this point in time, in hopes of delaying any increasingly fatal outcomes, the role of this nation is to continue to have an impact that is as sustainable as possible on the world. This can start with water filtration systems and purifiers.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/22/2023 13:07:09

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: China
Delegate Name: Liz Schafer

Liz Schafer
Williamston High School
People’s Republic of China
World Health Organization
Climate Change and Public Health

Climate change describes the long-term phenomenon of changing temperatures and weather patterns, largely due to human activities such as deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, and irresponsible use of energy. The effects of climate change are extensive and far more complex than what many are aware of. In the environmental world, climate change can cause rising sea levels due to the melting of glaciers and polar ice caps, droughts in certain areas and floods in others, far more dangerous storms including hurricanes and typhoons, environmental degradation, natural capital degradation and a steep decline in the overall biodiversity of the Earth. All of these effects impact the health and safety of humans across the world. Burning fossil fuels not only contributes to global warming, but to the increased risk of dangerous toxins and chemicals poisoning populations of people. Furthermore, warming sea temperatures encourages pathogens to increase in size which can contaminate drinking water in times of severe flooding. The issue of climate change furthers the divide in healthcare inequality and punishes the people least responsible at the benefit of people the most responsible (Kaechele, Poole)
Currently, China faces issues with air pollution from greenhouse gasses and sulfur dioxide particulates, deforestation, floods, desertification, droughts, mosquito-borne diseases (malaria, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis) food/waterborne diseases (typhoid fever, bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A). China is a party to these international agreements pertaining to climate change: Climate Change, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol, Ozone Layer Protection, Climate Change-Paris Agreement, Desertification, Biodiversity, and Antarctic-Environmental Protection. Additionally, China is in the process of transitioning to a low-carbon economy by implementing or improving: subsidies for water use; disclosure requirements; an equitable transitional period for regions most dependent on fossil fuels; solar and wind power capabilities and energy storage; and electric vehicles (China’s Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy and Climate Resilience Needs Shifts in Resources and Technologies).
In order to prevent further harm to the world’s people, China is willing to transition to less fossil fuel-intensive practices that will not only reduce China’s carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions, but benefit public health. China also will continue improving safe drinking water sources and sanitation facility access. As mentioned earlier, China is currently planning to reduce carbon dioxide emissions through focusing on renewable energy sources and encouraging development of energy-efficient transportation. China would like to combine efforts with the United States of America, India, Russia, Japan, and members of the EU to help less-developed countries effected by climate change and cooperate on finding effective solutions to reduce individual emissions.
Works Cited

Bai, Li, et al. “Climate Change and Mosquito-Borne Diseases in China: A Review .” BioMed Central, BioMed Central, 9 Mar. 2013,
“China.” Central Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, Accessed 19 Nov. 2023.
“China’s Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy and Climate Resilience Needs Shifts in Resources and Technologies.” World Bank, World Bank Group, 12 Oct. 2022,
Kaechele, Celia, and Gregory Poole. “Climate Change and Public Health.” GLICA.Org,, 18 Nov. 2023,

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Kaycee Duffey 11/22/2023 11:54:02

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Ukraine
Delegate Name: Allison Edwards

Allison Edwards – Forest Hills Northern High School
Climate Change and Public Health

The Nation of Ukraine is recognized by the Climate Change Knowledge Portal as an at-risk country for many hazards. Such as floods and natural disasters, which can harm the daily lives of many in Ukraine. Additionally, the conflict between Ukraine and the nation of Russia has exacerbated the climate problems the nation of Ukraine has been facing.

The carbon impact of the war along with the multitude of greenhouse gas emissions is a cause for concern. It can have many effects on public health such as higher temperatures, longer periods of heat, and increased rainfall.
Ukraine has created the National Recovery Council for Recovery and one of the goals of the council is to mitigate the climate change impact due to the war.

Additionally, a third of Ukraine’s post-war spending will be spent on “green” energy. Although the nation of Ukraine has just emerged from the war, they are taking proactive steps to ensure the safety and well-being of its people.

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GRCityDelegates 11/22/2023 10:13:45

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Poland
Delegate Name: Divyana Varma

Country: Republic of Poland
Committee: World Health Organization (WHO)
Topic: Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention
Delegate: Divyana Varma
School: City High Middle School

Poland acknowledges the importance of Public safety, including climate change and public health. As a part of the European Union, Poland hopes that by 2030, reduction of gas emissions will reach 55%. The nation also recognizes those at risk because of climate change, and aims at implementing such measures to prevent that. Global responses are of utmost importance; as a collective, the impacts of climate change can be cut down. This is why Civic Coalition believes in initiatives taken by the EU, as well as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC).
In past years, the Polish government did not adequately fulfill the duties outlined by the EU. By doing this, Poland did not meet its long term agreement strategies as a part of the Paris Climate Accords, which is aimed at formulating strategies against the climate crisis and limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius This also brought forth other issues such as the fact that Poland missed out on funding from the EU needed to improve their environment. Additionally, Poland also has a dependency on coal which negatively impacts public health by contributing to the air quality. 70% of Poland’s power is from coal, and they use the most coal out of anyone in the EU. Fossil fuels also account for as much as 85% of Poland’s energy. The EU’s 55% plan by 2030 received backlash from the previous Polish Government, making it harder to accelerate to a healthier environment. This resistance of renewable energy resources is something that Civic Coalition would like to stray away from. Rather, the party focuses on aligning with the EU’s ambitious plans and wants to move towards a sustainable future. Poland has all the potential to get ahead and reduce emissions. In 2022, they were responsible for 60% of the EU’s emission reductions by limiting Carbon Dioxide emissions in the power and heating sectors. To further this, the new coalition hopes to develop more nuclear and renewable energy sources, and achieve complete decarbonization.
To limit the harmful impacts of climate on the UN’s countries and people, Civic Coalition has a series of propositions to overcome any challenges that might be posed. The first of which is to develop both offshore and onshore wind farms and to develop power grinds. This wind power is already beginning to account for the 80% dependency on fossil fuels for electricity that Poland has. Poland also plans to move at a faster rate in accordance with the EU, even planning to reduce Carbon Dioxide emissions by 75% at the end of the decade. In order to do this, substantial funding must be put forth, and lots of funding is already needed to maintain the Paris agreement. With this money allocated, funds will also be directed towards nuclear energy. Nuclear energy can heavily reduce carbon emissions, and take the place of coal plantations. Because coal is a leading issue, being responsible for Poland’s air pollution, the importance of nuclear energy is at a high. Other countries that emit lots of carbon should also consider nuclear energy as a solution. The government, however, acknowledges the risks that may arise from using radioactive energy. All in all, Poland is dedicated to strategizing with members of the UN to produce a plan that will combat the lasting effects of climate change and conform to duties lined out in the Paris Agreement.

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Kaycee Duffey 11/22/2023 10:02:10

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Cuba
Delegate Name: Harriet Ogilvie

Committee: World Health Organization
Topic: Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Cuba
Delegate: Harriet Ogilvie, FH Northern HS
The issue of climate change continues to expand at an alarming rate causing greater health risks for people around the world. Human activities have expedited climate change. Their activities include burning fossil fuels emitting greenhouse gases, as well as deforestation, and overconsumption. These activities lead to an increase in temperature, poor air quality, limited food and water, and changes in infectious agents. These outcomes threaten public health around the world. The outcomes can cause respiratory issues, heart diseases, Lyme disease, West Nile Virus, and food and water-related illnesses.
Cuba has been affected by the increase in climate change. Cuba is suffering from an increase in droughts, severe storms, and a rise in sea levels. For Cuba, these factors are impediments when it comes to farming. The climate change in Cuba has caused an increasingly long rainy season, limiting the amount of time to farm. This will result in less food circulating in Cuba causing limited food and possible starvation. Climate change has also increased Cuba’s vulnerability to diseases such as acute respiratory infections (ARIs), acute diarrheal diseases (ADDs), bacterial meningitis, viral meningitis, dengue fever, and bronchial asthma.
To help the climate crisis Cuba submitted its NDC. NDC informed Cuba about the plan “Tarea Vida” to confront climate change. They hope to ban home construction in flood zones, restore Cuba’s beaches to protect them from erosion, and introduce heat-tolerant crops to protect the food supplies from droughts. Regarding public health Since the 1960s, Cuba has had programs to prevent and control infectious diseases. For instance, the national vaccination program for preventable diseases such as polio, and a malaria eradication program. People from MINSAP and CITMA collaborate to discuss the national action program related to climate change and health, to improve prevention policies and prioritize areas of research in Cuba.
Cuba believes it is important to resolve these issues regarding climate change and public health. Even though the problem continues to worsen we must find steps to solve this issue. Although there is no easy solution it is essential to protect the environment and to protect people from health risks caused by the climate crisis.

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GRCityDelegates 11/22/2023 09:02:46

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Poland
Delegate Name: Divyana Varma

Committee: World Health Organization
Topic: Pandemic Preparation
Country: Republic of Poland
Delegate: Divyana Varma
School: City High Middle School

The republic of Poland recognizes the importance of being prepared in terms of global health security. This issue is important in not just protecting those who are already sick, but those who are already at risk. Because of the extremities Covid 19 posed to all countries, it is crucial to outline a plan of preparedness should it happen again.
In 2020, a series of precautions was taken by the Ministry of Health in Poland to help counteract the effects of the virus. Temporary restrictions were made, and basic safety rules were encouraged. All in all, Poland has had a total of about 119,000 deaths, with over 55% of the population having received at least one dose of the vaccine.
During Covid, the Polish government implemented a series of regulations under the name of the Anti-Crisis Shield. This is a set of acts that were used to negate some of the numerous effects that Covid had on social and economic issues. Poland aimed at decreasing the harm to the economy, and the Anti-Crisis Shield consisted of benefits for workers. Just a few aspects of this act include the government providing financial support for employers in case of wage stoppage, care for parents who might be forced to care for kids due to the closing of schools, and healthcare protection. Compared to other European countries, Poland early on had far-reaching solutions to help mitigate Covid. On March 9th of 2020, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki decided to impose a border sanitary control at its border with Germany and Czech Republic. Poland was initially very strict on the issue. Just 6 days after the first Covid case was confirmed, all mass events were banned, and schools were closed shortly after. Social distancing measures were also put into place. Poland did very well during the first phase of Covid, but had some regulations that could have been more tightly measured.
The response of the previous Polish government was notably inaccurate in some areas. Compared to other parts of Europe, Poland had poor enforcement of regulations. This was in accordance with Poland’s old coalition. The pandemic was not really prevented, restrictions were rather adopted. Going forward with measures taken by the EU, the Civic Coalition believes in fostering an approach that is in correlation with objective scientific research. Poland believes that availability of vaccines is important, as well as establishing clinical trials. The UN should hope to increase people’s vaccination status. Being communicative is also a priority, by providing the public with information and updates; this is in conformity with the UN. The administration of vaccines to certain groups is also incredibly vital. By doing this, it ensures the safety of groups that might be more at risk. Overall, Poland is in agreement with terms underlined by the UN, and hopes to reach a solution that can and will effectively alleviate the effects of both present and future pandemics.

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RoyalOakDelegate 11/21/2023 23:33:13

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Venezuela
Delegate Name: Maddox Podmokly

Delegate name: Maddox Podmokly
Submitted To: WHO
From: The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Subject: Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention

In the growing world of ever-increasing globalization, urbanization, and climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic was the tip of the iceberg, revealing the state of the preparedness of the international community. The world was stuck in lockdown, waiting for the release of the vaccine. This shows how the lockdown saved countless lives, but the international community was unprepared for an event such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This devastated economies, leaving governments weak and unprepared to deal with the impacts of a turbulent economy.
While the pandemic crossed the world at a startlingly rapid pace, the pandemic not only caused tremendous loss of life, but a sizeable impact on countries’ economies. The pandemic ruined trade, disrupting the oil market (Venezuela’s largest domestic export), which caused a drastic decrease in our economy, only exacerbating the agricultural crisis. Assistance from the UN has been minimal, however, it is unnecessary as Venezuela already has just under half its population vaccinated. This economic strife has caused Venezuela to suffer from a devastating hunger crisis displacing more than 7.7 million people.
Venezuela is currently in a renewable 60-day state of emergency, calling upon government and military support to assist with the economic and humanitarian crisis. This has caused tensions in our government as opposing parties have been attempting to use the pandemic and the economic crisis to remove President Nicolás Maduro from office. Venezuela has suffered from a lack of preparation for the pandemic and is struggling to provide healthcare and humanitarian aid funding across the country. Venezuela is currently relying on a $700 million relief fund from the UN to help support healthcare facilities. Furthermore, this is negatively impacted by the situation of unrest in our government from opposing parties attempting to delegitimize election results. Venezuela has called for $795 million in aid to help with food security, healthcare, emergency shelters, education, and water sanitation. This aid has been given by the UN to help support individuals struggling with poverty, malnutrition, shelter, and lack of healthcare. Pandemic preparedness has not been at the forefront of Venezuela’s priorities as there are more pressing concerns with current humanitarian issues, and the effect of the pandemic was not as devastating to the people as it was to the economy. However, pandemic preparedness should remain at the forefront of solving these humanitarian issues. If we do not solve these issues and suffer another pandemic, we will be risking further lives and economic loss. Venezuela has embraced the US dollar to help combat its economic crisis, though this has not been very effective as individuals continue to struggle with money from a lack of small bills.
Venezuela calls for more aid to fund its facilities for increased capacities and supplies. This would be funding for hot meals, medical supplies, clean water, shelter, and direct money for struggling individuals. This humanitarian aid would go to individuals who could not support themselves, assisting with medical, food, and shelter payments. This aid would help us with current issues in our healthcare, leading to better preparation in case of another outbreak. This aid would also help ease tensions within our government as many controversies surround the support of people who have felt the need to leave Venezuela based on lack of support. This will help Venezuela here and now, as Venezuela is currently in no position to prepare for a pandemic with its current hardships.

-Charles, Sarah. “The United States Announces Nearly $376 Million in Additional Humanitarian Assistance for People Affected by the Ongoing Crisis in Venezuela and the Region: Press Release.” U.S. Agency for International Development, 21 Dec. 2022.
-Crisis, Venezuelan. “Venezuelan Humanitarian and Refugee Crisis – CDP.” Center for Disaster Philanthropy, 18 Sept. 2023.
-Morales, Cristian. “Appeal – Venezuela.” World Health Organization, World Health Organization, 2023.
-Otis, John. “The U.S. Predicted His Downfall, but Maduro Strengthens His Grip on Power in Venezuela.” NPR, NPR, 8 Dec. 2021.

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EastGrandRapidsDelegates 11/21/2023 22:02:26

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Russian Federation
Delegate Name: Jan Timek

Country: Russian Federation
Committee: World Health Organization
Topic: Climate Change and Public Health
Delegate: Jan Timek
School: East Grand Rapids High School
The Russian Federation, as a proactive individual from the World Health Organization (WHO), recognizes the basic convergence between environmental change and general well-being. Perceiving the critical requirement for cooperative arrangements, the Russian Federation is focused on tending to the mind-boggling difficulties presented by environmental change on the soundness of our populace. This position paper frames our position on the connection between environmental change and general well-being, alongside proposed measures to alleviate the antagonistic effects.
The environmental change represents a critical danger to worldwide general well-being, with boundless effects on irresistible sicknesses, food and water security, outrageous climate occasions, and emotional well-being. The Russian Federation perceives the requirement for an extensive way to deal with address these difficulties inside the system of the WHO.
Taking into account the tremendous geographic territory of the Russian Federation, the effects of environmental change fluctuate across districts. The special difficulties faced by changed pieces of our country will be considered in planning and executing arrangements connected with environmental change and general well-being.
The Russian Federation stresses the significance of a multi-layered approach that incorporates environmental versatility with general well-being strategies. Our position is directed by the standards of power, worldwide participation, and a guarantee to confirm based navigation.
The Russian Federation upholds the turn of events and execution of strong observation and early admonition frameworks to screen environment-related wellbeing influences and empower convenient reactions.
We perceive the requirement for upgrading the limit of medical care experts and local area pioneers to really address environment-related wellbeing challenges. Preparing projects will be started to furnish them with the fundamental information and abilities.
The Russian Federation advocates for expanded research drives to more readily figure out provincial weaknesses and to foster imaginative answers for environmental change transformation and alleviation.
Dynamic association of networks is principal. Public mindfulness missions and local area-based transformation projects will be elevated to engage people and networks to go to proactive lengths for their wellbeing and prosperity.
The Russian Federation focuses on the significance of worldwide coordinated effort in tending to the worldwide test of environmental change and its effect on general wellbeing. We support the sharing of best practices, information, and assets among WHO part states.
To guarantee the viability of proposed measures, the Russian Federation upholds the foundation of a strong observing and assessment system. Standard detailing and straightforwardness will be key parts of following progress and adjust methodologies depending on the situation.
Taking everything into account, the Russian Federation is committed to working cooperatively inside the WHO to address the multifaceted connection between environmental change and general wellbeing. By executing the proposed measures and cultivating worldwide collaboration, we accept that we can add to building a better, stronger worldwide local area.

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Kaycee Duffey 11/21/2023 20:10:55

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Argentina
Delegate Name: Eddie Wuerthele

Committee: World Health Organization
Topic: Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Argentine Republic
Delegate: Eddie Wuerthele
School: Forest Hills Northern High School

Climate Change has always been a prevalent issue that every country faces. Humans have been a great factor in how the climate has changed and in many ways, declined, for many years. Countries in Africa suffer from floods and droughts, which leads to an increase in diarrhoeal diseases. Asia suffers from animal extinction due to the animals being unable to adapt, leading to some of the buffers between humans and diseases to be no longer.. Some Oceanian countries face extinction due to the rushing sea levels, forcing inhabitants to relocate into an environment they aren’t acclimated to. The effects of humans on climate change have substantially increased since those times – two thirds of global warming has occurred since 1975. One of the many downsides to climate change is that the warm climate can cause harmful pathogens to live in the water, thus contaminating it. Combine that with the fact that water levels have decreased, and a serious social concern has arisen, as much more people become exposed to these deadly pathogens.
Argentina is one of many countries that has gas reserves and factories, which pollute the air and damages the respiratory systems of people. As Argentina has a large coast, they are also subject to being massively affected by climate change. Argentina’s mean temperatures have just increased by 0.5 degrees Celsius. Unfortunately, they have lost a considerable amount of river flow which decreases the amount of potable water and hydroelectric power generation. Also, as heat waves increase in length, agricultural production will slow and severely hurt the economy, and less people will be able to afford healthcare. Argentina currently supports its allies Spain and Brazil on their views of climate change on keeping the environment safe for it’s inhabitants. Although off to a slow start, Argentina is taking strides to help prevent climate change by reducing greenhouse gases and carbon emissions, and is hopeful for the future state of the planet and its people.
Argentina has joined many other countries by signing the Paris Climate Accords, which is attempting to keep the increase in global temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, and hopefully even below 1.5. To achieve this, countries will reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and will help fund other countries so they can do the same. The goal of the Paris agreement is to work towards using more zero-carbon solutions.
Argentina believes that full cooperation between countries is vital to making significant progress towards limiting climate change. A solid percentage of funds also needs to go towards renewable energy sources such as solar power and wind power. Money also needs to be directed towards the purification of water, as it is an invaluable source, and also a limited one. For the countries that cannot afford those resources, countries with larger money supplies need to assist them. However, most of all, Argentina is 100% willing to listen to the opinions of other countries and looks forward to solving the ever-present problem that affects our planet.

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RoyalOakDelegate 11/21/2023 16:20:14

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Ethiopia
Delegate Name: Josi Hetherington

Committee: World Health Organization
Country: Ethiopia
School: Royal Oak High School
Delegate: Josi Hetherington

Climate change has posed a serious threat to our world’s well-being, and if left unchecked will continue to create unprecedented issues. As climate change begins to increase in severity, severe weather has been seen more frequently. Firstly, an overall trend of temperature has been seen, “with the average global temperature [hitting] an all-time high”, as of the summer of 2023 (1). These record temperatures have led to an increase in droughts due to the lack of necessary moisture in the environment. In other instances, the warming atmosphere has increased evaporation, allowing for an excessive amount of rainfall. Both occurrences have been seen in countries such as the US, where excessive rainfall led to flash flooding in the east, and dry periods creating extreme droughts in the west. While these irregular weather patterns negatively affect the environment, they also greatly affect public health.
First and foremost, the increasing temperature has created new breeding grounds for mosquitos. Mosquitos are typically found in temperatures ranging from 64-93° (2). Due to adverse weather conditions, mosquito habitats are on the rise, which poses a major threat to affected communities. Mosquitos are known to transmit deadly diseases such as Malaria, Dengue, and Zika. All mentioned diseases are on the rise, and it is estimated that up to 400 million infections occur yearly from dengue alone (3). Additionally, the increased rainfall allows for the optimal breeding of mosquitoes, which will further outbreaks. Ethiopia feels strongly that the prevention of these occurrences will greatly strengthen its citizens’ health. Just last year, Ethiopia faced an outbreak of Malaria in the city of Dire Dawa, with over 2,000 cases (4). And yet, there was no formal investigation of what caused the outbreak. This issue needs to be addressed with great authority to see any change in health care.

Secondly, once again attributed to the unpredictable weather, the agricultural industry has faced major deterrents. Constant droughts have plagued many regions including Ethiopia. These droughts kill off livestock and make once dependable food unattainable for many. Food insecurity has been amplified by the continuous shortage, and the price increase has made food only available to high-income households (5). Ethiopia has struggled with poverty, and currently, 68.7% of the population faces poverty (6). Additionally, regions with excessive rainfall risk erosion of soil. This will reduce the health benefits of crops and has been contributing to malnutrition. To halt the deterioration of crop production and prevent further mosquito-related outbreaks, Ethiopia urges countries to come together in the fight for public health.
In response to the continuous outbreaks of Malaria, the United Nations (UN) has partnered with the World Health Organization (WHO) to create the Global Malaria Action Plan (GMAP). This collaboration is part of a comprehensive approach to reduce Malaria incidents, improve healthcare infrastructure, and ultimately work towards the global goal of eliminating Malaria. The action plan uses preventative measures such as the distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs), indoor residual spraying (IRS), and preventive treatment for pregnant women to reduce Malaria transmission. It has helped create tremendous progress in increasing access to diagnosis and treatments throughout all environments. The program has done this by investing in the development of rapid diagnostic tests (RTDs) and has effectively supervised the distribution of antimalarial drugs. Additionally, GMAP has worked towards empowering communities through education and awareness campaigns to better promote early treatment-seeking. All of these efforts have been funded by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), private sectors, and government aid to effectively fight Malaria (7). Moving forward, we must recognize that new areas may be subject to Malaria as well as other mosquito-transmitted diseases, and it will be of the utmost importance to expand GMAP’s influence.

Not only has the UN taken drastic actions in the fight against Malaria, but they’ve also recognized the extent to which climate change is damaging food security. With the growing reliance on crops like wheat, it is estimated that wheat production alone must increase by 60% by 2050 to account for the growing population (8). This only proves more difficult because of the unpredictable and harsh weather conditions. The UN urges to put in place early detection programs to prepare for tumultuous weather and to increase the resiliency of crops. Firstly, the UN has looked at incorporating Agroforestry into areas with surpluses of rainfall. Agroforestry plants trees among crop fields, which can help with erosion of soil. This ensures crops will keep the much-needed health benefits (9). In addition to the nutritional benefits, Agroforestry can help to combat climate change by creating “carbon sinks” on the farms. Another solution in place that has greatly helped to mitigate the effects of severe weather is insurance policies. The R4 Rural Resilience Initiative supported by the World Food Programme has supported nearly 400,000 households in financial aid after severe weather conditions (10). The program allows farmers to enroll for free, as long as they participate in risk-reduction activities. This program and the risk reduction activities work hand in hand to provide much-needed support in times of peril, and if it was further invested, the program could be offered to all countries that need it.

Not only is this a pressing health issue for Ethiopia, but it is an economic one as well. Being so heavily reliant on agriculture, Ethiopia finds it of the utmost importance to take strides in developing counteractions to severe weather conditions. To instate measures against possible outcomes, Ethiopia has partnered with the R4 program. This has created a safety net for many Ethiopian farmers, and the partnership has proved itself to be invaluable. Firstly, the program is significantly more cost-effective than prior relief initiatives. Additionally, it has helped to give Ethiopian farmers 4 useful tools for combating the adverse effects of climate change. Benefits like weather insurance for farmers, newly found access to credit, and advisors to aid in savings have all helped in the financial aspect (11). Even more so, the initiative has helped with watershed restorations as well as other environmental restoration progresses. These investments in the agricultural industry have brought stability to many Ethiopian farmers, which can be used in the event of a food crisis. The risk-reduction tasks in Ethiopia include working on seed multiplication sites, helping to build irrigation systems, and planting trees. This program has proved more than successful in Ethiopia, and in one year alone R4 assisted nearly 25,000 families.

While R4 has been a beneficial solution for many countries, Ethiopia has also focused on a more centralized action. Though droughts have become more frequent due to climate change, Ethiopia has a deep-rooted history of them. Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Africa, with ancestors dating back to the Solomon Empire (12). As such, the country holds strong cultural traditions. One tradition that has helped shape the country’s solutions to long-lasting droughts, is the production of the indigenous crop Ensete ventricosum, a banana tree that is commonly known as the “tree against hunger” (13). Not only can this crop tolerate drought, but as it’s indigenous it has built up a tolerance to diseases, making it a reliable crop in times of struggle. The plant can be processed into storable food, that is ideal for stockpiling in case of emergencies. While it’s important to continue the growth of other crops, farmers in the highlands of Ethiopia have incorporated Ensete into their crops, creating astounding biodiversity. Even better, while the crop is a perennial it can be planted at any time of the year. While the plant doesn’t produce edible fruit, farmers harvest the trunk and bulbs that are rich in carbohydrates. This plant is very cost-effective, and as little as 15 plants can feed a person for an entire year. Currently, this is only cultivated in Ethiopia, but it has the potential to be grown in many other countries. The plant already feeds 20 million of Ethiopia’s citizens but has the potential to sustain even more if growth continues.

While Ethiopia has made significant strides in creating food security, there have been major setbacks in mosquito-transmitted diseases. Countless outbreaks have arisen over the past couple of years, and many of the insurgences have been created by new, invasive species of mosquitoes. This problem has felt nearly impossible to eradicate in Ethiopia and has only become a more uphill battle. To counteract the negative progress, Ethiopia launched a larval source management pilot (LSM), which has begun to test treating the water for mosquito larvae. This solution eradicates the problem before it even begins, and has the potential to help with the new invasive species. The chemical added to the water is larvicide, and when used at recommended doses is still safe for human consumption as well as other wildlife. So far, this has been enacted in 8 major cities. Not only does it help to decrease the amount of mosquitoes, but the pilot has been collecting data to further research against mosquitoes. This data is shared with other countries looking to combat this issue, and the collaboration is a great step forward for a global solution (14).

While food insecurity and malnutrition created by climate change may be a modern problem, Ethiopia believes that tradition can contribute an indispensable solution. As learned through analyzing past UN actions, agroforestry is the usage of trees to halt soil erosion. Additionally, Ethiopian farmers have integrated biodiversity into their land by planting Ensente trees. So, to tackle both malnutrition and food insecurity, Ethiopia recommends for eligible climates to plant Esente trees in addition to current crops. This effort can be done in partnership with the R4 payment tasks. Not only will this solution help to create a long-lasting, storable food source, but if done on a large scale it can help halt the growth of climate change. Once again, agroforestry helps by creating a “carbon sink”, which can help to decrease the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Even better, farmers can start this process any time of the year thanks to the versatile abilities of the Esante plant. This means that in the off-season of farming when there is less work to be done the trees can be planted. Using this method will create a year-long food source that cannot be found in traditional crops.

Not only can traditional methods work to solve food insecurity, but they can also help create a cost-effective solution to mosquito-transmitted diseases. Essential oils extracted from Ethiopian indigenous plants such as golden flowers have long been used to repel mosquitoes. Studies have shown that essential oils have proven to be most effective in repelling mosquitoes (15). An experiment in Ethiopia used an essential oil mixture for mosquito protection and found that at 50% concentration of mosquito, the mixture offered 80% more protection over 12 hours. To further increase this, the mixture could be reapplied every 6 hours, creating an astoundingly effective protection against mosquitoes. This solution can also be made in a cost-efficient way, and could directly bolster the agricultural economy by providing grants to farmers that produce the flower. Not only would this help to protect major cities against mosquitos in a way that wouldn’t harm the environment, but it would also promote biodiversity. This solution, coupled with the continuation of Ethiopian research and LSM pilot can work to largely decrease the amount of malaria and dengue cases.

Overall, Ethiopia is a country with rich traditions that can be used to solve current issues. The country’s history offers unique vantage points, and should not be overlooked in this committee. Ethiopia recognizes how severe climate change has affected the environment, and has presented solutions that will counter the adverse effects on public health, as well as decrease the world’s carbon footprint. In moving forward with this committee, Ethiopia is looking forward to supporting and contributing to solutions that help improve access to malaria vaccines and food insecurity, so long as they are cost-efficient and available to low-income countries. We as a nation recognize the importance of coming together to present innovative solutions and believe that as a committee we can take actions to create a better future.

Works Cited
(1)”How Climate Change Is Fueling Extreme Weather.” Earthjustice, 19 July 2023, Accessed 18 Nov. 2023.
(2) MMPC. “When Do Mosquitoes Come Out? (Time of Day).” MMPC, 23 Feb. 2023, Accessed 18 Nov. 2023.
(3) Schlien, Lisa. “WHO Warns Climate Change Causing Surge in Mosquito-Borne Diseases.” World Health Organization, 10 Apr. 2023, Accessed 18 Nov. 2023.
(4) Sullivan, Will. “Invasive Mosquito Tied to Malaria Outbreak in Ethiopia.” Smithsonian, 3 Nov. 2022, Accessed 18 Nov. 2023.
(5)”Multidimensional Poverty Index 2023 Unstacking global poverty: data for high impact action.” UNDP, Accessed 18 Nov. 2023.
(6) “What You Need to Know About Food Security and Climate Change.” The World Bank, 17 Oct. 2022, Accessed 18 Nov. 2023.
(7) “The Global Malaria Action Plan (GMAP).” The United Nation Refugee Agency, Accessed 19 Nov. 2023.
(8) Porter, John Roy. “The World’s Food Supply is Made Insecure by Climate Change.” The United Nations, Accessed 19 Nov. 2023.
(9) Hobert, Ryan, and Christine Negra. “CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE FUTURE OF FOOD.” United Nation Foundation, 1 Sept. 2020, Accessed 19 Nov. 2023.
(10)”The R4 Rural Resilience Initiative.” World Food Programme, Accessed 19 Nov. 2023.
(11)”Four simple strategies which are helping Ethiopian farmers adapt to climate change.” Oxfam International, Accessed 20 Nov. 2023.
(12)”Ethiopia.” CultureGrams Online Edition, ProQuest, 2023, Accessed 14 November 2023.
(13)Gardens, Royal Botanic. “Ethiopian crop ‘enset’ identified as climate coping strategy in drought-prone regions.” PHYS, 23 Nov. 2022, Accessed 20 Nov. 2023.
(14) USAID. “An Invasive Mosquito Threatens the Progress to End Malaria in Africa.” Medium, 5 Oct. 2022, Accessed 20 Nov. 2023.
(15) Kaliyaperumal Karunamoorthi, et al. “Mosquito Repellent Activity of Essential Oil of Ethiopian Ethnomedicinal Plant against Afro-tropical Malarial Vector Anopheles Arabiensis.” Journal of King Saud University – Science, vol. 26, no. 4, Oct. 2014, pp. 305-10, Accessed 20 Nov. 2023.

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KalamazooCentralDelegates 11/21/2023 15:42:56

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: United States of America
Delegate Name: Jonah Mechtenberg-Berrigan

Model UN Position Paper
United States of America
WHO Climate Change and Public Health

Climate change has been an issue plaguing the world for a long time. When industrialization began in the 18th century, nations all around the world became dependent on fossil fuels, without knowing the effects of them. In 1938, climate change was discovered as a result of this dependence on fossil fuels. These fossil fuels have created an excess of carbon dioxide in the upper atmosphere, which traps heat on the surface of the planet. This causes a plethora of environmental issues. As the United States of America, our goal is to help the world lower its climate emissions. We would like to keep the global temperature change beneath 1.5 degrees Celsius, and to eliminate global climate emissions by 2050.
Personally, the United States has set goals to reduce carbon emissions within the U.S. by 50% of the emissions in 2005. We are also quadrupling support for developing countries, and plan on adding even more support in the coming years. Much of this progress came from the IRA (Inflation Reduction Act) passed in 2022. The United States carbon emissions have decreased ever since its high in 2007 of about 8 billion metric tons. Over the pandemic, there was a sharp decline in emissions due to a drastic decrease in travel around the country.
Of course, there have been many previous UN actions on climate change. The most significant was the Paris Agreement of 2016. 195 parties are a part of this agreement, including the United States.
The Paris Agreement sets in place a plan to keep the global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees celsius. Each party has individual 5-year goals they are expected to meet, and submit a 5-year Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) report. This is a report on the country’s emissions, actions they are taking to reduce emissions, and actions they are taking to build resilience to the higher temperatures climate change is bringing.
Although the United States is the largest overall contributor to climate change, and has the second highest annual carbon emissions, we are committed to helping reduce climate change. We have seen the effects of climate change: higher average temperatures, more extreme weather cycles including some of the coldest and hottest recorded temperatures, and a large increase in deadly storm systems like hurricanes and tornadoes.
With the highest GDP and the most donations towards the carbon-neutral goal, the United States places extreme importance on this meeting. We would like to find the most efficient and effective way to use donations to reduce carbon emissions. The U.S. also has goals to encourage many countries to take increased loans from the World Bank to build sustainable climate infrastructure, and share climate data. The goal at this meeting is for all countries to convene, survey the effects of climate change so far, and determine how to proceed to best reduce carbon emissions and keep the global temperature index within the 1.5 degrees celsius goal.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/21/2023 14:48:34

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Ghana
Delegate Name: Macie Minor

Macie Minor,
Williamston High School
Republic of Ghana
World Health Organization
Climate Change and Public Health

In this day and age, there is one issue that rises above all, so terrible that it unites even the closest of enemies: global warming. Now, some countries merely have to lessen their carbon emissions and adjust their use of fossil fuels, but the Republic of Ghana is in a far more dire position. Situated next to the Gulf of Guinea, Ghana’s economy is heavily based on its environment through imports and exports. Already sitting on an unsound economy, Ghana is a slip up away from a nationwide catastrophe. With over 21% of Ghanaian economy dependent on agriculture, and another 29% dependent on exports and imports of goods such as cocoa. If climate change goes unchecked, Ghana will be a country that will greatly suffer socially, politically, and economically.

The Republic of Ghana has already made efforts into addressing climate change by signing the Paris Agreement, working with the UNFCCC, and passing around forty-seven environmental actions. It’s predicted that by 2080, the sea level around Ghana will rise by 40 centimeters (15.748 inches), ruining any kind of coastal city livelihoods. It is also predicted that Ghana will lose 70% of food and clean water sources. The Republic of Ghana has suffered immensely from effects caused by climate change; erosion, decimation of resources, and the sinking of literal villages will increase. Due to the environment suffering, the rates of violence and crimes within Ghana have increased. Spanning from a long history of complex politics, Ghanaian farmers and miners incomes are threatened by incoming policies. Due to certain mines containing dangerous levels of raw mercury and farmers’ lands being ruined, tensions have risen. Localized conflicts are what is fueling the fire of nation-wide violence. From goals as expressed by the Ghanaian president, shifting society towards a route of a low carbon society and greater health is what Ghana is trying to reach. It is difficult to say the least. Farmers and herders have already lost substantial portions of land and animals from the lack of usable land due to inconsistent rainfall.

The Republic of Ghana is looking for assistance. As much as the government is trying its best to adapt and seamlessly shift over to a greener society, the Ghanaian economy cannot handle it, on its own. The need for help rises every day, due to global warming Ghana no longer experiences its usual rainfall which crops are dependent on, and builds tension which leads to nationwide violence. Campaigns have already been put into action, but they are still too small and improperly funded, there’s not much that can be done. Without the help from other countries, by the end of the century Ghana could experience a mass starvation, resource depletion, and countrywide endangerment.

BBC. “Ghana Country Profile.” BBC News, 1 May 2018,
Strouboulis, Anastasia, et al. “Conflict Prevention, Climate Change, and Why Ghana Matters Now.”, Mar. 2023,

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/21/2023 10:20:53

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Denmark
Delegate Name: Jennasee Hollingworth

According to UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, climate change has passed the point of no return. As it worsens, public health becomes more vulnerable, especially for people living in poverty. The climate crisis is responsible for climbing rates of poor air quality, malnutrition, and dangerous living conditions, damaging public health globally. The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that about 250,000 additional deaths occur annually due to the increased malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea, and heat stress caused by climate change.

To combat the climate crisis that is killing so many, Denmark has enacted the 2020 Climate Act. Its goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70% by 2030 in comparison to its levels in 1990. Denmark is also following European Union regulations concerning climate change such as reducing fluorinated greenhouse gas emissions by two-thirds by 2030 in comparison to 2009-2012 levels. Denmark also adopted the Danish Strategy for Adaptation to a Changing Climate in 2008, which focuses on 11 different vulnerabilities and identifies solutions and strategies to increase resilience. Later in 2012, the Action Plan for a Climate-Proof Denmark was implemented, which includes 64 initiatives for improving the climate adaptation framework, expanding knowledge, strengthening collaboration, advancing sustainability, and adapting international climate change impacts. Denmark is specifically impacted by the 20% in precipitation since the 1870s. Living conditions become more dangerous as the risk of flood rises.

Denmark encourages more urgency in climate change strategizing. The number of deaths per year due to the unbearable effects of climate will only worsen if action toward sustainable practices is not taken aggressively and promptly, and that action will not be effective without coordination between nations. Though many scientists have declared that the world is past the point of no return in terms of the climate crisis, Denmark believes that hope should not be lost. Even if the Earth cannot be restored to how it once was, it can still see dramatic improvement and we can still make an effort to stop worsening its condition. Only then will public health follow suit. Denmark acknowledges that our economic status and high quality of living create a very different perspective than nations with higher rates of poverty and that people living in poverty are disproportionately impacted by the health issues related to climate change. Denmark is very open to hearing perspectives from countries with higher poverty rates and collaborating with fellow members of NATO.

Works Cited

Climate and Clean Air Coalition. “Denmark | Climate & Clean Air Coalition.”, Accessed 14 Nov. 2023.

International Energy Agency. “Denmark Climate Resilience Policy Indicator – Analysis.” IEA, Feb. 2023, Accessed 14 Nov. 2023.

United Nations. “Climate Crisis Past Point of No Return, Secretary-General Says, Listing Global Threats at General Assembly Consultation on “Our Common Agenda” Report | UN Press.”, 10 Mar. 2022, Accessed 14 Nov. 2023.

World Health Organization. “Climate Change.”, 12 Oct. 2023, Accessed 14 Nov. 2023.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/21/2023 08:07:36

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Belgium
Delegate Name: Vivienne Grzelak

Delegate: Viv Grzelak
School: Williamston High School
Country: Belgium
Committee: WHO
Topic: Climate Change and Public Health

The effects of climate change have affected Belgium, but not in a big way. Climate change has messed with our water irrigation system in the Loam region of Belgium, one of our most agriculture heavy areas.
Another issue is extreme weather. Most of the year Belgium is very average when it comes to weather, mild winters and cool summers, but when extreme weather comes into Belgium it can be very bad for farms and for urbanized areas. The extreme weather has caused flooding in urbanized and rural areas in Belgium.

These issues are obviously a big problem that there’s a flooding situation in Belgium. Right now the flooding is fairly well contained, with it only affecting one region of the country, and luckily it’s not even the most agriculturally used area of the country. The main issue is the waterways and the irrigation system of the country is getting too much water.

With Belgium being so closely tied to NATO and the EU, the government has close ties to several nations with plans for climate change. However, with Belgium not having a big problem with climate change there is not a really huge plan to fix it. However Belgium would be willing to offer some support for countries that are struggling more with this issue.

Woldeamlak, S. T., et al. “Effects of Climate Change on the Groundwater System in the Grote-Nete Catchment, Belgium – Hydrogeology Journal.” SpringerLink, Springer-Verlag, 1 Feb. 2007,
Latte, Nicolas, et al. “Major Changes in Growth Rate and Growth Variability of Beech (Fagus Sylvatica L.) Related to Soil Alteration and Climate Change in Belgium.” MDPI, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 8 Aug. 2016,
Baguis, P., et al. “Climate Change Scenarios for Precipitation and Potential Evapotranspiration over Central Belgium – Theoretical and Applied Climatology.” SpringerLink, Springer Vienna, 6 May 2009,
Berrang-Ford, L., et al. “Farm-Level Adaptation to Climate Change: The Case of the Loam Region in Belgium.” Agricultural Systems, Elsevier, 28 June 2018,
Brouyere, Serge, et al. “Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater Resources: Modelled Deficits in a Chalky Aquifer, Geer Basin, Belgium – Hydrogeology Journal.” SpringerLink, Springer-Verlag, 11 Dec. 2003,
Campioli, Matteo, et al. “Current Status and Predicted Impact of Climate Change on Forest …” Current Status and Predicted Impact of Climate Change on Forest Production and Biogeochemistry in the Temperate Oceanic European Zone: Review and Prospects for Belgium as a Case Study, 28 June 2010,
Happaerts, Sander, et al. “Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations: The Multi-Level Politics Of …” Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations: The Multi-Level Politics of Climate Change Policy in Belgium, 7 Dec. 2012,

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Celia Kaechele 11/20/2023 13:59:56

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Rwanda
Delegate Name: Adam Bonde

When discussing climate change we are referring to a long-term alteration in our earth’s weather patterns; this generally occurs over decades. There is an array of ways climate change is caused, although the most notable are human actions; for example, the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes which all release what are called greenhouse gasses. All of these behaviors lead to not only drastic weather changes but also affect socio-economic endeavors. Rwanda realizes that climate change not only affects the weather but also our own public and personal well-being; namely extreme weather events like heavy rain, and storms can pose an issue for physical safety but also could cause displacement or trauma which yields issues for mental health and feelings of safety. Climate change also causes an uprising in respiratory health like asthma or chronic lung conditions from pollution and a heavy increase in heat.

With all of this in mind, Rwanda has demonstrated a very strong commitment to reconcile these dilemmas, thus creating a multifaceted plan to address climate change and its deadly outcomes. This plan is referred to as the Green Growth and Climate Resilience Strategy, bestowing a comprehensive framework for climate action, renewable energy, the promotion of sustainable agriculture, as well as a ban on plastic bags. Rwanda’s undertakings also provide tree-planting initiatives, Rwanda also engaged with global climate agreements like the Paris Agreement, they strive to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions considerably. The reality of climate change on public health is stark, with worldwide impact severely increasing every day the aspiration to solve all of these issues is undeniably problematic. Though implementing Rwanda’s strategies ungently could largely benefit our goals to eradicate public health concerns.

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Celia Kaechele 11/20/2023 13:54:32

Topic: 2023-Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Turkey
Delegate Name: Rocco Morrow

Climate Change has proved itself to be a disastrous and deadly global phenomenon. Not only is it destroying natural beauties and habitats, but it is also responsible for a rise in infectious diseases. The effects of climate change have expanded geographical areas in which mosquitoes inhabit. Mosquitoes carry such infectious diseases as dengue fever and malaria. Natural hazards such as air quality, unsafe drinking water, and extreme natural events have taken precedence in the minds of many, with lots of people worried about climate change and how its effects will hurt the world. With this in mind, it is important to look at the preventative measures that Turkey has taken in creating a better and much greener earth.
The people of Turkey were subjected to some horrible things in 2021. The country was wrought with the heaviest wildfires and rains that they had seen in centuries. Due to this, many people were killed, many businesses and places of residence were destroyed, and many people began to worry. In lieu of this, Turkey decided to ratify the Paris Agreement on climate change, and vowed to get to a net zero carbon emissions by 2054. According to the World Bank, “The MoU provides a framework for the World Bank and other signatories to provide technical assistance and additional development financing of $3.2 billion and to help mobilize private finance for projects supporting Türkiye’s enhanced nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Strategy (LTS) towards achieving carbon neutrality by 2053.” With this in mind, Turkey stands to serve as a point of research and learning for other countries as of how to combat global climate change.

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